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Is that straight jacket for me?
Just the writing of a teenager as her mental health slowly dissloves . Yay me!
A magical fairy tale thing
Far away in the land where it always rains, there is a magical town called Bonny Lake.In this place of magic and wonder there are walnuts, nasty apples and "grapes".
Pizza huts appear and disappear! Teenagers are all rabid. Its true. I saw it with my own eyes. eek
I know this all sounds wonderful, but unfortunately Pirates raided Bonny Lake and stole the corn crops. So then there rioting and fires on the highway. The teenagers started attacking each other and committing acts of cannibalism. Bonny Lake is kind of a dangerous place to live now. So sucks to be Bonny lakeians.

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Strawberry Milk Sharpie
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jul 07, 2008 @ 06:19pm
Lol Jas. Good times. x]

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 22, 2009 @ 08:24am
HEY THERE long time no see ...................... well i geuss it actually would be "long time no write" miss me at all ????? just saying hey an all seeya

Community Member
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