You may find that the world has changed .. |
song+ Houses of Healing // RotK book+ Half-Blood Prince scent+ neh quest+ finding the mouse! @.@ upper+ Seeing meh Ryuukun ^o^ downer+ no mouse ;_; attire+ seepy cloths @.@ drink+ none .. coffee soon =D
Well ... >_. I'm using evil auntie's laptop. It's verrah fast, but exceedingly annoying to use, being as I hate the keyboard and the touchpad makes my thumb hurt. x_x;; But seeing as El Retardo took the mouse, and grandmum keeps wanting to use the phone, I have to use this compuu and the shiny DSLness. Hope auntie stays away for a while. -o-;;
But besides that crap I'm feeling quite wonderful. ^^ *dancedance* Because I got to spend two whole blessed days with my Ryuukun. YAY! ^o^ I feel like my heart is just melting. @.@ I love him more than anything. heart
Saber just jumped over the fence in the hallway. xD He was like 'I'm getting the hell out of here!' xDD Silly toothless cat. Rand says he'll gum me to death If I'm not careful. xD Rand is also singing 'Listen to Your Heart' xD by Roxie apparently? XDDD Such a goofy freak. He's even putting emotion into it. XDD *dies*
Yay that people are starting to realize how absolutely retarded Bush is. xD Whoo!
Fun random tests:
a Knight Captain You scored 9 Honor, 7 Justice, 5 Adventure, and 2 Individuality! Some knights follow the orders given them. Some know when to improvise. The second sort are the ones that grow to power, to become leadeers and Knight Captains. Your sense of duty, honor and justice speaks that your name should be amongst their ranks. Get your squire, your banner, your armor and your sword. You're gonna do just fine.
 The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test
The Angel Test
 Gabriel Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of mercy and harmony, and the protector of all that is pure and innocent. He assists humans in developing and utilizing their intuitive ability and grants wisdom in interpreting dreams and visions. Gabriel assists us in the realization of our total potential, and harmonizes all necessary factors which will aid us in achieving your goals. He takes away sorrow and helps us find happiness, offers inspiration and divine inner strength during times when there appears to be little to be joyful about, and diminishes self-destructive tendencies by replacing them with gentle growth of new hope.
Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine. So he is especially able to help with inner communications between our conscious and subconscious, as well as provide practical support for effective communications in our outer, day-to-day life. He supports artists in expressing themselves, helps them to think clearly and encourages them to remain with their ideas until their masterpiece is finished. He is the Patron Angel of writers and journalists whom he aids in getting their messages out to the world.
One of Gabriel's tasks is to guide the souls of unborn babies through their mothers pregnancy. He spends the nine months informing the new person of what he or she will need to know on Earth, and just before its birth he will silence the child by pressing his finger onto the child's lips in order to ensure the safety of the secrets of divine wisdom, thus producing the cleft below a person's nose. It is called the "Sign of Gabriel's Touch".
A Bit of Trivia:
Gabriel is one of the four greatest Archangels, the other three being Raphael, Michael, and Uriel. Just like Ariel and Jophiel, Gabriel is sometimes referred to as a female. He corresponds with the Water signs, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. He is considered the Angel of the Moon and thus the ruler of Monday, the day of gentleness and intuition. His symbols are the chalice and fountain representing purification and rejuvenation, but also the white lily and jasmine standing for purity. He can be seen on the Tarot card Key 20 - Judgement, which shows him in his role as the resurrecting force. This card causes confusion as the trumpet is generally though of as a symbol of the angel Israfel. Who is your patron angel?
The Viscount · Thu Aug 25, 2005 @ 06:07pm · 6 Comments |