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View User's Journal

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Aaaugh... We've got to stop meeting like this. (he says to no one in particular)

How long have I been gone now? A month? Beelzebub, I've got to log in more often. Right now I'm catching up with the world.

On another note, It's almost the Firth of July. Woot, let's blow stuff up! Like a true patriot!
On another another note, my avatar... IS boring. VERY boring. I suppose this was good as an experiment, but now I'm afraid the thing's reached a level of mundanity that does naught but put bruises on mine eyes. Time for a Renaissance! (maybe) (If I remember)
(This time)

(I REALLY hope so)

On another another another note, it's another hot day in the Valley. Whoopee. I think I'll take a five minute breather as to not melt alive in this little room. In the meantime, helpful hints for nerds in the know!