Hey it's me again. I'm sick and tiered of people whi think emos are wierd, I mean so what if we'er differet that doesn't give people the right to pick on us. And not ALL emos cut themselves we have feelings too and the reason we are so depressed is becuase we have had a hard life may it be death in the family,or people at school picking on us,or even we have had our "back-stabbed" by a close friend/relitive. But people out there need to give us a break, and no not most or all emos are gay/lez/bi thts just a few of us(no i'm not any of those i'm straght)are but when are we going to catch a break.So I come to you whith this entry to say EMOS ARE PEOPLE TOO!!!!!!!!!
LittleJuggalette_420 Community Member |
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