I'm starting to find that the more i learn about the atrocities that occur in this world.. the less i have faith in the human species. I'm a wiccan and i understand that everything must have a balance, everything must have an opposite, so i understand that evil must exist. But the more i hear about the evils in this world and all the horrific things that happen to innocent children, of all people.. i see less and less good working against it.
And even though that gets me down and makes me worry that the little i do is meaningless, i realize that everyone who has enough good in them to help will do what they can. I know I'm a good person and that the little I do can in fact help - maybe not directlly solve the problem but at least make the problem known and maybe find more people who will help.
My faith in our species may waver, yes... but i know there are still those who counteract the bad. And there always will be - there must always be a balance.
I collect pets! (Items and feedable/breedable ones)
Sadly no one can directly fix the problems of others, one can only give them the proper tools to help them take care of it with there own power, there is no weakness in asking for the help of others, only weakness in taking advantage of those who give there help. You do not need me to sit here and tell you your doing a lot more then most are willing to do for those people. Even if its slow, the fact you raising the awareness of the atrocities taking place around the world, outside the safety of our homes, is a amazing thing. Action without enough people with the strong convictions to back it, is meaningless. And i believe that ideals if backed with true conviction like yours, is contagious, it will awaken the good that we as a race for the most part are all capable of. That is the power of your convictions, and i hope i have the honor of seeing your ideals spread and change the way people think about whats going on outside there door.
Qultada · Community Member · Thu May 08, 2008 @ 02:37pm