Disney and Sataism
This made me laugh for like 10 minutes, swear to god
Okay you kno what I relized, I havent posted my dreams lately
So here we go
One, I was watching Indiana Jones, and that was really cool, let me tell you, but Im not going into detail about that
Two, I was this noblewoman who's father was going to make her marry this total jerk off, but then I ran away, and then my best friend was going to get married, since I wasnt there, so I couldnt let that happen, so I went back, and tried to save, her, but she turned into a b***h, and let my father recapture me, but then this guy who looked like the actor off of the new movie IronMan, came and rescued me, but when we were running along the street, he stopped at a carrage, and let these two thugs out of it, and they started attacking me, and he wouldnt help, so I beat the two thugs, (dont ask me how) and they decided they would go for the "Iron Man" so they started beating him up, but I scared them off, and Then I knelt down beside IronMan and he had a broken rib, and I had magic to fix him so I did, and then he was like "I LOVE YOU" only not like that, and then we had sex....
That may be the longest run-on sentence in the history of all mankind....
My hands hurt
Wildwood_Dancing · Mon May 05, 2008 @ 01:25am · 0 Comments |