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hope dat u like my stories!!!
after i checked on mistridge, i padded over 2 were mother lay still unconcious.i prodded her.wen she didnt respond, i prodded her again.this time, she opend her eyes.nightpaw!!!she gasped.r u ok? vyes mother im fine.then i explained 2 her what had happend while she waz out.wheni had finished, she got up and i followed her over 2 the aprenntices den were starpaw lay trembling. wen he looked up and saw that it was just me and mother, he got up and coverd both of us in liks.nightpaw!!!i heard some1 call my name. i turned around 2 c cinderwolf in the enterance. oh thank moonclan that u r alive!!!we pased whitemoon on the way bak and wen we saw sharpclaw dead in his jaws,i ran all the way bak here while whitemoon explained 2 the others wat had happend. i waz so afrai that he might have hurt u or some1 else. thats y i didnt stik around 2 here wat whitemoon said 2 the others.dont worry cinderwolf,i said as i padded up 2 her and touched noses with her,were all sorry 2 have worried u. i added,cing that she was not beliving that i waz ok.her looked sofend and then she beckond me outside.i looked bak 2 were blackflower and starpaw were only 2 c that both my mother and brothr were asleep. as we walked outside, i saw that father and the rest of the hunting patrol waz back and that darkwolf was just walking outside the nursery with mistridge and there pup, silverpup beside him.everything seemed bak 2 normal.lets go take a tour of the territory!!!said cinderwolf.ok. i replied.

time 2 go!!!hope u enjoyed!!! heart