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View User's Journal

I write poems and random thoughts here
A Cure For Insanity.

Is this real ?
It's not just my imagination anymore.
Is this happening to me ?
There's more to this, than you'll ever know.

Is there a cure,
for insanity ?

I've gotten so sick,
of everyone and everything.
Your blood is toxic,
to those not immune.

I've gotten so sick of being
labeled as a follower.
But it'll all be over soon.

Self mutilation.
A result of today's society.
No one will listen.
As you're devoured by anxiety.

So choke down the medication.
The only way to conquer depression.
But not your endless insanity.
Cause those doctors don't really care.
About some suicidal freak,
they just want their money.

Please help.
I'm lost, and confused.
I don't know who I am anymore.
My memory was shattered when I fell from hell.
But there's more to this, than you'll ever know.

Is there a cure,
for insanity ?

Your so sick of everyone and everything.
So sick, for people assuming.

You're puking while you bleed.
Did you mean to mislead ?
Now they're all worried.
But you swear it's not true.
That wouldn't happen.
No, not to you.

Self mutilation.
A result of today's society.
No one will listen.
As you're devoured by anxiety.

So is there a cure for insanity ?

Thanks for reading ! biggrin