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The Tales of Zegwar
I can go anywhere I want to do just by imagining it, if you'd like to join me all you have to do is believe. So read what I write, even those few that aren't about my make-believe world of Zegwar. I promise, fun awaits those who dare enter my mind...
Introducing the Lookout Guard: PART THREE
As usual patrol was long and annoying. It was mostly a lot of walking. They checked the usual haunts such as graveyards, mortuaries and morgues to check for any vampires or other unusual deaths and then did a once around the hospital, stopping briefly at the ER to see if there were any unique or strange injuries. There was nothing interesting going on and Josh was so tense because he was looking for the girl that he would’ve welcomed a demon attack. And because for once in his dreadful life he was not ready for a fight but was actually looking for one he found no opponents. They didn’t run into a single vampire or other worldly best. There was also no sign of the girl. He asked around wherever he went but the description that he had was basically generic. He didn’t know anything about her. He could assume that she was a demon hunter but that was only an assumption. It would be hard for him to believe that she was anything else though, considering how she’d handled those vampires the night before.
Just when he was ready to give up and go home he, Ethan and Connor walked past some loud commotions. They were on their way to The Diner when they passed an empty street. As they drew near it a door to one of the buildings was thrown open. If Josh remembered it correctly it was one of the bars. The light from inside shot sharply through what had been only seconds before a perfectly dark street where there was no possibility of a passerby seeing anything at all within its depths. But now everything was illuminated including the two people standing in the doorway of the bar. One was a reasonably short girl who dwarfed by a fairly tall and overweight African-American man.
“Go, get out of here, go home kid,” bellowed the man.
“Nnno,” said the girl slowly.
“You’re drunk and underage, now get out!” He shoved her out into the street, where she stumbled around to stay upright.
“HEY! That’s nnnot -,” said the girl, slurring her words slightly as she stepped towards the door only to have it slammed in her face, “Nnice.” She staggered in place as she stared at the door as she swayed. She took a few less than graceful steps away from the door. That was when Josh recognized her as the girl from before.
“Oh my god,” said Josh, “It’s her.”
“Her?” asked Ethan, “That’s the girl who killed the vamps?”
“She doesn’t appear to be that strong,” said Connor.
“HEY!” yelled Josh as he ran towards her. She stopped and even though her back was to him he could tell that she was looking for the source of his voice. It took her a minute to turn around and spot him. By the time she did he already standing right in front of her, staring at her.
“What?” asked the girl.
“I’m Josh, we met last night,” said Josh but she just stared at him blankly, “Do you remember?”
“No.” She turned and started walking away.
“Wait!” She didn’t stop until he placed a hand on her shoulder. That was his first mistake. The girl went tense instantly and jumped out of his grasp, turning toward him.
“Don’t - don’t touch me.” She looked at him again as she back away from him slowly. Apparently she’d perceived him as a threat.
“Wow, sorry.” He held up his hands to show that he was being friend and wouldn’t attack. She stared at his hands. Then he began to approach her again, this time slower. That was his second mistake. The moment he put his first foot down the girl reacted. Her hand shot up and gripped his throat as she pinned him to the wall of the bar.
“JOSH!” yelled Ethan. Connor rushed into action and charged the girl pinning his friend to the wall. But the girl easily dodged his attack as she swerved out of his path. He passed right in front of her and as he did so she landed a solid punch on the back of his neck that sent him tumbling to the ground. But she had to release Josh to do this so he slumped over in his spot and she backed away from him. Ethan stared at her as she spun on the pot and hit the ground. Josh forced himself to move and looked at the girl. She had passed out.
“s**t,” moaned Connor as he also strained his muscles to get back to his feet. She was out cold and his neck was throbbing like it’d been shot. It’d happened so fast he didn’t understand how or what had occurred.
“Are you okay?” asked Josh.
“I’ll live,” said Connor as he rubbed his neck, “You?”
“No harm down.” Josh rubbed his own neck where she’d grabbed him. He looked at the girl, she was strong, that was for sure. And she smelled horribly of alcohol.
“What do we do now?” asked Ethan.
“Let’s head to The Diner, wake her up and put some caffeine in her system. I got her.” He easily lifted her up. She wasn’t all that heavy, in fact he got the impression that most of what appeared to be her weight wasn’t hers at all but that of weaponry that was often found on demon hunters.
Luckily they weren’t attacked on the way to The Diner. Josh highly doubted they would’ve been victorious in their current state. What with him carrying the girl and Connor being surprising sore. When the walked in Holly greeted them and helped them over to a booth as people stared at them. Josh suddenly got the idea that coming there hadn’t been his best idea. Once Holly brought a mug of coffee for the girl and a jar of aspirin Josh began to try to wake her. He shook her only a couple of times before she moaned and began to stir. In a few minutes she sat up.
“What happened?” asked the girl as she grabbed her head. Her hood fell back and she grabbed her hair near the scalp, seriously disturbing it. Josh was shocked to realize that what he’d mistaken for black hair was actually a not all that dark brown.
“Here, take these,” said Holly softly as she pushed the plate with the coffee and aspirin on it towards her.
“Who are you?” She looked at Josh and he thought he saw recognition spark behind her dark eyes.
“I’m Josh.” She moaned again and grabbed the aspirin. She violently took the cap off and pressed the jar to her lips and tilted her head back, swallowing what she could. He stared at her; there was no way that that was healthy. She grabbed the coffee and took a sip. Then she began to look around herself.
“Where am I?”
“It’s my diner,” said Holly and she looked at her, “I’m Holly.” She took a large gulp of her coffee and showed no signs that the heat bothered her. Still there was something about it that she didn’t like.
“This isn’t Irish Coffee.”
“The last thing you need is more beer,” said Ethan and she glared at him.
“Who are you to decide that for me?”
“You can’t be older than fifteen.”
“So? Who are you?”
“I’m Ethan and this is Connor.” She looked at Connor, who said nothing.
“And you are?” asked Josh.
“What? We’re supposed to guess?”
“You can.” He looked at her; she wasn’t exactly what he imagined. He’d imagined someone nice considering that she’d saved him but she was rude.
“What?” asked Holly and the girl easily finished off her coffee and stood up, “Where do you think you’re going?”
“To find another bar, thanks for the coffee, how much do I owe you?” She dug in her pocket as they all looked at her blankly. Josh couldn’t imagine why she was acting this way; he didn’t know anyone who did.
“You think we’re going to let you go?”
“I don’t see where it’s any of your business or how you intend to stop me.”
“You don’t think we can?” asked Connor and she looked at them.
“No.” She slid out of the booth and he placed a hand on her.
“You’re staying.”
“No.” She bent his arm back and shoved him, sending him flying and attracting people’s attention. She then turned and walked calmly towards the door but Josh couldn’t let her leave. He had to find out what The Seer had meant.
“Wait, isn’t there something we can do to make you stay?”
“No.” She said it so definitely he couldn’t feel anyway to argue with her. She said it like it was an absolute fact.
“But-,” stammered Josh, she was already to the door and he just had to stop her, “But The Seer said-.” She stopped dead in her tracks.
“Seer?” She turned and looked at him. He held back a sigh of relief.
“Yeah, this Seer came up to me yesterday and told me that I had to find you.”
“She was wrong.” She turned away and Josh knew that he was grasping at straws.
“How do you know?”
“I just – I just do, okay?”
“Explain it to me, please?” They looked into each other’s eyes and he watched as he slowly won her over.
“Can I have some more coffee?”
“Sure,” said Holly and she got up and dived behind the counter. Josh led her back to their booth as Connor approached slowly, watching her and wondering if she was going to hurt him some more.
“So what do you know about what The Seer told me?”
“What did she tell you, exactly?”
“You don’t know? Then how do you she’s wrong?”
“Well it could be a good number of things, all of which are wrong.”
“A good number of things?” asked Josh as they sat down.
“There are a lot of, um, Seers out there. What did yours say?”
“That I had to find you and protect so you could do something important,” said Josh and she let out a small laugh, “What?”
“YOU protect ME!? That’s ridiculous I can take care of myself!” Josh looked at the jar of aspirin that she’d practically swallowed and wondered briefly how anyone could do that and survive.
“And I see you’re doing such a terrific job.” He was clearly thinking about what he’d seen outside the bar. She slanted her eyes at him and he shivered.
“Don’t judge me, you don’t know me.”
“Speaking of which, aren’t you going to tell me your name?”
“Aren’t you going to guess?”
“Guess?” asked Josh and he realized that she was being completely serious. He hadn’t taken the time before but now he began to study her face. It wasn’t like his or anyone else he’d ever met. It was worn, tired and overall stone-like. It had scars that blended into her pale flesh but were nonetheless present. Her features were dull and she’d completely lost the brilliance of her youth. Her eyes were not only powerful tools the way she used them but they also reflected her apparently great wisdom and some of what had most likely been horrible tragedies that she had faced. She didn’t really look like she was fifteen. She seemed so much older.
“So what do want from me?” asked the girl. He realized that he’d been staring at her and she’d noticed but no longer seemed to care much either way.
“What’s so important that you have to do?”
“That’s not really any of your business.” He looked at her.
“Are you going to tell me anything?”
“You have to ask the right questions.”
“What is this? Some sort of retarded fairy tale?”
“Dear god no, this is some sort of retard life.”
“Excuse me?”
“Never mind. Again I ask what is that you require?”
“Why would The Seer say that?”
“She, like all of the others of her kind, likes to meddle where she doesn’t belong. You have no responsibility to protect me, I assure you. So if that’s why you helped me you didn’t have to but thanks anyway. I guess I’ll see you around.” She started to stand.
“Wait, please.” She looked at him and sighed as she took her seat again.
“At least tell me why you saved me last night.”
“Huh?” She gawked at him. She clearly had no idea what he was talking about.
“Last night, me and my friend Andy were attacked by five vamps, you dusted them.” She stared him, looking intently at his face, making him extremely uncomfortable.
Options: Attach SignatureEntry Privacy: PublicFriendsPrivate “That’s where I know you from!” yelled the girl at the top of her lungs, startling everyone, “Thank god! I thought you were one of the note-.” She stopped herself mid?word. They looked at her.
“Huh? ‘Note-,’ what?”
“Never mind,” said the girl as she instantly seemed to lighten up, “If you’re being nice because I saved you, don’t sweat it. I didn’t even mean to. But we’re even, right?”
“What do you mean you didn’t mean to?”
“Hey, I don’t really do this magical stuff anymore but if I see someone in like actual mortal danger too many years of training aren’t going to let me just stand by and let it happens. It sucks actually. So last night I just happened on you and your friend and did what came naturally. People don’t think it’s very smart, seeing as I’m retired and all, I could’ve walked away but that’s not me, you see?”
“Huh?” He looked at her. One word had jumped out amongst the one she had spoken. It was “retired”. She was retired. But she was so young and he’d never met a retired magical, so few of them existed and he didn’t understand how some how who was most likely a year or so younger than him could be one.
“Sorry, to burst your bubble.”
“Wait, you mean to say that you just happened to be walking down the street, you just happened to see me and Andy getting attacked by those vampire and you just happened to have a crossbow on you?”
“Pretty much.”
“What?” asked Josh. He just looked at her some more and when he didn’t stop Holly came by with the coffee.
“Here you go,” said Holly and it set her coffee down.
“Thanks but I better be going. Don’t worry not to bar.” She’d anticipated Holly’s question before she could even think it up.
“Why? What happened?” asked Holly and she looked at Josh, “What did you do?”
“ME? I didn’t do anything. She -.”
“Wait, stay,” said Holly.
“Nah, I’ve done what I needed to do. I better be off before-.” Again she stopped herself before finishing the statement.
“Before what?”
“Nothing. Like I said, later.” The way she said later clearly implied that she had no intention of seeing any of them later. She wanted to get away from them.
“If you stay we can play a game,” said Holly.
“I’m not all that into games.”
“I’ll bet you something.”
“What could you have that I could want?” asked the girl, “And what could I have that you could want?”
“Let’s just play cash.”
“I gamble with my life, never my money.”
“I bet I can guess your name.” The girl froze.
“Oh that’s not fair. Apparently you know who I am. But here’s thing, girly, you’re not going to say my name. Because you know that the second you do you know that you’re entire precious little town will be put on the Underworld’s Black List. And I don’t think you can handle that.”
“Oh, I think that I can.”
“And seeing as apparently you know who I am you know that I can tell the difference between a human and a demon pretending to be one. So little beastie I suggest you shed the skin and tell me where put that Holly girl I was talking with earlier.” Josh, Ethan and Connor looked from the girl to Holly, completely confused. Then before their eyes Holly’s face began to distort and change and she became a demon.
“What the hell,” said Josh and he fell over backwards. Again the girl’s movements were so fast that Josh and the others were unable to perceive them. One minute the demon-Holly had been standing there, looking all around angry and evil. The next it was on the ground, covered in blood having been stabbed several times. Josh looked to the girl and saw her jump over the counter and run into the backroom as the magicals that had been in The Diner rushed over to check that the demon was dead. Josh was recovered and followed the girl into the back of The Diner.
The first thing he saw was Holly. She’d been tied up. And even through the gag she was able to convey the fact that she was sincerely pissed at her situation. The girl waved her hand over Holly and the ropes snapped off and she helped her up.
“This is embarrassing,” said Holly.
“It happens all of the time, with me anyway. Sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry, it just makes me feel lousy. I finally get to meet you and you have to rescue me. How much does that suck?” The girl tried to stop her from saying it but failed. She froze in place, waiting to see if Josh had caught and lucky him because he did.
“Finally got to meet you?” asked Josh slowly, “Who are you?”
“That’s a very complicated question,” said the girl, turning to Holly, “You okay?”
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” She nodded.
“I guess this is good bye.”
“Will some explain to me what just happened?” asked Josh.
“No.” She turned and walked out. Josh didn’t want to let this go; he couldn’t let this go so he chased after her. He didn’t catch up to her until they were both in the street.
“At least tell me your name.”
“Aren’t you going to guess?”
“I can’t come up with anything Ms Rumple, nothing fits. Can’t you just tell me?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” asked the girl and she turned around.
“Wait, join my team.”
“Sorry, kid, I’m not exactly a team player these days.”
“But -.”
“When and if you figure out my name I’ll consider it.”
“How will you know?”
“I know a lot of things.” And with that she vanished. He caught on more glimpse of her on a rooftop as she made her escape. He stood there and stared at the stars for a while until Holly came out and stood beside him.
“Who was she?” asked Josh.
“You don’t know?” asked Holly.
“Please, tell me.”
“Josh, that was Kit Thompson.” Josh froze; he couldn’t believe that.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” She turned and walked back inside, leaving Josh with his thoughts, which were deep and all consuming.
The Legend of the girl called Kit was the one of the most famous throughout the magical world. Josh hadn’t even believed it. Kit Thompson was, allegedly, the world’s most power magical on either side. She had used to be a great force of good and then one day, she just stopped. It was like she’d vanished off the face of the Earth. The tales of her amazing deeds had spread, some were probably fictional and so Josh had assumed the girl was too. But he, like so many had imagined meeting her. He’d envisioned someone old and elegant, wise and powerful. The real Kit was a drunk fifteen-year old with a serious attitude problem and he knew he really would never see her again.

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 03:32am

    There are four parts. I'm going to try to get the last part on by next week so check back soon.

    Community Member

    Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 05:16am

    Wow. This story keeps getting more interesting. Its very well written as well. Nice job.

    User Comments: [2]
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