300 years after the Apocalypse came and went, the survivors join wandering gangs called Tribes in a bid for survival in a world without nations. This is the story of one man's struggle in one of the last remaining cities on Earth.
*Stares at his medication.*
Needles. I hate needles. I can't take these. I can't. They're gonna have to hold me down and stick them in my arms. I won't do it willingly. I won't. I can't.
Hiya Hun heart how are ya and your bf doing?......I still cant find a decent chick to go out with me...the last one i had to kill because she threatened to sick her flesh eating demons on my country... sweatdrop her name was Dr. Bathory The BloodCountess Mengele aka The Butcheress this is a pic of heryea she couldnt keep her close on when she saw me...jk lol she wears it that way DONT ASK eek then a pic of me kicking her a**! at that time i swung my knuckles one punch in the nose >.> ouch lol
BloodRayne2 · Community Member · Sat Apr 16, 2005 @ 07:25am
I hate needles also, my older sis had to hold me on her lap, wrap her legs 'round mine, holds my arms down, so did my mom and a nurse. Lmao I'm a fighter ^^