Today... hmmm I gotta think. I just still think I'm forgetting something. After 6th period in school I just kinda zoned way way out. stressed 5th period I almost snapped. I was about a minute away from smashing something into the wall, scream yelling at my teacher and ripping up my failed quiz and then strangling this kid xp behind me who was pushing on my seat. eek Yeah... well I was really happy and content at lunch. ^_^ I met this cool Freshman named Jade. He told me to call him Ansem. ^_^ he's really cool for being a freshman. I must draw him! ^_^;;; oh wait I already did, but it's crappy. I'll re-draw him! ^_^ Tee hee. I got lots to do, well my friend just asked me to do this kids storybook for one of her assignments, so I'm gonna do it! ....Well there's that and she's going to pay me. sweatdrop Ya, well I don't care about the money, it's a challenge I'm definetly up to! I just need some inspiration I can hold on to. 3nodding
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