October 2010
[10/29/10 01:08am] workout log[10/27/10 03:55pm] hm[10/06/10 01:35am] hardcore democrat
April 2010
[04/13/10 11:11pm] to do
September 2009
[09/18/09 12:46am] names 4 our generation[09/18/09 12:41am] xmas/ni burfday stuff[09/16/09 04:12am] How Many 90 Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?
August 2009
[08/31/09 08:43pm] tel 212 prompt[08/31/09 07:08pm] Indigo Plateau TCG[08/31/09 06:23pm] Moonlight Legend TCG
May 2009
[05/29/09 12:11pm] 4am rant[05/07/09 09:06pm] r@ndom tekteks
April 2009
[04/29/09 10:51pm] The Futurist Manifesto[04/15/09 07:06pm] 3 very creepy dreams
March 2009
[03/18/09 06:59pm] calculator
January 2009
[01/08/09 07:18pm] mii== fanlist?
December 2008
[12/11/08 11:48pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[12/11/08 08:23pm] saving it
November 2008
[11/22/08 06:44am] Manga studio exporting[11/19/08 09:39pm] phases of posting[11/11/08 11:02pm] HOw to [11/05/08 10:54pm] [quoted from gaia user][11/05/08 07:24am] The United States: A Country founded on paganism
October 2008
[10/30/08 06:52am] SEPERATE =/= EQUAL[10/28/08 09:30pm] well, lets go.[10/24/08 06:45pm] Isaac Shepard - Before Dawn[10/15/08 08:25am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[10/14/08 11:23pm] comic stuff. [noodles are good for you][10/13/08 03:41am] teh random[10/08/08 11:54pm] Patient A[10/07/08 11:42pm] cabaret review backup
September 2008
[09/25/08 09:52pm] solo midterm thoughts[09/18/08 05:32pm] [thuh fraay]]] // over my head: plnning[09/03/08 05:53pm] dai of birth
August 2008
[08/16/08 08:36pm] w.hat really grinds MY gears...[08/02/08 09:41am] moi chemikal romansu - famous last words
July 2008
[07/07/08 05:01pm] \ the FRAY // - lost phone-syndrome[07/01/08 06:03pm] {{ thinking of you // katy perry | - old poem
June 2008
[06/22/08 03:14am] she is [thefray] // random[06/18/08 02:23am] monies and headaches
May 2008
[05/30/08 06:09am] depressing.[05/29/08 12:21pm] saboten con[05/09/08 06:13am] Food She Doesn't Like
April 2008
[04/24/08 06:39pm] edit: pasted code
March 2008
[03/20/08 06:21pm] please forgive me; I failed you[03/20/08 06:02pm] I promise all but freedom[03/19/08 09:50pm] STARWAY OR SUB-BUCKS?
February 2008
[02/26/08 06:22pm] mleh?[02/21/08 05:22am] 9 crimes lyrics[02/14/08 07:10pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/13/08 06:40pm] Kiss Card info[02/11/08 02:31am] let's make a new one (sp?)[02/06/08 08:42pm] BRAIN + dead[02/01/08 08:33pm] Masquerade! [chorus]
January 2008
[01/30/08 08:24pm] hello THAR Journal
November 2007
[11/28/07 10:32pm] Sudan charges Briton with insulting religion[11/20/07 04:32am] Huh yeah.[11/14/07 05:34pm] 15[11/07/07 07:56pm] SPRING =008[11/06/07 08:56pm] errgh~![11/05/07 07:27pm] It's November;captain obvious to the rescue!!!
October 2007
[10/31/07 11:42pm] The Ghosts We Think We See[10/29/07 08:17pm] confirmation[10/29/07 06:11pm] Will they overflow?[10/24/07 11:18pm] I miss you (lyrics)[10/17/07 09:52pm] Sancutary backwards.... [10/17/07 09:33pm] Where does the road begin?[10/16/07 10:14pm] The Foundations: BABY, NOW THAT I'VE FOUND YOU LYRICS[10/15/07 08:17pm] He’s allergic to [[[[almost]]]] everything[10/12/07 06:59pm] quoted.. myself!~[10/12/07 06:53pm] quoted poem.[10/09/07 11:14pm] Music to their ears it is not[10/09/07 10:14pm] The Good and the Grief[10/04/07 08:27pm] manga-angels, collection[10/02/07 11:06pm] Why can't I own a Canadian?
September 2007
[09/26/07 11:04pm] female-B.r.A.I.n-n.E.S.s...[09/26/07 10:23pm] KH musing goodness RETURNS[09/25/07 10:20pm] Piney Goodness[09/17/07 10:30pm] Random avatar[09/05/07 09:23pm] Underneath[09/03/07 03:40am] Torn, and truth. Magic doesn't last forever.[09/02/07 01:04am] Wow. -tear- I feel luffed.
August 2007
[08/26/07 11:21pm] I survived... the 1st week.[08/12/07 05:32pm] They sunk my battleship (aka hope)[08/11/07 01:50am] when it rains, it pours (battery acid)
June 2007
[06/22/07 09:55pm] Where?[06/22/07 09:47pm] My Wishlist... hm.. [06/19/07 09:27pm] Tek Tek FFXII[06/19/07 07:08pm] Fruits Basket [quiz][06/19/07 08:28am] KH Article
May 2007
[05/24/07 06:06am] Grad Nite[05/24/07 05:37am] May 15 - Band Concert- 2007[05/24/07 05:31am] Choir Concert - 5 - 14 - 2007[05/24/07 05:30am] Awards Picnic - 5 - 10 - 07[05/24/07 05:28am] Scenario Mysteries Interview[05/10/07 12:29am] White & Nerdy [Weird Al Lyrics][05/10/07 12:19am] Smells like Nirvana[05/10/07 12:17am] Like a surgeon [Weird Al][05/07/07 08:08am] Quiz ||/ What instrument are you?[05/05/07 09:28pm] What finger are you? [[ quiz *****[05/05/07 11:55am] Anime Stereotype: quiz[05/05/07 11:11am] Senior Youth Day..... >_>[05/01/07 09:09am] Heterosexual Survey[05/01/07 06:10am] FF VII AC - The Promised Land :: Lyrics[05/01/07 06:05am] Fullmetal Alchemist - Link Lyrics
April 2007
[04/29/07 03:53pm] A crazy, hellish dream...[04/23/07 03:15am] Senior Prom - 2007[04/16/07 05:56am] Tears to Shed[04/07/07 09:58am] Wow, a crazy week..[04/04/07 07:25am] When people lie,[04/04/07 05:08am] Final Mix Secret Ending[04/02/07 09:14am] Oh yeah.. my dream.[04/02/07 02:26am] Tonsillectomy/ post-op: Days 7-9[04/02/07 02:04am] Tonsillectomy // days 4-6[04/01/07 03:39am] Wow.. haha
March 2007
[03/30/07 08:21pm] A new dream... hehe[03/30/07 06:25pm] Which FF Char // yay a quiz![03/29/07 05:29am] Tonsillectomy - Days 1-3[03/28/07 08:55am] Recollection of Tonsillectomy / day 0[03/20/07 07:24am] Y'know...decorating.[03/19/07 09:12am] Transactions.[03/19/07 09:05am] Fair! yay![03/17/07 06:05am] What Color / quiz[03/17/07 04:48am] 23:32:23:32:23:32:23:32:23:32:23[03/17/07 04:24am] More Numbers[03/17/07 03:52am] Numbers[03/15/07 08:17am] To believe...[03/12/07 05:39pm] Kind of a... crazy dream.[03/12/07 05:40am] Hm...[03/02/07 01:10am] QUIZ~~~~~~Kind of Candy
February 2007
[02/28/07 05:59pm] AIMS and Havasue[02/28/07 06:11am] Anywhere <3 lyrics <3[02/27/07 10:04pm] [Quiz! ----rising sign[02/27/07 10:02pm] How ppl See U {{ quiz }}[02/27/07 09:59pm] Celtic Horoscope[02/27/07 09:58pm] Power Colour [quiz}}}}}}}[02/27/07 09:57pm] Your Hands [quiz[02/27/07 09:55pm] How Misanthropic ~+ZiuQ[02/27/07 09:51pm] Which Reindeer? [quiz][02/27/07 09:47pm] What Lang you should Learn ~_[quiz[02/27/07 09:38pm] How ___ Are You \ quizzes[02/27/07 09:31pm] "True you" [quiz\[02/27/07 09:15pm] 5 Variables [quiz][02/26/07 08:21am] My two cents ;; KHII secret ending :: cryptic[02/26/07 01:54am] Missing. - lyrics [[[02/26/07 01:38am] What Weather R u? [quiz [[[02/25/07 11:54pm] How Girlish are you? [quiz][02/25/07 11:43pm] Your Season [quiz][02/25/07 11:38pm] World Domination? [quiz[ yes!@[02/25/07 11:36pm] Personality Disorder [quiz][02/25/07 11:34pm] What Kind of Cake R U? [quiz][02/25/07 11:33pm] Yo Name Means [quiz][02/25/07 11:30pm] Luck and Power [quiz][02/25/07 11:22pm] Zoadic Year Should You be [quiz][02/25/07 11:19pm] EQ [QUIZ - 137][02/25/07 11:15pm] Bday Means 4 Luff LIfe [quiz][02/25/07 11:14pm] Love type [quiz][02/25/07 11:11pm] Ideal relationship [quiz][02/25/07 11:08pm] Birth Order [quiz][02/25/07 11:06pm] Type of Writer [quiz][02/25/07 11:03pm] Your Birth month [quiz][02/25/07 10:49pm] You Should Paint Your Room [quiz][02/24/07 09:36am] 0_0 MOST AWESOME KH VIDEO EVER!!!!![02/23/07 12:23am] Cards on the table[02/22/07 03:50am] An Apache Blessing[02/22/07 02:36am] These words.[02/21/07 07:18am] To LIve by Love ; I wrote this..lol.[02/21/07 05:21am] Forever a Warrior - - - AvyArt Style[02/21/07 04:51am] Sometimes, wishing, trembling.[02/21/07 12:01am] Links 4 Music[02/20/07 06:02am] Renassiance Festival <3[02/13/07 10:29pm] Which Candy Heart are You? [quiz][02/11/07 11:10pm] You tube[02/09/07 05:51pm] Color Should Your Blog or Journal[02/04/07 09:25am] 5 factors // quiz[02/04/07 09:23am] A couple more quizzes.. xDD[02/04/07 09:11am] Lots of quizzes crammed together. xDD[02/04/07 08:45am] What Do People Envy About You? [[ .::. quiz[02/04/07 08:43am] Which purple? [[ // quiz[02/04/07 08:41am] Love Style [quiz][02/04/07 08:35am] Stress Level [quiz][02/04/07 08:23am] Kind of People You Attract. [quiz][02/04/07 08:18am] Personality Disorder Test[02/04/07 01:52am] Gaia Astrology[02/03/07 10:10pm] Feb 3, NHB update.--------------------------------...[02/03/07 04:47am] I'm a forking idiot.[02/03/07 04:32am] Darkness...don't let me fall...[02/02/07 09:39pm] sick.[02/02/07 09:01pm] failure.[02/01/07 05:37am] One of these days...[02/01/07 05:18am] Silence is acceptance.[02/01/07 04:29am] <3 <3 <3 [poem]
January 2007
[01/29/07 07:20am] Solo Festival [[ It was teh Bomb yo!! [[ oh snap..[01/29/07 07:18am] Solo Festival ]] app. essay form.[01/27/07 02:41am] Japanese Smiley ]quiz][01/27/07 02:37am] Your Karma [quiz][01/27/07 02:31am] Your Birthdate "quiz"[01/27/07 02:25am] Ben and Jerry Icecream [quiz][01/27/07 02:23am] How Depressed are you? [quiz][01/27/07 02:18am] Personality Type [quiz][01/27/07 02:07am] Passionate or Compassionate? [Quiz][01/27/07 02:03am] How evil [quiz][01/27/07 01:58am] Underwear / Seduction style[01/24/07 03:21pm] hm yep february[01/24/07 04:30am] hm.. [[nonsense]][01/16/07 04:36pm] English IV H// Homework - friday[01/16/07 05:48am] Sway / lyrics[01/16/07 01:37am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[01/13/07 09:21pm] Like You - lyrics[01/13/07 05:03am] -- Only You Are --[01/09/07 05:02am] Geeee....[01/06/07 01:20am] Advanced Wind - US English Version[01/02/07 08:06am] Moon Revenge[01/02/07 06:10am] You Don't Know Me; Kenny Loggins[01/01/07 11:36am] without you I am cold[01/01/07 09:22am] NHB quest thingie.[01/01/07 09:04am] lol[01/01/07 07:17am] Happy New Year
December 2006
[12/31/06 11:30am] quoted things.[12/31/06 05:25am] My nieces...[12/31/06 02:56am] abstract poem thingie[12/31/06 02:13am] Which anime villain are you?[12/31/06 02:09am] Omae wa dochira juunishi no MEMBAA desu ka?[12/30/06 11:15pm] 7 Spirits[12/30/06 08:18pm] Tek-Tek Avatars[12/29/06 07:28am] little thoughts[12/25/06 03:44am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[12/24/06 11:56pm] Your Lifepath #[12/24/06 11:54pm] How Are You In Love?[12/24/06 11:48pm] The Five Factor Personality Test[12/24/06 11:43pm] Inside the Room of Your Soul[12/24/06 11:40pm] What Kind of American English Do You Speak[12/24/06 11:37pm] How Selfish Are You?[12/24/06 11:35pm] How Sinful Are you?[12/24/06 11:33pm] Key to Your Heart[12/24/06 11:17pm] Kiss KISS kiSss[12/24/06 05:56am] Dating Purity Test[12/24/06 05:53am] What Do People Envy About You?[12/24/06 05:51am] What's Your Personality Cluster?[12/24/06 05:49am] What color is your aura?[12/24/06 05:46am] What Gender Is Your Brain?[12/24/06 05:44am] How pure are you?[12/24/06 05:41am] How lustful are you?[12/22/06 05:57pm] Finals and Finales[12/21/06 06:15am] hm - compared to then...[12/13/06 05:23am] V + C[12/10/06 10:47pm] What kind of gaian are you? [QUIZ][12/10/06 10:35pm] I am worth..[12/10/06 07:08am] Think of Me[12/10/06 06:57am] SOMEWHERE[12/10/06 06:56am] ONE HAND ONE HEART[12/10/06 06:44am] What would I give to live where you are?[12/10/06 12:42am] records[12/09/06 10:40pm] Part of your world..[12/07/06 04:35am] 8 times over[12/05/06 04:06am] Freakin' A... -stare-[12/04/06 07:59am] Manga-Angels... deleted.[12/03/06 05:47pm] Ninja Headband Quest[12/03/06 02:40am] Once upon a December [lyrics][12/02/06 10:45pm] I dreamed a dream [now life has killed it][12/02/06 08:23am] What color are you? [WTF][12/02/06 06:15am] How do you sleep - what it means[12/02/06 05:14am] December 1st[12/01/06 07:40am] Reset button[12/01/06 03:58am] oh noz
November 2006
[11/29/06 08:17am] KH Quote.. Squall + Cloud[11/29/06 08:13am] Thinking of you[11/29/06 08:08am] random - simple and clean.[11/29/06 07:46am] Every time we touch[11/27/06 07:01am] haha... crap.[11/27/06 06:47am] In the darkness...[11/27/06 05:34am] naruto sterF[11/27/06 05:22am] Cloud-Shadows; song[11/27/06 05:13am] ORG XIII Quiz.[11/27/06 05:01am] Uke or Seme? quizzila quiz.....lmao[11/26/06 05:25pm] Ha..[11/15/06 06:54am] dream avy[11/14/06 03:52am] kewl codes[11/14/06 03:45am] Hero lyrics[11/14/06 03:38am] Eye of the Tiger[11/13/06 03:29am] first day[11/11/06 08:47pm] ART~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...[11/11/06 08:11pm] my thoughts on KHII secret ending[11/11/06 06:55pm] ..... why am I angry?[11/11/06 06:14am] Beautiful Poem[11/11/06 06:07am] REPLY DAMNIT[11/10/06 04:53am] Unconstitutional?[11/10/06 12:26am] Links I want to go to...[11/08/06 04:14am] QuiZ: What Aspect of Water Are You?[11/08/06 04:10am] Quiz: What Elemental Goddess Are You?[11/08/06 04:06am] Quiz: What angel represents you?[11/08/06 04:00am] QUIZ:What anime psyche conveys YOUR personality?[11/08/06 03:56am] Quiz: Your role in a relationship[11/08/06 03:53am] What does your color mean?[11/08/06 03:52am] Not a quiz.. xD[11/08/06 03:46am] Quiz: What Power is Compatible With You?[11/08/06 03:42am] Quiz: Why do you Kill? (girls)[11/08/06 03:40am] Quiz: Your Dragon Self[11/08/06 03:33am] Quiz: What kind of Geisha Are You?[11/08/06 03:31am] Quiz: Which Disney princess are you? (girls)[11/08/06 03:27am] Other shapes[11/08/06 03:25am] Quiz: What shape are you?[11/08/06 03:23am] Quiz: What is your angel seeking for?[11/08/06 03:21am] Quiz: What is your element? (girls)[11/08/06 03:19am] Quiz: Which RHPS Character Are You? GLOMP![11/08/06 03:15am] Quiz: Which eye are you?[11/08/06 03:13am] Quiz: What kind of Booze are you?[11/08/06 03:10am] Sins and Virtues[11/08/06 03:09am] Quiz: What kind of Angel are You?[11/08/06 03:04am] Quiz: Your Inner Power (girls)[11/08/06 03:00am] Quiz: What kind of flower are you?[11/08/06 02:52am] Quiz: What your soul is trying to say[11/08/06 02:43am] Part of that world[11/07/06 03:50am] Hey, you people...[11/05/06 01:53am] Xemnas likes....[11/04/06 04:47am] Escaflowne - You’re not alone[11/04/06 04:45am] Weird Al - Jerry Springer[11/04/06 04:44am] Pretty Fly for a Rabbi[11/04/06 04:43am] doI[11/04/06 04:41am] Fred the Elf[11/04/06 04:40am] Here we are again[11/04/06 04:39am] August 19, 2006[11/04/06 04:38am] July 28, 2006 - weird dream[11/04/06 04:37am] July 26, 2006, Wednesday.....Piercing!!![11/04/06 04:35am] July 25, 2006[11/04/06 04:34am] July 24, 2006 Passion/DD VIdeo[11/04/06 04:33am] July 23, 2006[11/04/06 04:32am] 07/08/06[11/04/06 04:30am] 07/05 Misc. News.[11/04/06 04:29am] 07/05/06[11/04/06 04:28am] 01/14/06[11/04/06 04:27am] 01/07/06[11/04/06 04:26am] 01/06/06[11/04/06 04:24am] 01/04/06[11/04/06 04:23am] 01/03/06[11/04/06 04:22am] 01/02/06 - Scared.[11/04/06 04:20am] 12/23/05 - Finals and FInales[11/04/06 04:19am] Date Lost[11/04/06 04:17am] 12/17/05[11/04/06 04:16am] 12/17/05[11/04/06 04:15am] Palm Reading - 12/2/05[11/04/06 04:14am] bleh... xD[11/04/06 04:13am] 11/20/05[11/04/06 04:12am] 11/16/05 - if only in my dreams[11/04/06 04:11am] 11-10-05: home from school - stupid wellness fair[11/04/06 04:10am] 11-05-05[11/04/06 04:09am] 10-23-05[11/04/06 04:08am] 10/18/05[11/04/06 04:07am] 10-14-05[11/04/06 04:06am] 10-11-05[11/04/06 03:53am] If you have to get married...[11/03/06 05:53am] random word[11/03/06 05:12am] wahaha[11/02/06 03:08am] yay[11/01/06 02:47am] HH
October 2006
[10/31/06 02:28pm] my grave[10/30/06 10:56pm] worth it[10/30/06 10:56pm] without you[10/30/06 01:39pm] scariest dream... ever.[10/30/06 05:04am] Chasing Cars[10/30/06 04:37am] mwa[10/27/06 04:02am] Fine Dining[10/27/06 03:00am] Awesome Theory[10/26/06 05:21am] why do our hearts bleed and die[10/26/06 04:05am] immortalized by heaven[10/25/06 03:48am] SPIDERMAN - family guy[10/23/06 07:23am] AUGH[10/23/06 02:07am] Changed the Better - poem.[10/23/06 01:52am] -work in progress- aka no good...[10/21/06 11:56pm] random thoughts and phrases[10/21/06 08:58pm] i tried to hide my ugly;♥[10/19/06 09:20am] one dances, another hides[10/19/06 08:50am] WHORE![10/19/06 08:32am] light and darkness[10/19/06 04:57am] Time is running out[10/18/06 05:22am] KHNESS!! *melted*[10/14/06 07:53pm] 10/14/06 - Baby Seal Slippers!!![10/13/06 10:21pm] KH qUOTES[10/13/06 09:25pm] Exchange Whore[10/13/06 07:17pm] ![10/13/06 05:01am] the eyes will open[10/09/06 12:24am] multiples[10/07/06 03:57am] cool poem[10/06/06 01:47am] KH II Secret Ending Article[10/05/06 11:09pm] nobdies + things to research[10/05/06 10:47pm] KH FRAGMENTS ANSEM/XEHANORT RPTS[10/05/06 10:25pm] KH II Ansem Report Highlights[10/05/06 11:22am] 13 pts[10/05/06 10:24am] KHII Ansem Reports[10/05/06 10:11am] KH Ansem Reports[10/05/06 09:57am] KH THEORIES ANYONE???[10/05/06 08:32am] khness[10/05/06 08:22am] default bump message[10/05/06 05:57am] still not enough... *cries*[10/03/06 04:50am] cool quote thingie[10/03/06 01:16am] flower[10/01/06 11:26am] STORY OF 2 EMOTICONS[10/01/06 07:59am] Gaian Disorder
September 2006
[09/29/06 08:30am] Back in the day..[09/29/06 08:18am] Not always a smiling face[09/29/06 03:13am] I choose you![09/29/06 01:07am] KH II (Passion)[09/29/06 01:03am] KH II (Sanctuary)[09/29/06 01:01am] The Outcasts[09/27/06 05:59am] data lost[09/20/06 01:12am] Gewd Friend = Me? *cries*[09/20/06 12:44am] Highschool Stereo Type[09/20/06 12:39am] Me = Supervillian?[09/20/06 12:31am] another quiz[09/20/06 12:22am] quiz phase yo[09/19/06 08:12am] Emo Sister[09/10/06 05:23am] NOT a mental disorder[09/09/06 08:10pm] Pasted KH Ramblings
August 2006
[08/29/06 10:11am] ze kitty of doom[08/29/06 10:04am] i hate this stupid rhyme[08/29/06 09:41am] a part of me[08/29/06 08:04am] luff me[08/27/06 10:02am] sometimes -[08/27/06 09:55am] This or That[08/27/06 09:42am] a perfect dream of you[08/14/06 06:37am] mleh
July 2006
[07/28/06 08:09pm] A crazy dream, where did it begin?[07/27/06 05:31am] =D *is eagerly waiting*[07/27/06 05:16am] PIERCING!!
May 2006
[05/12/06 04:24am] ~ :: ~ me3h ~ :: ~
April 2006
[04/23/06 09:42am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[04/22/06 06:24am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
March 2006
[03/28/06 03:20pm] 3/28
December 2005
[12/29/05 07:01pm] 311,550
October 2005
[10/06/05 10:43pm] Nutik's mail[10/03/05 01:39pm] Blue Gift Box Dream[10/02/05 06:24am] lottery for charity
September 2005
[09/30/05 03:42am] Winged Anklets[09/25/05 11:40pm] Questionaire[09/25/05 05:00am] fragin n00bs[09/20/05 02:20am] Kwidopton - a donator[09/10/05 08:15am] preps.. are not stupid.. not all at least[09/05/05 07:07am] my own =3[09/05/05 06:24am] those 90s black pants lolz![09/04/05 08:54am] How Sinful Are You?[09/04/05 08:49am] The ESP Test[09/04/05 08:43am] Are You an Open Book?[09/04/05 08:40am] What's Your Sense of Humor?[09/04/05 08:33am] The Just Between Friends Test[09/04/05 08:30am] what kind of friend am I?[09/04/05 08:15am] aura = gold[09/04/05 08:11am] lol never mind[09/04/05 08:06am] last one for a while XD[09/04/05 07:57am] :: shrug-ness ::[09/04/05 07:53am] I'm a poet... yep. XB[09/04/05 07:47am] what zodiac sign I "should" be X3[09/04/05 07:43am] compassion ;; more kewl stuffers[09/04/05 07:34am] more kewl stuff[09/04/05 07:17am] cool stuff[09/04/05 12:35am] List
August 2005
[08/27/05 06:07am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[08/21/05 11:32pm] sealed plan[08/21/05 10:54pm] 8 sealed env.[08/19/05 10:42pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[08/16/05 05:58am] at give-away[08/16/05 05:19am] :heart: macoroni & cheese :heart:[08/13/05 09:18pm] 1 vs 1;; info[08/13/05 03:17am] reported[08/12/05 09:33pm] note to self[08/12/05 06:35am] note[08/11/05 10:58pm] ~[08/11/05 10:15pm] 3750 bumps = 15k[08/11/05 10:10pm] moi ideas[08/11/05 07:41am] super 8 gaian[08/11/05 06:18am] .
July 2005
[07/24/05 10:48am] X 3[07/23/05 08:29am] 7 deadly sins[07/22/05 08:21pm] _________[07/19/05 02:09am] FANTASTIC DAY!!!![07/17/05 10:24pm] woo![07/17/05 08:51am] woo![07/16/05 11:01pm] rare events[07/16/05 09:29am] gaia slots[07/16/05 08:00am] start[07/16/05 01:23am] gold so far...[07/15/05 08:15am] bleh[07/12/05 09:16am] sigh
June 2005
[06/07/05 04:26am] Final Grades
February 2005
[02/19/05 05:32pm] grades and bdayness[02/07/05 02:42am] bz-e:
December 2004
[12/27/04 01:55am] !! :heart:[12/26/04 11:59pm] present whore on gaia[12/21/04 05:22am] yay[12/12/04 06:24am] bleh xp
November 2004
[11/09/04 11:20pm] Harvest Moon [Updated]
October 2004
[10/22/04 04:50am] More Harvesting and hecticness![10/21/04 01:09am] Harvest Moon!!!! ... and school.[10/15/04 07:26am] saturday... *prays*[10/12/04 09:27pm] Daioh, I luffs[10/12/04 01:05am] Posting[10/08/04 10:32pm] Fridayness[10/08/04 08:13am] ;_; + ^_^[10/06/04 09:19pm] blinding lunch[10/06/04 08:34am] Meh Vewz[10/06/04 07:07am] New Shoes + Sells[10/06/04 06:28am] Daioh + Plans[10/05/04 08:59am] Shark Tail[10/04/04 08:49pm] dot dot dot[10/04/04 07:20am] Noo! Not Star Ocean!![10/02/04 12:45am] Bush Banter[10/01/04 10:54pm] Native Pride... riiiiiiight.[10/01/04 10:37pm] Hissy Fit?[10/01/04 10:25pm] 1st Quarter's Over + Canidate Debate
September 2004
[09/30/04 12:10am] RPing[09/28/04 03:41am] Parse error[09/28/04 02:41am] Meh Shop[09/26/04 09:27am] Bani, Bani, Bani!