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Reply "QOE" Quizzes and Other Entertainment
a 501 qeustion quiz and/ or place to talk and/or bump!!!!! Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 [>] [»|]

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Total Votes : 10


PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:29 pm

hello everyone this is another place to talk and/or do the quiz and/or bump
so have fun and enjoy. if you do do the quiz though please put the answers in separate posts please and thankyou. oh and most of these qeustions are borrowed from other quizzes as well ok.


1.how much gold do you currently have?
2.how much gold do you want to have?
3.do you like the rain?
4.do you smoke?
5.where do you live?
6.do you live in a big house?
7.what is your favorite kind of ice-cream?
8.do you like ketchup?
9.do you like to get high?
10.are you naughty and dirty?
11.post your favorite emot up
12.do you love french fries?
13.do you sing in the shower?
14.what is you favorite t.v show?
15.what grade are you in?
16.how old are you?
17.do you like to write?
18.what is your favorite color?
20.what is you favorite restaurant and fast food place?
21.do you love soda? if so, are you addicted to it?
22.count down from 20
23.post your whole username in seperate posts
24.do you mastubate?
25.what is your favorite number?
26.do you drink cofee?
27.are you in a relationship right now?
28.are you a girl or a boy?
29.what is your favorite holiday?
30. are you gay,lezbian,bi, or straight?(don't have to anwer this one)
31.what is your favorite move?
32.who is your best friend?
33.what is your dream car?
34.do you like onions?
35.what is your favorite food?
36.what do you like to do on your free time?
37.do you like animals?
38.what do you wanna be when you grow up?
40.do you like to read?
41.do you like aneme?
42.what is your dream avie?
43.do you like to dance?
44.do you snore,sleep-walk,or talk in you sleep?
45.what kind of music do you listen to?
46.do you play any sports is so, what sport do you play?
47.bump 7 times
48.are you getting tired of this quiz?
49.do you like this quiz?
50.have you ever been camping before?
51. do you like marshmellows?
52.do you like to eat burnt things?
53.do you like bacon?
54.do you like chocolate?
55.do you like cottage cheese?
56.do you like taking pictures?
57.day or night?
58.grass or dirt?
59.pizza or fudge?
60.popsicles or cookies?
61.french fires or salad>
62.fruit or vegetables?
63.pigs or geese?
64.blue or orange?
65.green or red?
66.what time is it?
67.do you like chicken?
68.do you like to look at magazines?
69.would you rather eat someone elses toes or eat your own?
70.would you rather jump off a cliff or fall off a building?
71.would you rather eat dirt or mud?
72.do you go on neo-pets?
73.do you like potatoes?
74.would you rather be hanged or burned to death?
75.would you rather live in china or mexico?
76.would you rather milk a cow or roll in the mud with pigs all day?
77.would you rather get stranded on an island or get stuck in the air port for hours?
78.would you rather chase a jack rabbit or a mouse>
79. have you ever eatin squid before?
80.do you like mcdonalds?
81.are you a band geek?
82.do you like apple sauce?
83.have you ever eaten grass before?
84.do you watch a lot of t.v?
85.what color is your hair?
86.what else are you doing right now besides taking this quiz?
87.why do you go on gaia?
88.have you ever been to disneyland before?
89.do you like roller coasters?
90.do you wish this quiz was over now?
91.do you like eggs?
92.bump here
93.count down form 10
94.what did you do yesturday?
95.what is your religion?
96.what do you like to do the most for fun?
97.what are you wearing right now?
98.do you play jump rope?
99.what color are your eyes?
100.how much gold do you have now?
101. What is your least favorite day of the week?
102. If you could change your name, what would it be?
103. What is the most frequently used button on your keyboard?
104. Do you have long or short hair?
105. Are you a virgin?
106. What year were you born?
107. Concrete or Asphalt?
108. Are your parents married or divorced?
109. MP3 or compact discs?
110. What are you allergic to? (If your allergic to nothing just sneeze)
111. How much gold do you have now?
112. Who is you favorite actress/actor?
113. Is this boring?
114. do you wish me to stop now?
115. What is your dream career?
116. Have you ever been arrested?
117. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in real life?
118. Do you believe in having boyfriend/girlfriend? On here (I think that Gaia is not a dating service)
143. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? (On here)
119. Whats your favorite Movie?
120. TV show?
121. Color?
122. Number?
123. Book?
124. Game?
125. Band?
126. Song?
127. Animal?
128. Person?
129. Sport?
130. Season?
131. Why are you doing this?
132. What one thing on Gaia do you want the most?
133. Do you like Wal-Mart?
134. How tall are you?
135. what kind of computer do you have?
136. How many friends do you have on Gaia?
137. How many items do you have?
138. How many items to you have equipped right now?
139. Do you do surveys often?
140. Have you made your own survey before?
141. What do you mostly do on Gaia?
142. Do you role play?
143. How many characters have you played?
144. Are you new to Gaia?
145. Do you like to draw?
146. Are you enjoying the survey?
147. Whats in your sig right now?
148. Has your sig always been the same?
149. If it hasn't, what has it been before?
150. Do you change your avi a lot?
151. Do you fish on here?
152. If so, gotten any rares?
153. What kind of rod do you have?
154. Witch rod do you think is the best?
155. Have you exchanged any fish for anything good?
156. How many rare events have you gotten?
157. Have you ever played slots?
158. Have you gotten anything with your tickets?
159. Are you saving up your tickets for something?
160. If so what?
161. Are you a boy or a girl?
162. Do you have a journal?
163. If not did you know you can have one?
164. If you have a journal how many times have you posted in your journal?
165. Have you ever done the hang out thing?
166. If so, have you done today?
167. Are you apart of a guild?
168. Do you own a guild?
169. If you are apart of more then one guild, how many are you apart of?
170. What are they called?
171. Do you have a house on gaia?
172. If you do, does it have a lot of stuff in it?
173. Do you own a shop?
174. Do you like using the emoticons?
175. Are you a poll whore?
176. Have you gone poll whoreing lately?
177. Have you been in an avi contest before?
178. Are you engaged?
179. Are you married?
180. If so, congrats! Do you have kids?
181. Which continent do you live on?
182. Do you live with your parents?
183. Do you have siblings?
184. What color is your room?
185. Do you like ice cream?
186. Whats your favorite kind of ice cream?
187. Do you like to dance?
188. Do you like to sing?
189. Do you like music?
190. Do you hate a kind of music?
191. What is your favorite type of candy?
192. Do you like popcorn?
193. How much gold do you have now?
194. Are you getting irritated with the questions yet?
195. Do you have a favorite soda drink?
196. Whats your favorite soda drink?
197. Have you tried an alcoholic drink before?
198. Do you like Kool-Aid?
199. If yes then, whats your favorite kind of Kool-Aid?
200. Do you collect stuffed animals?
201. If not, did you used too?
202. Do you collect scented candles?
203. If so, whats for favorite?
204. Do you have a favorite animal; you can't keep as a pet?
205. What is it called?
206. Do you like your name?
207. Do you like it so much, you own stuff with your name on it?
208. Do you have a job?
209. What kind of job is it?
210. Will you be returning to school?
211. What are your school colors?
212. Does your school have dances?
213. Do you have any piercings?
214. If so, how many?
215. If you have lots, where?
216. Do you have a tattoo?
217. What is it of?
218. Broken any bones?
219. If so, what bones did you break?
220. Have you ever broken anyone elses bones?
221. Sprain anything?
222. If so, what did you sprain?
223. Do you own your own computer?
224. Do you own your own phone?
225. Do you have cable/digital cable/satellite in your room?
226. How many vhs movies do you own?
227. How many DVDs do you own?
228. How many cds do you own?
229. Do you still have cassette tapes?
230. If so how many do you have?
231. Getting tired of this yet?
232. You think I can go further?
233. How much gold do you have now?
234. Are you regretting doing this?
235. Are you determined to finish this no matter what?
236. Are your fingers crapping from answering these questions?
237. Gonna tell anyone about this?
238. Have you told anyone yet?
239. Being outdoors or being inside
240. Cookies or ice cream?
241. McDonalds or Burger King?
242. Fast food or restaurant?
243. Dairy Queen or TCBY?
244. Theme parks or fairs?
245. Rides or games?
246. Water parks or roller coaster rides?
247. Love or Lust?
248. Family or Friends?
249. The sun or The Moon?
250. Books or TV?
251. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
252. Mulan or Brother Bear?
253. Pink or Red?
254. Blue or Green
255. Shoes or Sandals?
256. Alone or with someone?
257. Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan?
258. Romance or Comedy?
259. Paper view or renting a video?
260. Taking pictures or video taping?
261. Computer or laptop?

Have you ever

262. Been Sick?
263. Told someone you loved them?
243. Been told your loved?
265. Hated someone?
266. Been called a b***h?
267. Been told your pretty?
268. Been told your ugly?
269. Been told your fat?
270. Hurt yourself by accident?
271. Hurt yourself on purpose?
272. Read a book?
273. Missed anyone?
274. Wished to be alone?
275. Wanted candy?
276. Ate any candy?
277. Saw a ghost?
278. Been on a date?
279. Went shopping?
280. Smoked a cigarette?
281. Ridden on a subway?
282. Made a frog out of clay?
283. looked under your bed to see if there is a monster before you go to sleep?
284. Written a book?
285. If you have do tell what the name of it is and ii will read it.
286. broke curfew?
287. Been kissed?
288. feelings hurt?
289. hurt someones feelings?
290. Got into a fight?
291. Watch something on the news and find out someones missing?

Do you like....

292. Mulan?
293. Brother Bear?
294. Green Day?
295. Tarzan?
296. Pizza?
297. Cheese?
298. Ice Cream?
299. Harry Potter?
300. Lord of the Rings?
301. A Series of Unfortunate Events?
302. Dogs?
303. Fish?
304. Fallout Boy?
305. Gaia?
306. Chatter box forum?
307. Rap?
308. Country?
309. Hip Hop?

Do you wish you could?

310. Fly?
311. Breathe Under Water?
312. Stop these Questions?
313. Be a super hero?
314. be invisible
315. run at the speed of light?
316. Do something you've never done?
317. Have a magic ability?
318. Be a superheroes sidekick?
319. Walk in someone elses shoes?
320. Make world peace?
321. End world hunger?
322. Make the hungry not hungry?
323. Find a cure for an incurable disease?
324. Hire a maid to clean your room?

325. Can you do back flips?
326. Have you ever seen a fairy?
327. Would you walk 100miles to see someone you love for 20 minutes
328. Are you going to keep going?
329. Describe your perfect date.
330. Have you ever smoked pot?
331. If you had a chance to go on a trip where would it be to?
332. Do you believe in love at first sight?
333. What's your lest favorite chore?
334. Do you even have chores?
335. How much gold do you think you would have if you never bought anything?
336. What's your Gaian Username?
337. How much gold do you have?
338. What does your dream avi have on it?
339. Do you drink alcohol?
340. What is your Mom's middle name?
341. What is your Dad's first name?
342. What month where you born in?
343. Name the 7th month.
344. What do your parents call your Grandma?
345. Do you wear diapers?
346. Do you like KiKi Kitty's?
347. Have you ever slept with a blankie?
348. What age where you when you stopped wetting the bed?
349. How did you find out Gaia was a site?
350. Are you active?
351. How much gold do you have?
352. How much more gold do you have now?
353. Are you doing these in separate posts?
354. What is your favorite kind of dog?
355. What is your favorite website?
356. Type a random word.
357. Do you think the end is coming up?
358. Do you have a mule?
359. Have you ever kissed a big spider?
360. Do you donate to your friends?
361. What is your favorite letter?
362. Where is your computer located?
363. Have you ever choked on a gumball?
364. Have you ever got stung by a bee?
365. Have you ever had warts?
366. Have you ever had zits?
367. Do you use face cleanser?
368. If you do is it clean and clear?
369. Have you ever had a accident in your bed after the age of 10?
370. Have you ever sneaked into a movie without buying a ticket?
371. Have you ever hacked someones account?
372. Have you ever talked to yourself out loud in school?
373. Have you ever got coal for Christmas?
374. Have you ever accidently flushed your favorite thing in a toilet?
375. After Christmas or Easter, have you ever seen Santa's or the Easter Bunny's footprints around the house?
376. Have you ever slept with a blankie?
377. Have you ever punched your mom or dad?
378. Have you ever seen a UFO?
379. Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death?
380. How long are your showers?
381. Do you like getting mail?
382. Do you like cheese?
383. how many posts do you post a day?
384. Bump once

Now I will say a nonsense word and you will tell me the first thing you think of

385. jukubu
386. akebane
387. watsawanna
388. flsad
389. uytae
390. xfgjn
391. vlobonasee
392. weekot

393. Can you dive?
394. Whats your worst fear?
395. Do you like someone?
396. Whats their name?
397. Are you in love?
398. Do you believe in love?
399. What do you like most about Gaia?
400. Whats the scariest thing you've done?
401. Are you listening to music right now?
402. If so, what kind?
403. Do you know how many pints are in a gallon?
404. Do you hate me for typing so many questions yet?
405. How much gold do you have now?
406. How much more do you think youll get?
407. Why did you choose that user name?
408. So, are you gonna stick around to get in the Hall of fame?
409. Take the poll if you havent already.
410. Are you observant?
411. Positive or negative?
412. Do you have more gaia friends then real life friends?
413. Do you remember what question 12 was?
414. Do you like the movie Napoleon Dynamite?
415. What is your favorite website?
416. Is this quiz stupid?
417. Is it getting boring?
418. What is your favorite cereal?
419. Can you force yourself to burp?
420. Where would you like to go in the world?
421. What are you going to do when you finish this quiz?
422. What time is it now?
423. What time did you start this quiz?
424. What time do you think you'll finish?
425. Did you know that it is not even half over yet?
426. Have you done things you wish you could take back?
427. Do you wish some people could just go away?
428. Do you ever wish time could stop?
429. Do you wish I would just go away?
430. How much gold do you have now?

Which one is better?
431. Dog or cat?
432. Cat or mouse?
433. Anime or manga?
434. Comedy or horror?
435. America or Japan?
436. Black or red?
437. Yellow or purple?
438. PS2 or Xbox?
439. pills or liquid medicine?
440. Delta Force or Fleet Command?
441. Math or science?
442. Science or social studies?
443. Math or gym?
444. Art or gym?
445. Spanish or french?
446. French or german?
447. Spanish or german?
448. English or social studies?
449. Math or english?
450. Doom or Diablo?
451. Fish or cats?
452. tv or pc?
453. Cookies or chocolate?
454. Strawberries or peaches?
455. Chocolate pocky or strawberry pocky?
456. Apples or strawberries?
457. Matches or lighters?
458. Gaia or XFIRE?
459. Metal or plastic?

460. What time is it now?
461. Own something one of kind?
462. Do you Like Riddles?
463. What about unscrambling words?
464. What is 12x12?
465. Are you as bored as I am?
466. What does it take to make you happy?
467. As anyone saying I love you ever hurt you?
468. Have you looked at how many questions there are yeat?
469. How much gold do you have?
470. How much more gold do you need to reach your quest?
471. Are you going to Finish?
472. Have you have splurged on something for yourself?
473. If so, what did you buy?
474. What's your favorite music to dance to?
475. Do you think it easy to rap?
476. Do you go to concerts often?
477. What was your favorite Summer Movie?
478. What was your least?
479. What is the worst food in the world?
480. What is your favorite Skittle's Flavor?
481. What is your least favorite number?
482. What Brand of Lotion is your favorite?
483. What is your favorite thing about me?
484. Why do you think I worry about what you think about me?
485. What is your Favorite kind of Headband [ex: steel-plated Ninja Headband, Angelic Headband etc.]
486. Do you have any new ideas gaia should use?
487. Which item annoys you to death?
488. Why?
489. Do you use 1 player or Multi Player in fishing?
490. Do you join other people's games or do you start your own?
491. How many friends have you taken off your friend list lately?
492. Why would you do such a thing?
493. Do your Friends Comment in your journal?
494. Does anybody comment in your journal?
495. Do you hate Quest Threads?
496. How Many Quest Threads have you made?
497. How many Quest Threads have you donated to?
498. Are you Greedy when it comes to gold?
499. What is the ugliest item on Gaia?
500. What is the Weirdest?
501. how much gold do you have now?
PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:30 pm

enjoy, and everyone is welcome to come and have fun.



PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:46 am

i currently have 1,595 g
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:47 am

i want more gold



PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:49 am

yes i love the rain
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:51 am

no i dont smoke



PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:02 am

where do i live? in the usa
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:03 am

do i live in a big house? no i live in an apartment



PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:05 am

Whats ur favorite kind of icecream? moose tracks extreme
PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:23 am

1.how much gold do you currently have?



PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:24 am

3. how much gold do you want to have?
30000 atleast!
PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:25 am

3.do you like the rain?
yea, its nice...



PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:26 am

4do you smoke?
NO!!! ew.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:27 am

5.where do you live?
usa, mn, close to middle... why do you want to know?


"QOE" Quizzes and Other Entertainment

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