[ you may have seen that post saying "welcome to the crib". please igore that sweatdrop . thanks ]

Hello there fellow Gaian! I welcome thee to the Crib! =D
Follow the ToS* and have fun =D

* ok so some of you maybe too lazy to read and to know the rules gaia has. here are the rules for this sub forum.

- No porn posting. No links, No pictures plz.

- No 'threads that have ajsdfkl;ajsdf;a' as the first post.

- Please respect others in the subforum aka NO FLAMING (go wit the flo bro =D )

- No guild/thread advertising -- unless it's a banner or link in your siginture. that's ok.

-i'll think of more later that i didn't post right now -_-;;

**************NOTE -- somewhere in the future, i might make some monthly contests. however i don't know what to do for a contests -_-**********************