wahmbulance Hello, whine-one-one?

Youtube poop is a small genre that is pretty much Youtube exclusive (I haven't seen it anywhere else). In it, clips of footage taken from old cartoons, video game cutscenes, and movies; they are put together in a wild and random order, with some parts sped up or slowed down. A lot of people are getting busted for using copyrighted footage, though. However... I find it hillarious stuff.

-STAY HERE WHILE I BASH KOOPA FOOTBALL PLAYAS (chiefly features footage from the old Mario cartoons, it's more like a musical number, though)
-Rama Future Town (features Futurama Clips)
-Sonic and Robotnik's Sodomy Hour! (The very first Youtube Poop, as far as I know.)

Yes, I know you'll say it reminds you of "OVER 9000" but if you look at the dates, it was long before Kajeto even released it. This started 1 year ago, 9000 was released 5 months ago.

Dispatch a whaaaambulance to my location immediately! It's an emo-gency! wahmbulance