"Why Not" Join the ultimate scavenger hunt. Only available to those of us in the ''Why Not'' Guild!
Search the forums, browse the shops, look for people, wander through the marketplace, and go fishing! 4laugh
Here are the basics:
If i tell you to go to....
...The Forums
The instructions to the next spot will be posted in there. to confirm you have been there, post in that topic "Scavenger Hunt Contestant" and follow the instrutions in my post.
...The Marketplace:
Pm me the link of the object i told you to find.
I will then, pm you the following spot.
... Gaia Shops:
BUY the object i told you to look for, and send it to me in a trading activity.
Once the trade is completed, I will pm you the following instructions like so.
... Go Fishing:
Catch the amount of fish I tell you to catch, and again send the fishes in a trade, once the trade is completed, I will again pm you the following instructions like so.
Joining the Scavenger Hunt
I will need 10 people to join. I will give each of you 100 gold to help you out on purchasing items.
There is only a 10 gold entry fee.
Once everyone has entered, i will post what you should find.
1st person to finish will receive 2000 gold,
2nd person to finish will recieve 500 gold,
3rd person to finish will receive 200 gold.
[ Cadence Fanatic ]
1. GoddessOfCreatures
2. [Cadence Fanatic]
3. Different...Very
EDIT: By the way, I will not completely accept the trade until I get enough people, just in case there aren't enough to play and I already have your money that I will need to give back.
And the contest has started