should boys cry? -.-, |
No |
4% |
[ 2 ] |
yes |
54% |
[ 24 ] |
to some extent |
31% |
[ 14 ] |
i'm hungry |
4% |
[ 2 ] |
i just want gold |
4% |
[ 2 ] |
i don't kow |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Total Votes : 44 |
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:14 am
I got into a big disscution with my friends about this subject. Is it all right to teach boys that they could cry, or keep with the whole "boys don't cry" sceme?
this is to anyone
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:09 pm
deathysmile I got into a big disscution with my friends about this subject. Is it all right to teach boys that they could cry, or keep with the whole "boys don't cry" sceme? this is to anyone u have no idea how much i love u right now for posting this. i've had a thought about this for a long-a** time, in fact, i even have a post on my journal about it. anyway, on with the answer: of course boys should b allowed to cry! it's a form of expressing emotions! i mean, not to the cry-baby extent, of course, personally speaking, boy or girl, cry-baby is simply NOT RIGHT. i understand that boys r meant to imply and give out an air of strenght, and up to a point, crying is seen as a sign of weakness [note, IT'S SEEN, BUT IT'S NOT!!! scream IT IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS!!. that's just how society, and ourselves, have planted it in our minds, but it is not so. because of that, boys should by all means be allowed to cry. they cry anyway!! wink they may hide it, sure, for pride or whatever other reason they find, but boys do cry. and besides, u don't have to b a boy to hide ur tears, ninja i'm a girl and i hide them from other ppl as much as i can! of course, sometimes it's good to have a crying shoulder. while it is true that u may feel stupid, knowing that u have someone to cry to brings plenty of relief. and so, in conclusion: boys should b allowed to cry bcs it is not, by far, anything wrong. it;s completely right and normal, a way of releasing strong emotions. so i see absolutely nothing wrong with boys crying 3nodding
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:52 pm
There is no harm in a man expressing his feelings through tears every so often. Like women, men have feelings too. Neither gender should have to surpress them.
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:25 pm
It's not good to keep it all in all the time. There's a time and place to show emotion. I see it as fine if they cry when needed.... inappropriate crying... that's another story but that goes for both genders.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:31 am
Let's just say as an example, my dad grew up without showing his emotions, bottling everything up. He grew depressed. It was only a couple of years ago that I actually saw him break down.
Boys, men, don't let society tell you that crying is a sissy thing to do. heart
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:44 am
Men or boys should cry. I've never seen my dad cry, But I know he crys. But plaese, dont cry for EVERY little thing, like my 10y brother, he crys about 30m to an hour a day. (for stupid stuff) please, cry your heart out if you want. I belive if you can, you should.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:07 pm
Tarrien It's not good to keep it all in all the time. There's a time and place to show emotion. I see it as fine if they cry when needed.... inappropriate crying... that's another story but that goes for both genders. totally agree with you. there's nothing wrong with crying, at all, if the situation warrants it. its a healthy thing to do, a healthy way to express your emotions, but there's some people that cry... all the time. over everything. half the reason i stopped watching Big Brother (UK version) this year was because of all the incessant blubbing over the slightest thing. not a desirable personality trait.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:16 am
yeah incesent crying is a little annoying. But everyone should be allowed to cry. And i agree with whoever posted about society and thats how we have been brought up. Of course i suppress my emotions because thats just me. But if i was going to cry i wouldnt try and kil myself because 'society doesnt let me cry' Its sad that so many boys and men suppress their emotions to such an extent that things begin to happen. Like depression or alcoholism. im not saying its the cause of all evil but its pretty bad.
Just my opinion.
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:24 pm
yeah that's good, but what happens when all of that emotion that you bottled up explode. it those kinds of things that people turn to another cry for help, like drinking or drugs, and somethimes suicide. Suicide is worst solution to a minor problem.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:49 am
deathysmile yeah that's good, but what happens when all of that emotion that you bottled up explode. it those kinds of things that people turn to another cry for help, like drinking or drugs, and somethimes suicide. Suicide is worst solution to a minor problem. which is why it's perfectly fine for boys to cry. a friend of mine, who told me what he thought about boys crying and brought to my attention that it was bcs we'd been raised like that, he said the exact same thing, basically enough. except he alluded to violence, not suicide. bottom line being, suppression of emotions [not crying and not letting it out], brings forth devastating results.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:52 pm
Sotur deathysmile yeah that's good, but what happens when all of that emotion that you bottled up explode. it those kinds of things that people turn to another cry for help, like drinking or drugs, and somethimes suicide. Suicide is worst solution to a minor problem. which is why it's perfectly fine for boys to cry. a friend of mine, who told me what he thought about boys crying and brought to my attention that it was bcs we'd been raised like that, he said the exact same thing, basically enough. except he alluded to violence, not suicide. bottom line being, suppression of emotions [not crying and not letting it out], brings forth devastating results. my point exacitally (sp)
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:08 am
its ok to cry in these public situations
1. if your kicked in the balls really hard. 2. if someone drops something extreamly heavy on your foot or other body parts. 3. someone tells you that your most loved person is dead. 4. someone stole your life saveings which was over a billion dollars 5. someone stole all your alcohol and dumped it on the ground.
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:37 pm
those are great rules, for some people
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:06 pm
Keiji Death Kiss There is no harm in a man expressing his feelings through tears every so often. Like women, men have feelings too. Neither gender should have to surpress them. absolutely right
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:53 am
i cant belive someone would raise you saying that men and boys cant cry. that is one of the top reasons for men and boys commiting suicide. they keep all their emotions bottled up inside and one day they just break down. please cry if you need to because its not a bad thing. if you look above then you will see rules that are somewhat acceptable. dont worry about it. its ok. heart