Khalida Nyoka Vice Captain
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:02 pm
As you try to find a way down the well, you accidentally lean too far over the edge and tumble in. The fall, unfortunately, knocked you out for a small period of time. When you come to, above you there is nothing but a small dot far above, though there do seem to be many loose bricks and the like (possible foot/hand holds). The area around you is all dark, but you can feel that the wind is coming from in front of you... and in that direction there seems to be a very faint luminescence. Proceed towards the wind and light,try to go back up the well,
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:16 pm
Clue Now that you've climbed down into the dank well, you allow your eyes to adjust to the low light. Looking around, you see that there is a candle laying at your feet. Scrutinizing it, you can't tell what color it is, so you give it a sniff. Orange. You look around the well for other clues, but not much seems to be amiss.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:20 pm
Someone brought this from that hut. But who? I'll be lazy right now, and try to find a way out of here without climbing back up. *head toward the wind and light*
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:57 pm
well the zombie fight was going horrible so i went into this well. i saw an orange peel.wait that witch i saw earlier. she was obsessed with orange and Mindy profile says she attempted witch craft several times. could she be an apprentice.
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:01 pm
I land on the dead zombie, which softens my fall. I notice the breeze and I get up and I follow it.
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:25 am
An orange candle. Liquid seeped from Artemis's bag. Vodka, definitely.
Good, that blasted liquor deserves it...
Artemis pockets the candle again and heads off for the faint light.