But still i do hope that he picks out song's i will like or already like...
I do not know how many song's there is going to be.. (EP..) but hopefully there WILL be a song on there that i do like? or a few even..? but i hope i like them all... because... this is Shunichi Toki we are talking about here... one of my most favourite singers going...

Anyways... it releases September 25th... will there be song samples? no idea... either way.. i hope i like them...

Edit without posting: Okay so... i went to his channel... and the FMA cover song is on there... so hopefully there will be ah no... nevermind.. there is no song sample.. just the full version so that means there will not be any song samples for the next album and... i gotta wait and see what songs are on there....

Either way.. i hope i like them...