Im listening to his VA right now...
Hm.. Fuuto is an original name huh? i never heard it before on a character.. i have heard of Fuu.. (one of the Magic Knight Rayearth girls is named that (which btw is getting a reboot... o.o) and i have heard of names with to on the end too... but not Fuuto...

Too bad he did not even get close to ending up with her.. the last two... well.. i did not mind borderline like 1 of the last love interests... BUT she ended up with the other... which is my most disliked one outta the lot.. (NO FRICKEN FRINGE hardly any hear too... big no no in a anime guy for me... you know how much i dislike no fringers in anime... (one of the reasons why i dislike the Lion in that My lady jsut wants to relax manga... (like i like ANY other guy in that MANGA cept him... but it looks like she WILL end up with him after all... =-=;; ))))

I liked Fuuto... i knew she would not end up with him but... i did think that Tsubaki would... but she did not... o.o

Anyways... for those who don't know Fuuto is from Brother Conflict... and no his personalty is not that great either... but i liekd him.. i can't remember why though... XD

But i still wished she ended up with him... or the red haired guy.... he was sweet... but nope ... not him either... :C

If this game ever get's localized.. i will play it.. mark my words... and im not even a gamer anymore.. XD not really anyway..)