I mean not the mainest guy... (of course not... that other guy is (forgot his name..)) but a main? like main like his friends.. or maybe even mainer... if not the mainer than he was in Angel Sanctuary.. thats for sure...

He was more or less a background character.. well MORE than that.. but ... well what im trying to say is.. not all his personality was shown..

Last chapter proved that.. (that i read...) he got all upset over Raphael last chapter... about loosing his body or something like that.. 'A'

CUTE!! ;A; (i thought i'd never say that actually... but i do like Michael and have for a long time.. even if he is a Tsun.. i dunno.. maybe cause of his character design and him being an angel..)

I hope he is main enough to end up with somebody too... i already kinda want him with somebody... but... i dont know if he will even interact with her or not.. XD so... i will sit and wait.. (well.. sit and read. more like.. =-=;; )