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As of August 10th, 2022, Inselelo terms are retired and are being replaced with twice-yearly activity checks.

Activity checks happen January 1st and July 1st.

Beginning with Umholi Gakere, the Inselele has become an integral part of life in the Bonelands. A continual, renewable way of bringing new blood into the pride, the Inselelo are an activity-required rank of breeding males within the pride. Serving at the Abaholi's pleasure, the amount of Inselelo within the Bonelands will fluctuate over time, with males being challenged for the role by wandering rogues and must defend their position.

While Umholi also may be challenged, their challenges affect the pride as a whole and are thus always plotted by the pride owners.

Inselelo Activity Requirement
An Inselelo must have 5 roleplays added to their roleplay count in the Breeding thread every 6 months. These roleplays must be added to those available for breeding. If an Inselelo has met this requirement, they may keep their role indefinitely until:
A. They fail an activity check.
B. They are removed for another reason.

If an Inselelo fails a check, they become challengeable and are added to the list below. If an Inselelo is available for the challenge, a notification will go out on the pride's Discord channel.

Grace Period
New Inselelo are not subject to the first check after the rank is obtained. Their checks will begin on the following activity check.

Extenuating Circumstances
If there is some reason you will not be able to complete a check, such as a death in the family, illness, traveling, loss of internet or computer, or something akin to any of these, please PM the pride mule. Quaji or SilverLutz.

What are the roleplay requirements?
All roleplays must meet the minimum requirements for being eligible to count towards breeding.

How do I add a roleplay towards a check?
Fill out the update form found in the Breeding thread.

Can I add roleplays that were completed before becoming an Inselelo?
Yes. The activity requirement is for the lion as well as the player. So long as 5 roleplays are added, it does not matter when they occurred.

Can I provide 10 roleplays and be safe for an entire year?
No. Each check is unique and separate from the last.

Current Inselele
  • Indlovu (oo DeD)
  • Nqobizitha (AstoriaFallen)

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Challenging an Inselelo

Challengeable Inselele
  • None

Any male lion, regardless of whether or not they were born in the pride, currently live in the pride, or are a rogue, may fight Inselele who are available for challenge.
Restrictions in place: Following the change in pride leadership, unnaturally-colored Inselele will not be permitted; even if they defeat an Inselelo, the Abaholi will not allow them to stay and they will be chased out of the lands.

Challenge Rules
Each character may only issue a challenge once a month, and each player may challenge with a maximum of two characters per Inselelo.
You may only challenge Inselele that are available, located in the quote box above.
It is up to you to inform the owner of the Inselelo of your challenge.

In-Character Roleplay Notes
The Bonelands are generally hostile towards outside males, watching them with suspicion. Keep in mind the IC behavior of your lion and be prepared to accept IC consequences for any overly hostile action.

For example; do not enter if your lion intends to kill the current Inselelo without permission from that Inselelo's owner. If you enter with a lion who then tries to take over the entire pride, he will very likely be attacked and beaten by the other males in the pride and may be cast out or killed.

How to Duel
  • Both parties roll 2, D20. The sum of this roll is your Base Roll.
  • Inselelo will add +5 to their roll.
  • Adolescent lions will subtract -10 from their roll.
  • Elderly lions will subtract -10 from their roll. This is an optional penalty.

Issuing a Challenge - for Challengers
  • Fill out the challenge form found at the bottom of this post.
  • Roll 2, D20 when posting your challenge form. If you forget this step, quote your challenge form and roll. See: How to Duel for more information.
  • You must then make efforts to inform the Inselelo owner of the challenge. This can be done through quoting them, sending them a PM or DMing them on Discord.
  • If they do not respond to your challenge in 7 days, the Inselelo will be considered defeated. See: Won Challenges for more information.

Answering a Challenge - for Inselelo
  • You have 7 days to roll an answer to a challenge, or your lion will be considered defeated.
  • To answer a challenge, quote your challenger and roll 2, D20. Add any applicable modifiers to your roll total.

Won Challenges
  • If you have won a challenge OOCly, you are not yet guaranteed the spot. You must RP the challenge with the Inselelo’s player to become official. This can be as short or as long as you would like, but you will have one month to complete it.
  • In the event the RP is unfinished at the end of the month, the position will be given to the last poster. (Note: Extensions may be given if both players are posting consistently)
  • To officially claim the rank, post a link to the finished RP in this thread, or an incompleted RP that the other party failed to respond to.

What happens if my challenger loses?
    If the challenger loses, no further action is needed, but owners are welcome to roleplay this fight at their own discretion.

What happens in the event of a draw?
    If a draw happens, ICly it is considered that both were an even match and neither would back down. Another Inselelo or Umholi chased the challenger off. OOCly, you would reroll: challenger first, then defending Inselelo. This reroll would coincide ICly with another challenge occurring on the same day, next day, or even the next week, but the challenger is assumed to have returned.

Special Notes
  • This is an active role that requires roleplay to keep. All information can be found in this thread. Do not challenge if you cannot RP with multiple kinds of people.
  • Owning a lion of the Inselelo or Umholi rank means that you give up your right to determine where cubs go from breeding. The owner of the mother is free to include them if they would like but has no requirement to.
  • While your lion may not breed with a female for IC reasons, you should not pursue this rank if you foresee OOC issues with certain players claiming a breeding.
  • If you have questions, PM the pride mule, Quaji or SilverLutz.

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Challenge Form

[b]Challenger:[/b] Name, Image (link if large)
[b]Do you understand and agree to the requirements of an Inselelo:[/b] Y/N
[b]Have you made efforts to inform the owner of the Inselelo of the challenge?[/b] Y/N, what method
[b]Base Roll:[/b]
[b]Total Roll:[/b]
