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The smell of the ocean was oddly calming to Lachiell. It wasn’t the heat and fire she grew up with, but it was still soothing and now familiar. And it was now her duty to lead those of them who had made it to the former Simbafutaji lands, now the Aegnor’hini’s lands.

Those who made it.

That thought sobered Lach, even Jinn’s fiery voice quieting at the somber thought. Not all had made the journey. Some had become lost along the way. Others had fled. Others had been pulled elsewhere by the fire in their veins. There were still many of them, but…they were still fewer than they once were.

“Lost in the past, niece?” The dark lioness didn’t have to look to know who the deep voice belonged to. One of her few confidants, her winged uncle. She smiled sadly, sighing.

“Simply…reflecting on the past. Mourning those who have left us. Celebrating those who are still among us. Grateful for the few new faces we have gained.” Talmā chuckled, settling his great bulk beside her. Lachiell had inherited her mother’s small size, and her uncle’s size dwarfed her, but she did not mind. He was a stable presence in her life, one of the things she knew would not change on her.

“Like your new consort?” Orange-amber eyes narrowed in unamusement as she looked up at the smiling god.

“Yes, like Fahari. He cares about the pride, you know. So no badmouthing him!” Talmā leaned down to groom the top of her head.

“Yes, I know. You needn’t worry about that. I was simply teasing you, trying to pull your mind from the sad. We work now towards the Aegnor ned Mereth, towards a new future for the pride.” Lachiell made a noise of protest at the grooming, but didn’t move.

“I know. There…there is much to do. Consult with the noldo'ravenne and noldo'raa. Inquire if the himy'ainur have seen anything of import. Make sure the tir’hini have something to do while there are no new cubs.” There was so much to do and so little time…

And there were the whispers from the jötunn that they may have found a new cave system. That needed investigated. Along with the whispers from a few of the newer members that there might be something in one of the ocean-side caves. Another headcount, to make sure the kiirar had their records straight…

“Lachiell. Your mind is wandering further than your paws.” She startled out of her thoughts, looking up at her uncle again.

“O-oh.” She let out a deep breath, shaking her head of all the swirling thoughts. “Apologies. I am still getting used to all of…this.” She motioned to the ‘central’ area laid out before them, demons coming and going in the main part of the pride. “Being by the ocean. Leading. It’s strange and new still, despite everything.” Talmā nudged her before standing.

“Let’s walk, niece of mine. Perhaps moving your paws will help keep your mind from wandering afield once more.” He started forward, and Lachiell followed.

“Some of the newer members have been whispering about hearing something in the caverns by the ocean. The ones who haven’t had a chance to make the pilgrimage to the hellgate.” Talmā blinked, and looked down at her as they walked.

“...That sounds either ominous or promising. And I’m unsure which.” The lioness sighed and nodded.

“I am of the same mind. I am wondering…if perhaps maybe…there are demons in the waters as well as in fire. If perhaps that was why the pride that first lived here could not thrive. They did not hear the demons as we do, and the balance was upset by it.” He nodded in agreement, letting out a thoughtful little hum as they walked along the lush cliffside

“That is possible, yes. Hmmm…” He tucked his wings close to him, ears back a bit. “Perhaps it is why some darker pelted members of demon blood left, having never heard their demon?” Lachiell let out a little ‘huh’.

“Like the sister Father talked about, Daima’s mother. She said her mother never heard a demon, and left to avoid bringing shame to her bloodline. Perhaps…maybe her demon simply wasn’t in the flames, but elsewhere?” Talmā stopped, looking at her curiously.

“...Perhaps. I shall have to speak to Mother about it. Maybe we’ll even see a familiar face for the older members among us once more?” He sounded…almost hopeful, but he didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up, either. From how he’d heard it, Lith’elen had been gone from the pride long enough that she might not know how to live among the darkness again. Even if Daima had proven her mother had never lost the fighting spark that was part of his mother’s bloodline, even as a mortal. Lachiell chuckled, shaking her head as she stopped in front of him.

“I somehow doubt it, Uncle. It has been a long time since she was in the pride. It would not do to uproot her from where she may have found a home.” He opened his maw to speak, then sighed and closed it, shaking his head.

“You…you are correct. I was not thinking. Simply hoping to see at least part of our scattered family reunited.” Lachiell bumped her head against his flank, smiling slightly.

“There is nothing wrong with that. But…that is why some of you have wings. And we have friends and sador like Matata, Nak, and Cesta. It’s why Utu is the ‘Kinseeker’. They help us stay connected. Stay a part of each other’s lives, even with a full cycle of the moon between us.” Talmā nodded, shifting so he laid down to be closer to Lachiell’s size.

“You are right. And no matter the distance, we are bound by blood as well.” The young Shelerana nodded, leaning more fully into him.

“Exactly. The blood of Hakuna’jina runs strong in our veins. And we shall continue to persevere, no matter where we find ourselves, or what situations arise to try and strike us down. We are fighters, to the last of us. We shall always survive and thrive.”

Word Count - 1,023, according to Google Docs