Welcome Club Brimstone, The only Club with a formal ware requirement that allows any of your hearts desires to be fulfilled.

Club Brimstone main lounge area Has three levels, the first level has tables on the main floor that make it easy for customers to see the stage that takes up a quarter of one wall, with two doors on either side of it. The second floor has a row of tables and also has a rather large bar section. The third floor also has tables but also sports five fully functional Jacuzzi tubs that cater to those who want to bathe in their drink whether it be blood or otherwise. On the main floor at the south end of the floor has three doors, one that goes down into the pleasure rooms, another for bloodletters delight which is an all exclusive section for those who want pain with their pleasure. The final Door leads to stairs in which to go to the fourth and fifth floors, the Fourth floor consisting of VIP lounges for Special Quests, While the Fifth floor caters to work Staff room and offices.

Currently this fine establishment is closed and awaiting a new proprietor.