User Image Shujaa was really starting to get into his routine as a guard. It had been new to him at first, but the large lion was quite pleased with how things had turned out. He no longer needed to worry about mercenary work or contracts, and could instead focus on keeping his pride safe from threats. To him, that was quite a relief, as he had often worried about leaving those he cared for behind while he went to work a contract. Not that the mercs couldn't protect themselves of course, but he'd felt better knowing he'd be there to help. And now he could! Shujaa rumbled happily as he passed through the underbrush of the den area of the territory, more than happy to start his day.

Damu was also on her way to get her morning started. Asali had already managed to wake up without her to start their hunting duties, but Damu didn't mind catching up with her sister later in the day. She needed to practice on her own every once in a while, especially with a pride full of hungry mouths to depend on them. And now that she had been with the Tani'Ajiri for some time, she had started to grow more accustomed to them and their day to day activities. Which mostly consisted of sparring and training with one another. Damu's only experience with such activities had been when she'd made the occasional trip to the Firekin outpost while with the Ithambo'hlabathi, but she had never stuck around long enough to really watch anything in great detail. She hadn't trusted anyone enough to stay for longer than a few moments to sate her curiosity, before making a hasty retreat back to the other lionesses in the bonelands. But here? It was literally a way of life that she couldn't escape from, and she had to admit it was fun to watch sometimes.

Not far from where Damu traveled out of the forested area of the territory, was Shujaa preparing to make the trip to the border and patrol the area. His fiery eyes did happen to fall on her familiar form and the large male smiled to himself. He remembered their first meeting and how tentative she had been, but since then she seemed to be getting more comfortable around him and the pride in general. Shujaa cleared his throat to get her attention, before taking a few slow steps in her direction. "It's a lovely morning, Damu," he told her with a yawn. "And an early one at that." The sun had barely started its rise over the horizon and the early morning light lit up the sky in soft colors. "What has you up at this hour?" he asked softly, keeping his voice low in case others were still sleeping around here.

The sound of someone clearing their throat made her muscles tense briefly, but she didn't immediately unsheathe her claws like she would have days ago. Damu was no where near as friendly or chatty as Asali, but she recognized Shujaa's voice before she saw him and that brought a smile to her maw. "Hello, Shujaa," she greeted as she turned olive eyes in his direction. The large male was easily the quickest friend she had made in the Tani'Ajiri, and the one she was the most comfortable with besides her son, Bamba. "I was just about to head out for a hunt," she told him with a pleasant smile, her muscles relaxing as he drew closer.

He kept his approach slow and non-threatening, which was surprisingly easy for such a large male. Shujaa didn't know what had happened in her past to make her so wary of others, but he had always been careful to keep himself a respectable distance away unless she invited him to come closer. "Oh, that makes sense," he agreed with a bob of large head. "I'm about to head out on patrol. Would you like some company to the border?" he asked her, his fiery gaze soft as he looked at her. She was such a small lioness, he often wondered how she managed to take down larger prey. Then again, from what he'd seen of her, she was quite feisty as well.

She had been prepared to make the trip on her own, but Damu had to admit she felt safer with Shujaa around. "If you wouldn't mind," she told him, almost sheepishly so. She was still getting use to where all the borders where, and she'd rather not explain herself to anyone she happened to bump into. Or worse, worry if they were simply a traveling guest the pride was entertaining. The lioness took the last few paces towards Shujaa and bumped the top of her head against his shoulder before continuing on their way. Her sister was always very affectionate, and so Damu didn't think twice about giving Shujaa a little bump of her head. She had definitely gotten comfortable around him.

Shujaa made sure to stay very still as she came closer, but he was surprised by her show of affection, and wasn't sure if he should return the gesture or not. She had already started walking away though, so he decided against it. "Not at all," he replied, easily falling into step next to the smaller lioness. He didn't want the silence to fall between them, as he was enjoying her company, so he opted to ask her a question. "How are you finding the Tani'Ajiri? Are you settling in okay?" he asked her casually, hoping she hadn't run into any issues or problems with anyone. Some of the mercs could get a little rowdy, and he could imagine that wouldn't go over very well with her.

She tilted her head at his question, though it wasn't entirely unwarranted. When they'd first met she probably would have clawed his face off if he'd approached her in any other way than he had. "Its going well," she told him somewhat uncertainly. She was feeling more comfortable with some aspects of the pride, and less with others. She didn't like that strangers were allowed to waltz into the territory at any given time, but then that's how the mercs did their business. "I get a little nervous sometimes," she admitted. "But its easier when Asali, Bamba, or you are around," she told him with a small smile.

That's about the answer he had expected, though he couldn't help but return her smile with a soft one of his own. "Well, I'm glad I can make things easier for you," he told her sincerely. It was a good feeling to know he could help someone, even in a simple way. "If you need anything from me, please don't hesitate to ask," he told her with a nod of his large head. The mop of brown fur from his mane flopped down to partially block part of his vision as he did so, and he had to pause in his step to push it aside with a raised paw.

She paused her step to look at him as he pushed the hair from his eyes, and Damu quietly appreciated him. She probably wouldn't admit it outloud, but she did find Shujaa to be rather handsome. "It's definitely appreciated," she told him, and began to walk again when he was ready. She didn't particularly notice, but she did walk closer to him now, nearly touching his shoulder as they studied the sunrise together and prepared to start their day.

((Word Count: 1,224))