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Shujaa was still fresh from his morning meal with Damu, one of the new hunters the pride had taken in. And he had to admit that it was nice eating something that someone else had caught for a change. After all, he wasn't the best at the activity, and it usually took him the better part of the day to track and kill something. With a full belly the large male was prepared to get back to his patrol of the territory, still attempting to find the best route and routine to do so. It was then that his fiery eyes landed on a familiar face, and Shujaa grinned at the sight of her. The last time he had seen Moya she had been out of sorts, but he hoped a few days rest had given her the bounce back to her step that she usually had. "Morning Moya!" Shujaa called to get her attention.

Moya'vuli had spent the last few days to herself, as she had needed the time to really understand her feelings. Her and Thunzi had spent many hours, well into the night, talking through her fears and uncertainties, and she felt stronger for it. Before she had simply avoided any painful thoughts or memories by distracting herself with physically activities, but now it was out in the open she felt as though she didn't need to hide from it anymore. The leopard had been supportive of her, and honestly it was a side of him that she had never quite seen before. She knew he had cared before, but she hadn't known how deeply those feelings had gone. It had all been a lot to take in if she was being honest with herself, and so she had taken several days to just be by herself. No training, no sparring, nothing that had involved others or the physical activity she usually used to distract herself. It was quite refreshing, actually. Hearing her name in a familiar voice brought a wide smile to her maw and she turned to face her friend. "Good morning, Shujaa," she called back as he closed the gap between them. "You seem pleased this day," she told him as she studied his big grin and the bounce in his step.

It was a relief to see Moya smile again, as the last time they had met she had left him with tears in her eyes and no explanation. He didn't like to pry into others business, so he hadn't pursued her, though it had worried him. Oh, do I?" he laughed as he reached a paw out to lightly shove at her shoulder. "I could say the same thing about you, you know," Shujaa grinned, his fiery eyes peaking out from behind his dark mane. They had often sparred together, and had worked many a contract together, so Shujaa saw her a comrade and an equal. Heck, she'd even kicked his rump a few times! "What's got you all smiles this morning?" he asked good-heartedly.

He shoved her and she gave him a rueful grin in return, as she returned the shoving, a bit more roughly. "I've decided to retire from mercenary work," she told him rather happily. She had spent her entire life fighting for others, it was time she did something for herself. She saw the look that he gave her and her smile redoubled. "Don't worry, I'll still be around to kick your butt. I don't think Thunzi would be too happy if I just up and left." And to be fair, neither would she. The Tani'Ajiri had certainly become the family she had never had.

"You don't say?" Surprise was definitely evident on his features, as he had not expected that response from her. Well, if it made her happy, than he supposed it wasn't a bad thing. Besides, the pride was evolving to now include civilians who did not fight for contracts. After all, that was the whole purpose of his new rank. "Well I'll just have to protect you too now", he told her, a hint of teasing to his tone. Honestly, she was one of the best fighters in the Tani'Ajiri, and he doubted she'd need saving from anything. Shujaa did raise his brow at the mention of Thunzi, but the large male kept those comments to himself. "So what are you going to do instead?" he asked, wondering if she too would want to be a hunter.

Well, now that was the thing, now wasn't it? What was she going to do with all this free time she had gotten for herself? It wasn't quite sadness that passed across her features, but it wasn't too far off either. "I'm not sure yet, Shujaa. I may just not do anything for awhile," she shrugged, but even that was dissatisfying. She needed something to do, lest she go mad with boredom. "What would you suggest? And don't say 'hunt'," she said as she scrunched up her face. Nope, she had never been very good at that particular activity.

She was asking him for advise? Well, despite her warning his first answer was of course, 'you could hunt?' But thankfully he stopped himself before those words could leave his mouth. The large lion pondered her question, unsure of what else she could do occupy her time. There weren't any cubs running around, at least not yet, so offering any sort of baby sitting or teaching role wouldn't do. And he wasn't about to suggest 'make some cubs' to her, as he liked his face unmarred by claw marks. Hmm. "Well Moya, what do you like to do then? I'll admit, its a bit of a tricky question you're throwing at me." Not that he didn't want to help her, he did, but he couldn't rightfully give her the answer she sought.

The lioness sighed as she sat back on her haunches. She knew it hadn't been very fair to ask Shujaa, but in all honestly she was just as stumped as he was. She tilted her head at his question though, her silver eyes quiet and searching as she scanned the horizon. "I like to find beautiful things..." she told him. Like her colorful stones she often found near the riverbed. Or the hides she had sometimes taken from kills to decorate her den. "Maybe I'll do something with that," she spoke aloud, though mostly to herself. She had used to claws to hurt things and fight, but maybe she could use them for something else. Maybe she could make something beautiful with them.

"Now there's an idea!" Shujaa laughed, his voice booming with sudden joy. He had often seen Moya searching for her pretty rocks, and he had heard of some individuals in far away prides that made beautiful things out of ordinary stuff. "You're talking about being an 'artisan', you know," he told her with a smile. At least, that's the word he had heard so many years ago in his travels. "To make things out of other things, and such. That's what an artisan does." Though he had to admit, he was sketchy on the details. But at least it was something!

Moya's eyes widened as Shujaa burst out with joy and an explanation to the feelings she was feeling. "Oh, that's actually a thing?" Her smile spread wide across her maw as she considered it. She did like making the small things she had already put together, and maybe if she spent more time doing it then she could get better! "See, I knew I bumped into you for a reason today. Thanks, Shujaa!" she grinned as she got up to return to her den. She had plans and ideas to think about! And when she was ready, she'd go talk to Thunzi about it to see what he thought as well.

((Word Counter: 1,309))