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Thunzi half expected Bamba to be following him, but luckily the kid seemed to have sense in him after all. Thunzi had said he'd be going to speak with these hunters himself, alone, and he'd meant it. Any interference from Bamba likely would have been met with claws, as Thunzi did not have the time or patience to deal with insubordination. He knew the kid was worried, it was his 'mum' and 'auntie' after all, but that would not excuse directly disobeying an order. At this point Thunzi was just ready to get this over with. To see if these two lionesses, older by the sound of it, had what it took to help support the Tani'Ajiri, and not drag it down in the eyes of potential buyers. His silver eyes scanned the horizon as the sun climbed higher in the sky, there was other business to attend to this day, and he was approaching the border Bamba had indicated.

Bamba had left them earlier that morning, just as the sun had started its journey across the sky, and it was nearly mid morning now. Damu's olive eyes watched the horizon as she waited for her son to return. She hadn't expected him to take this long, but then she wasn't sure what all he needed to speak to the leader about to let them join. "I hope we didn't get him into trouble," Damu sulked, her chin resting on her paws. Her only experience with the leadership of the Ithambo'hlabathi had been a rather life changing experience with one of its inselelo, Jasiri, and the father of her cubs. After that she had made a point of mostly avoiding the males in the bonelands, preferring the company of her fellow females. She couldn't help but wonder at what sort of leaders the Tani'Ajiri boasted, and if this request would be... difficult.

"I'm sure he's fine," Asali answered sleepily. She wanted nothing more than to stretch out on a nice shady rock and take a long nap. She had been doing most of the heavy lifting when it came to the hunting duties the sister's had shared while out in the rogue lands, and it had taken its toll on her. The large lioness had moved to sprawl out next to Damu, her back resting against her dark pelted sisters, and her bright yellow eyes partially closed as she took in the sun's warm morning rays. "Whatever happens, you know I have your back, sister," Asali practically yawned as she stretched her legs out in front of her. The sooner she got her nap, the better she would feel.

It took a few more moments of the leopard approaching the border before his silver eyes caught sight of two forms in the distance. He considered how he should approach them, but ultimately Thunzi simply decided on the straight forward route. There was no reason to drag this encounter out for very long, and either they had what it took or they did not. "Greetings," Thunzi called as he gathered himself into a more noble presentation. Not that he had been ungraceful before, but for these kinds of things he needed to look the part of a leader. His silver eyes watched as two heads popped up and turned in his direction, almost in unison. At that moment the leopard decided to be a bit more on his guard, albeit subconsciously as he assessed the two lionesses and the situation in his approach.

Damu had been watching the pale form for some time before he called out to them, but she had indeed raised her head nearly at the same time Asali did to acknowledge the greeting. "Good morning," Damu called in response, her tone measured as she tried to decide how to address this individual. Bamba had mentioned that the Tani'Ajiri was a mixed pride, but she had not been expecting a leopard to approach them. Was he the leader that Bamba gone to speak with? Were the mercenaries lead by a leopard? Damu was careful to keep her face as expressionless as possible as she considered this question. She wasn't very sure how to feel about that, as leopards were even smaller than she was, and Damu was on the small side for a lioness.

On the opposite spectrum of Damu was Asali, the large pale lioness unable to hide the curiosity that shone in her bright yellow eyes. She had come to the same conclusion that Damu had, that this individual was likely the leader that Bamba had spoken with, and it tickled her greatly. "Yes, good morning!" Asali answered, her maw curling into a pleasant smile. The large lioness rolled to her belly before pushing herself up onto her paws as the leopard grew closer. From their time out in the roguelands before they joined with the Ithambo'hlabthi, Asali had met with and become fast friends with many a creature. The fact that he was a leopard did not bother her, however it was somewhat surprising. This pride had certainly caught her attention by that fact alone, and she wondered at what else might surprise her.

It was easy for Thunzi to read others. From body language, to tone of voice, muscle twitches, and what their eyes focused on he could tell that these two were surprised to see him. Most lions had that reaction, in fact. No one expected that the pale leopard led and commanded a large group of deadly mercenaries, and most never expected the claws and fangs that found their purchase a moment too late, either. A skilled and former assassin, Thunzi knew how to use that surprise to his advantage. The leopard allowed a cool smirk to pull at his maw as he came to a stop not far from the sisters, his expression a mask of casual pleasantry. They were younger than he'd expected, as Bamba calling them 'mum' and 'auntie' had some how made them seem much older in his mind. That in of itself was a point in their favor. "Sorry to keep you ladies waiting, I am Thayiga'Thunzi, the Face of the Tani'Ajiri. And I assume you are 'mum' and 'auntie' respectfully." His silver eyes floated between the stoic dark one, and the eager light one as he spoke, his voice a perfect ebb and flow into casual conversation. "It seems Bamba failed to give me your names, nor did he mention I'd have the pleasure of meeting with two beauties this morning." What could he say? He had a thing for pretty faces.

Damu blinked slowly as she processed the smooth talking leopard, her olive eyes watching the subtle shifts in his weight and demeanor. His compliment did fall upon deaf ears, as she had no reaction to be referred to as a 'beauty'. Damu placed no value in how she looked, and typically didn't think of such things. "I am Damu, and Bamba is my son," she answered truthfully. She was put slightly on edge by the situation, worried that she would be denied access to her son and getting to know him better. And she wasn't entirely certain how she would react to that. "Did he speak with you about our joining?" She couldn't keep from asking what was on her mind, though perhaps it may have been rude to do so. He was a leader after all, and maybe she shouldn't have put it so bluntly, but social tact was never her strong suit. Typically Damu left that to Asali.

Asali tilted her head slightly in Damu's direction, her ears flicking back and then forwards again as she listened to her sister. This must have been difficult for Damu, she concluded. "And I am Asali, Bamba's aunt," she answered cheerfully. His compliment did draw out a rather amused smile from the large lioness, her bright eyes lighting up at the thought of being considered beautiful. Even if it was just words, it was nice to hear. "I realize it is a rather strange request. We have no interest in fighting for you as mercenaries, yet we would like to join your pride regardless." Tact was already scattered to the wind with Damu's words, so Asali decided it was best to be straightforward and sincere. She had to remind herself that this leopard, who was quite a bit smaller than her, was indeed a leader of a pride they were trying to join. Hopefully she wasn't stepping on any of his toes, but she really had very little experience dealing with prides and leaders in general. With the Ithambo'hlabathi being the exception, though that pride was quite a bit different from this one she imagined.

Straight to the point with these girls, it seemed. He couldn't say he disapproved by any measure, as there was a lot to accomplish today, but he was rather disappointed neither seemed interested in some light flirting. "It is strange," Thunzi agreed as he sat back on his haunches, putting off an air of nonchalance as he rolled his shoulders. "We make our living fighting for favors, and this work can be dangerous." There was no reason to sugar coat it or put it lightly. They needed to know what they would be getting themselves into, and he wasn't entirely certain Bamba had given them all of the details. "We have recently settled into a small territory to call our own, and though it is secure we cannot guarantee that we will not have enemies at any given time. One makes few friends when you do the things that we do." He watched their faces for any sign of uncertainty or faltering, and when he found none he continued. "That being said, we protect our own, but everyone pulls their weight. Bamba mentioned you ladies were skilled hunters, and if that's true then I'll make a deal with you. To put it bluntly, if you hunt for us, you can join us. It'll free up my mercenaries from the task so they can focus on their training." There. That was the deal. His silver eyes steeled themselves as he awaited their answer, as he was prepared to do what was necessary if they refused.

Damu listened intently to the leopard as he spoke to them, his casual tone growing more serious and drawing her into his words. Bamba had mentioned that it might be dangerous, but the full weight of his meaning didn't sink into until this leopard laid it out flat for them. They were mercenaries that fought for others, and they could have many enemies at any given time. Perhaps this should have given her second thoughts, but the dark little lioness only steeled her resolve. If her son was going to be in danger than she would face it with him. "I have no objections to this deal," Damu practically snarled. She might not want to fight for the Tani'Ajiri as a mercenary, but Damu had never been hesitant to pull out claws and fangs when she had to.

Asali was quick to bump her sister's shoulder with the top of her head, reminding the smaller lioness not to get too worked up. "Nor do I," Asali agreed. The large lioness was no stranger to fighting, though she would rather not do it unless it was absolutely necessary. "We are well aware of the danger Thayiga'Thunzi, and we appreciate your offer. Rest assured, we can shoulder the hunting responsibilities with ease," Asali told him, her smile turning more confident than friendly. Hunting was an activity that she surely enjoyed, and she was good at it, so she had no doubt they would be able to provide for the pride. Just... after a nap first.

Thunzi took a moment longer to absorb their responses and their body language. He did not react when the smaller one snarled at him, as he concluded she hadn't meant it as a threat. For if she had he was certain he'd be able to get to her before she even rose to her paws. After a moment's consideration his serious expression melted away into one of smooth pleasantry and he stood once again. "Then ladies, welcome to the Tani'Ajiri," he smiled at them, his calculating silver eyes considerably softer now that these two were officially a part of the mercenaries. "You may follow me back to our pride, I'm sure Bamba will want to show you around himself." The leopard then turned to walk back the way he had come, glad that this morning's business had gone smoothly.

Damu took in a deep breath, feeling the air fill her lungs and calm her nerves. Asali was right, she needed to calm down. "Thank you," Damu said sincerely as she too rose to her paws. A great weight seemed to lift itself from her chest when she realized she'd be able to spend time with her son and get to know him better. She had felt so guilty when he had been forced to leave as an adult, and she planned on taking advantage of this opportunity. What kind of lion had her son grown into? What could she do to help him? These thoughts and more filled her mind as she followed the leopard back.

Thank goodness. Asali was pleased with the idea of getting to take a nap soon, and she was particularly comfortable with talking to Thayiga'Thunzi. It seemed being straightforward and genuine in what one wanted would go far here, which Asali vastly preferred to tip-toeing around those in power. She could do it, but the large lioness found the practice to be rather tiresome. "Thank you," Asali echoed as she tried to stifle a yawn. The morning's excitement had only managed to drain her of most of her energy reserves, and she planned on curling up against a warm rock in the shade for most of the day.

((Word Count: 2,320))