It was nearing evening when Mi'ra finally began to stir. He scrunched his nose up a little as his mind slowly began to return to consciousness, his body curling up on itself just a bit in a tiny reverse stretch, snuggling deeper into the bed for a few moments. As he slowly woke he gave a little yawn and unfurled, realizing a bit belatedly that his feet had bumped up against something under the blankets.

The late afternoon sunlight filled the weyr and made Mi'ra a bit disoriented as he opened his eyes, unsure of what time it was, what day it was, and where he was. This wasn't his weyr. This wasn't his bed. And there was someone else just a few inches from his face.


It came rushing back pretty quickly as he woke a bit more, a little grin on his face as the memories returned. That's early morning goldflight. Mictecath had risen with Rukbat and had set High Reaches ablaze with love and flightlust, sending the inhabitants of the Weyr buzzing with delight and desire. Mi'ra had been eager to find someone to spend the morning with and by the looks of how late in the day it was, they'd spent more than just the morning together.

Tilting his head just a bit, Mi'ra tried to catch a glimpse of the face of the other young man before recalling who he had bumped into. R'nori, a recent transplant from Western thanks to him Impressing at the last clutch. He was sure his green was around here somewhere but for now it seemed it was just the two of them.

Settling down again, Mi'ra laid beside the other rider, a grin on his face as he waited for R'nori to wake up. He began to fidget a bit while he waited, feet shifting and bumping the taller man's legs.
