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Bara's tongue lolled from her mouth in an almost comical manner as her paws trotted across the baked earth, the sun beating down almost in a physical manner from the endless blue sky. It was another one of those days... where it wasn't even cool when camped under a leafy tree or giant rock. No, the shade would offer no reprise from the heat and that was that... but at least she wasn't far from a watering hole. If the damned thing was even still there... she'd seen countless watering holes disappear even within hours on days like these... like the cruel sun was stealing them away so no animal could escape it's torture. Usually said watering holes were small... in fact she might even go so far as to describe them as puddle-ish. It did not matter though, her aim was for a better known and much larger watering hole.

Her tail gave a few swishes back and forth as she caught a shimmer in the distance, she must have been close. She better be close because her own panting was getting on her nerves just so... and her sides felt like they might burst as her lungs filled and emptied over and over. She thought she probably looked a sight, dusty and worn out... though she also thought if she did run into anyone they would look much the same so there wasn't a point in worrying.

After a few more minutes the little oasis came blissfully into view and a renewed energy burst into her paws, giving her just enough to pick up her pace. It was less crowded than she had imagined, but that was good for her as far as she was concerned. Not so free of other beasts that any shady spots cooled by the few sparse trees around were free, of course. "Finally!" She breathed out as she reached the edge of the water and leaned down, drinking deeply.