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Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:03 pm
It has been ENTIRELY too long since I've had a presence in SoA. So long, in fact, that I don't actually believe I have a plot thread in this guild, but in the old one. sweatdrop I do miss the plots, my critters. I've got all or most of their images saved and I recall little bits of what I may have had going on which, of course, could well have changed in the years (oof) since I've been active here. Prides potentially gone, mate/romance/fling planning from back in the day, I've got snippets.

SO! I'm throwing together a pretty basic, informal plot thread here. If interested in any of my lot, feel free to quote me here, PM me, or I'm pretty much always on Discord ( TheTeaCoon #8729 ). The next couple of posts will be where I drop my crew, along with any tidbits I may recall.

This thread will probably be in flux as I continue to figure things out, but feel free to hit me up if anyone strikes your interest.  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:15 am

User Image 1) This is Isra. She was part of a huuuge family back when that Harem pride (with Pads and Banus, the U'W?, since there's a newer one now) was around. If I recall correctly, she did remain with her mate/husband/pad, but I can't recall who he was/who he was played by.

User Image 2) This is Ruqayqa. She was also part of the same pride Isra was in, though when it disbanded she was solo. If memory serves, I had her tossed into the Jedi/Sith pride I/T thread when I was last active. She's a seer, being the daughter of the God of Manes. I believe she was single.

User Image 3) This is Brezanae! She was the master storyteller of the Antianeira, the amazon pride, when it was still around. While she may be a rogue now, she still is pretty much living the life. She's a lady loving lady, open to any feline or hybrid. Fellas are fine enough for producing kids, or dealing with them in trade or even maybe in friendship, but that'd be about all she'd be interested in them for. I don't think I had any set romance/mate set up for her?? I'm looking to finding her a new pride to call home.

User Image 4) This is Mumtaza. I thiiiiink she's supposed to be in the Bonelands? Otherwise, pretty much a blank slate, in need of all the things.

User Image5) This is Lakiya. She was originally in the Aka Mleli, if memory serves. She has a vulture companion, named Kahili. They're still together, though the pride is no more. Also, essentially a blank slate, single and in need of all things. I can't remember much for her.

User Image6) This is Nulpi! Also a single blank slate, as far as my memory is telling me, but I do have a note jotted down that I had plans to send her to the Iknimaya, though I would be open to sending her elsewhere. I definitely have her slighted as a pride/group seeking lioness. c:

User Image7) This is Iseq'Aili. Has old ties to the Stormborn, though I don't recall if she was a member. Had a fistful of nieces and nephews that had been sired by Aesir back in the day. She has a territory that she more or less keeps to, but roves around within and without. If memory serves, she was kind of like a faery or some elusive presence that lurked in the area, sticking to thick forests, and had a knack of getting up into trees or up to rocky perches with ease and stealth. Single, open to flings, a proper mate would take work...or understanding. I'd be open to her settling into a pride maybe, but it'd have to align with her...idk spirit? Open for offers!

User Image8 ) This Nayeli! Also more or less a blank slate, though I do have her being listed as a warrior in the Dvergr pride, the Dwarf pride. I don't think it exists anymore, so she's once again out in the rogue lands. Single, open for anything and everything, prides, plots, etc.

User ImageMuista Unesi! Daughter of Saba'minhaj and Kimatuli. She was also involved with the the Dvergr pride, but was a healer and caretaker. (The specific title was Wife, funny enough with her singleness.) As with Nayeli, she's back to kicking around the rogue lands. Single, open for anything and everything, prides, plots, etc.

Caring, warm, and tough, yet sweet, Muista is always ready to lend a paw to those who need it. She’s a tough cookie that won’t tolerate too much foolishness, especially in her patients. She pretty much has always been willing to do just about anything for her chosen craft, healing the injured and sick. Having been brought up within a pride and with many siblings, Muista has little trouble with being social and contending with groups or gatherings. While she can function without too much in the way of social interaction, even a little company is generally preferred over solitude. While not a brawler by default, she is a bit larger than average, thanks in no small part to her unknown rogue father. She can and will hold her own or defend whatever or whomever she may need to.

User Image 10) This is Groa. She has a secret name that only those nearest and dearest to know and are allowed to use, her home name...Gili. (So, unless you are an immediate sibling, her mother, or receive IC permission for her to use it, don't. Though we can discuss if you'd like your character to overhear one of her near and dears using it, if you want to see what happens.) Now, to the nitty gritty.

Groa is a thrall within the Stormborn pride. She's a petite, delicate seeming lioness as an adult, due to physical issues stemming from her mother's difficult pregnancy. Then as now, she has trouble difficulty digesting her meals, especially large ones. She can be absolutely famished, but unless she breaks meals up into smaller portions broken up over a time, she'll have to deal with significant stomach cramps, nausea, and even potentially being unable to keep her food down at all.

She's also a seer, her father being Al-Hattal. Gili's visions, for better or worse, are be tied into her delicate constitution. When her stomach is full or she is at least satisfied, her visions will be more mild, further apart, less detailed, and be far less demanding upon her. When her belly has an empty, hollow ache, her visions tend to be more intense, vivid, specifically detailed, though more significantly draining on her. When a vision sets in, her eyes become unfocused, sort of like when one stares off into the middle distance and 'gets stuck' there, staring at nothing quite seriously or intently. Sounds and smells will become clear to her first before actually seeing what vision is coming to her. Her visions scared her when she was a cub, but as she grew, she came to understand them. She's kept her seer status quiet. Should someone be in the know and be close enough to her, or, if someone in a more elevated position knows and has the power/position to be able to order her compliance, she may attempt to channel a vision specifically for them if a question is posed of her by fasting. (Or, since she is a thrall, possibly being denied food if owned by or leant to a less kindly sort.)

In her youth, Gili dealt with frustration at herself for being unable to keep up with many youngsters her age due to her sensitive digestive system and the limited supply of energy she had due to how she had to moderate how she ate. She came to learn patience with herself and in general. It's okay to take things more slowly. It doesn't make her lesser in any respect. This mindset helped her develop a strong work ethic, taking pride in what she does when she does something. On the whole, patient, understanding, and kind Gili can and will be an entirely pleasant lioness to interact with. However, she will be her mother's daughter and will take a few pages from her mother's book of sass. If her patience is taxed, if she is slighted/wronged or someone displeases her, she may get snippy or lay into the offender, given the chance to do so. If not, her RBF will plainly and simply express her distaste for what's going on. She does know her limits. She doesn't have the ability to be an outstanding fighter. She won't last long at all should she come to blows. All the better to use her wit and memory to her advantage. Gili has a pretty decent memory for information and retains it quite well, save for if she's dealing with her stomach issue which makes focusing on trying to drum up something specific difficult for her. She remembers things said or done to her, and by extent her family, should they share with her. Groa may grant forgiveness if it is sought, but she won't ever forget.

This all being said, I'd like to find her someone to belong to. It could be played as a recent transfer or it could be played as your SB being the one she was transferred to when she came of age. Her mother didn't want to be a thrall, and Gili doesn't plan to die one if she can help it. So, while she can't fight her way out, she can marry her way out. Now, sure, marrying for love would be fantastic, but if she can achieve her goal of at least becoming freeborn through marriage, she'll deal. [I would like her to eventually land in a happy, fulfilling relationship though.] Depending on the rapport she develops her potential future husband, she may try her hand at flirting and drawing attention that way...or she may just flat out ask 'Have you ever had a thought about marrying me?'


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:18 am

User Image 1) This is Saba'Minhaj, Saba for short. He's a big fella who had a fling as a rogue with a lioness named Kimatuli (owned by Dulcea, before Kima ascended to godhood), which resulted in I want to say five or six cubs. His kids are all grown, he's settled in the Pridelands as a hunter, and he doesn't have anything else going on. I know he's at least got one litter of grandkids running around. He's open for anything barring leaving the Pridelands.

If I remember correctly, he was born into and spent through his adolescence in some sort of odd sea monster worshipping cult type of deal, where his size and coloration marked him a having been 'blessed' by one of the beasts the cult devoted themselves to. Essentially, he got wigged out as he grew old enough to question things and dipped. Heeee doesn't really talk about it, but will probably answer some questions if he's pressed. I'm not interested in just killing him off so, here's my thought. He's not a young fellow anymore, upper middle aged about maybe. I think I'd like maybe one more litter from him, because I'm smitten with his stripes. |D But also because he does want the father experience. His fling was in passing and he didn't fully realize he had kids until he met one of his adult daughters by chance. Gentle giant gentleman, seeking a mate to maybe grow a family with, but certainly to grow older together with. Also, totally fine adopting, fostering, or even babysitting or taking on paternal roles if he needs to.

User Image 2) This is Eitan or Hap. Both are his name and will gladly answer to both. Hoo, this boy. If memory serves, he was related to some higher ups in the pride, with a big family to boot? I know there's been all sorts of moving and shaking within the Kizingo'zaa, sooo he's pretty much a blank slate. I need to read up on how things are currently and see if I feel he should stay or if he should mosey.

User Image 3) This is Yehudah. He was a warrior within the En Gedi when they were around. He had a mate and a couple of kids as well. With their disbanding, and me not having any idea who had his mate or his kids, Yehudah is a wandering rogue, alone. I'd be interested in finding him a pride to call home, folks to rekindle his life with. Open to everything.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:21 am

User Image1) This is Nena. She's a carver in the Ulili-Mlindaji. She's a sweet, handworking gal that greatly enjoys her work on the shrines. She's content in the U'M and doesn't fancy leaving. They do allow rogue and hybrid breedings though, so if this gal is of interest, her potential fling/romance doesn't have to be a member of her group unless they simply wish to join her.

User Image2) This is Kawena'ula. I don't think I had anything going for this guy and he's totally a blank slate, so I can work him into all sorts of things.

User Image3) This is Ophir. He's a blank slate that I have no memory of having anything going on for him. Open for anything and everything.

User Image4) This is Gece. Presently a rogue, he's confident, hardy, caring, and outgoing. He's a skilled hunter and tends to utilize twilight and the night to better camouflage with his coat. He'll absently hum or sing to himself when he thinks he's alone.

I know I had a mate plot in the works for him. Or at the very least was feeling things out.

User Image5) This is Suha'Eilir. Currently a rogue, I believe. Originally, very cool and clinical, Suha was a cheetah with a keen interest on studying and understanding the world around him, be it life cycles of insects or the weather. A chance meeting with a lovely leopardess awakened in him a romantic streak that he had been previously unaware of. The two really hit it off and they had begun to make plans for a future together. As quickly as they had met, one day she disappeared out of the blue. This really hurt him quite deeply and instead of outwardly expressing his despair, Suha internalized his grief. He grew quiet and once again his days were filled with study though without the fervor that used to grip him. Gece, a friend of his, helped him get out and actually interact with others, but he isn't quite the same passionate male that he used to be. Willing to interact with others, he may still be a little gun shy in regards to romance.

I also believe I had a potential mate and/or fling plot in the works for this fellow.

User Image6) This is Krioni. I believe he's a rogue. Back in the day, I recall having submitted him for a Labyrinth themed pride I/T. He's energetic, lively, and pretty acrobatic if he feels like it. He could probably make a fair entertainer if he were to actually put his mind to it. I think I'd like for him to be in a group, since he is a sociable fellow.


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:23 am

User Image1) This is Joephi'Johari. Totally a blank slate. I can't remember anything about this lovely lady, if she had a pack or plans. Rogue open for all things.

User Image2) This is Ikinya. This gal was actually my very first SoA. I don't remember who owned her parents and siblings, but she does have I thiiiink two or three siblings, and a good handful of nieces and nephews. I would love to come up with something awesome for her, be it adventure, love of a lifetime, maybe a fling before settling, maybe a pack, Something! She's been back burnered long enough.

User Image3) This is Fivin. He's a rogue these days since his pack was disbanded. His name means 'rainstorm' in the language of his birth pack, and he grew up and was trained to serve as a knight. He's a fully capable hunter and fighter, but is first and foremost a civil, respectful gentleman. I want to say the pack was lead by a queen, so he probably has an ingrained inclination to defer to ladies, to be quick to take up arms, and defend them if they need him to. He also knows they're strong, capable folks in their own right, his own mother was a Dame. This all being said, I'd like to find him a lady love and likely a pack to devote himself to, unless he ends up settling into a sort of family group.

User Image 4) This is Rigel. She's a rogue on her own. I think she's a blank slate and I can't recall anything having been going on for her.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:24 am


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:25 am
Saving, just in case I guess?  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:26 pm
Okay! Barring a couple of familiars, this is everyone I have currently. Open for business! heart  


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:39 pm
Hello, Chi! Since I've been resurrected, I have some old notes stashed in my personal guild from those years back now. I am profoundly sorry for being eaten up so. ;u;

Would you still be interested in feeling out our respective bookworm/scholarly sorts with Suha and your Ami? Or trying out your Jemmnu and Gece still? If not I completely understand! Just wanting to check in since I've been trying to get my lot in order.

Chi Sohma
PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:39 pm
Hello, Chi! Since I've been resurrected, I have some old notes stashed in my personal guild from those years back now. I am profoundly sorry for being eaten up so. ;u;

Would you still be interested in feeling out our respective bookworm/scholarly sorts with Suha and your Ami? Or trying out your Jemmnu and Gece still? If not I completely understand! Just wanting to check in since I've been trying to get my lot in order.

Chi Sohma

Who is Gece love?
And I also have a couple for Suha to pick from!

https://res.cloudinary.com/splashofsnow/image/upload/v1532718740/SoA_Cheetah_uncert/chini3adult_zps6x5o1v7l.png - Suta
https://res.cloudinary.com/splashofsnow/image/upload/v1532718550/SoA_Cheetah_uncert/ajani_rada_chicustom_zpssrtgmi7l.png - Bahija
User Image - Ami  

Chi Sohma

Married Unicorn

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