((Backdated Discord Log PRP for B'den/Riojath and Raiden))

Raiden normally did not fidget. He'd changed out of the white robes and into a shirt and trousers, but somehow the clothes didn't seem to fit. He tugged self-consciously at his sleeves, hoping to cover himself up, to disappear...

He had failed. Of course, dragons had found worthier bondmates- his sister included. It still stung, but at least he could be happy for her. It wasn't the gold he had imagined, but the pair could be nothing but perfect for each other, right? Right?!

"Bion! Over here!" He tried to catch her attention before she entered the feasting area, hoping to speak to her alone. He... Was he jealous that a dragon might replace her sisterly love for him? Was his prescence even noteworthy to her? The first- maybe. And oh Faranth, he hoped the second was a yes. He tried to compose himself, to be 'mature', and he flashed her a brilliant if pained smile.

Bionden was smitten the moment the green’s call had pulled her away from the healer’s benches. She had never felt so good. It was like she was walking on a cloud from that moment. Time had seemed to rush past the pair as she made sure Riojath was fed and oiled and seen safely to a bunk. All she wanted to do was gaze at her sleeping beauty.

Instead she had to get ready herself; for there was the Hatching Feast to attend. Even as she showered, Bionden marveled at the fact she was finally a rider. She had fully expected to walk off those sands alone for the last time. Instead the best green of the clutch had claimed her.

Soon she was ready, and Riojath had woken from her nap. Bionden touched up her coat of oil so the tiny green gleamed like the jewel she was. The pair headed to the feast side by side. While she was ecstatic, she knew her siblings might be down in the dumps about not finding their dragons. So she was super glad to hear her brother calling out to her before they got to the feast proper.

Bion ran up and smothered Raiden in a hug. “We are so glad you came tonight!” Riojath trotted up gamely to peer up at the siblings.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world, Bion. How are you and your lovely green doing? She's positively gleaming!" He hugged her back enthusiastically, then let go to better appreciate Riojath.

Talking, and forcing himself to be happy for his sister (which he was, genuinely, but the grim, angry child within him wanted to have a little temper tantrum)- helped overcome the pain. At least a little bit. "I'm so glad you two met. What is it like?" Of course, he'd heard the stories. All the stories. He knew how it was described- but would it be different coming from Bion?

Bionden smiled fondly at Raiden. She eventually let him go so he could take a good look at Riojath. “She’s the perfect little hatchling,” the new weyrling laughed. “She should be, I just oiled her. Her name is Riojath. Darling, come over and say hello to one of my brothers. Like you I have a lot of siblings. This is Raiden.” Bion chuckled.

Riojath raised her head to observe the young man, then she hummed and head butted him gently. Hello Raiden! I’m glad Mine has you for a brother. Sensing his turmoil, she sent him feelings of love to try to help soothe him.

She knew he wanted to Impress so badly. Bionden reached out to ruffle his hair. How did one describe it? She’d heard all the stories over the turns too. They just didn’t do it justice. How could words really describe it? “It was perfect. Meant to be.” She shook her head helplessly.

He studied the beautiful, gleaming green, feeling a sense of want wash over him. It started deep within, like a fire. Next clutch. Next clutch for sure, he'd join her as a dragonrider. He'd protect her and the beautiful Riojath just as she had helped him all these Turns.

The humming was sweet, but the headbutt took him by surprise, stealing a laugh from his lips. "Oh! She spoke to me! I am beyond lucky! Well Riojath, thank you! I am so grateful Bion is in my life, and now I am grateful she gets to share it with such a sweet dragon as you." Tentatively he stretched out his hand, hoping it would be okay to stroke those delicate headknobs.

When Bion ruffled his hair, he tried to appear tough and unassuming, but he secretly loved the attention she lavished upon him. He definitely missed the sister he once had- things would never be the same, especially as her life would become infinitely busier... But her love for him- and his for her- would never change. "I... I want that. It sounds so good. I can't wait. What do you think, Riojath? Do I have a shot at Impressing a dragon, someday?"

Bion wrinkled her nose at him with a laugh. “She probably won’t stop either. Don’t complain to me if she won’t shut up.” You can scratch my eyeridges Raiden. I like that a lot. Riojath coyly batted her eyes at the young man. You are so lucky to have her as your big sister and I my rider! Her eyes whirled happily at both people.

“Stop your making me blush.” Bion laughed at the pair. She wrapped her arm over her baby brother’s shoulders. “C’mon we should get to the feast!” Her eyes sparkled almost as much as her dragons. Her dragon. She was finally able to attend as a fledgling rider and not as a disappointed candidate. Bion felt for her brother. She knew it was hard to come to these, seeing all the dragons that might have been yours. More so when one of those dragons went to a close friend or family. She’d seen it over and over during the turns.

When your dragon is shelled, he or she will come for you Raiden. I have no doubts of that. Riojath muscled in between the two humans, spreading her wings to wrap around both of them (or their legs at least). Let’s not keep everyone waiting at the feast! That would be simply rude. I must congratulate my siblings!

At least the message was clear! Raiden could touch her and scratch her eye ridges! That was exciting. He eagerly, without another wasted second, began to gently scratch those ridges. "Wow, your skin is so soft. I know it should have been, and I don't know what I was expecting really... But so soft..." Another moment where he wished he could have met his match on the sands.

"I really am, aren't I." He smiled, lost in one glorious, happy moment. Then his smile fell away a little, leaving space for concern. "You promise to take good care of her, right Riojath? I can't protect you both without a dragon partner of my own..." How much longer would he have to wait? Would he ever find his bond?

Hus good humour returned, and he grinned as Bion and Rio wrapped him up. True, as much as he was alone and hurting, he didn't feel alone in their company. "I'm not sorry for stealing your time and attention, but yes, you two are guests of honour! Can't be late to your own party." And he would find a way to slip into the shadows and forget his own pain and sorrow.

Someday his dragon would come. Riojath was sure of it. Bion seemed so confident. He just needed to stay positive (and maybe get a few drinks to forget the night).

Riojath hummed her happiness at the attention. Mine takes very good care of my hide. If it's the least bit itchy, she oils it. I know you'll take wonderful care of your dragon too Raiden! Bion fondly watched the pair. "Be careful or she won't let you stop," the woman teased her little brother.

The green gave a worried croon as yellow flickered across her eyes. Concerned, Bion was about to ask what was wrong, when her brother asked her dragon to take good care of her. "Ah Raiden." Bion reached out to give him a hug. "Even with a dragon, you wouldn't be able to always protect us," she said gently and fondly. A rider's life by definition was dangerous; she didn't mention the obvious enemy of Thread. I would do anything to protect her! Riojath replied stoutly.

The pair sadly watched as Raiden made his farewell and slipped off into the night. Waiting is so hard at that age. You should send Tichat to check on him later. Or Riojath would go herself. But that was for later. They had a party they needed to get to. Bion was glad she had been able to spend a little time with her brother now. Her life was bound to get a whole lot busier for the next few months. She made mental notes to be sure to put time aside for her siblings.