The arrival of the blue lions had caused quite the talk among the Suzat, but visitors and parties usually did. The whispers and stories weren't malicious, but curious and excited and as more and more of the hobbits met their new allies word of kindness and beauty swept through the rolling hills. Bilbo, normally one who kept to himself these days, had to admit that the promise of an alliance with a lean, mostly blue pride of lions was quite interesting, enough to p***k his old adventuring side with interest. So he found himself milling about the hills where the dens were kept, curious enough to try to catch a glimpse of one of these new comers without being too nosy. As he walked he hummed softly to himself, an old walking song that he used to sing on his own journey when he was much younger. Surely they had come from quite the distance since he'd never seen nor heard of their pride before.

"Roads go ever ever on, over rock and under tree, by caves where never sun has shone, by streams that never find the sea; Over snow by winter sown, and through the merry flowers of June, over grass and over stone, and under mountains in the moon."

Singing caught the attention of Yepa who was busy cleaning out her new den. Well...their new den, she supposed. Being chosen to marry a prince wasn't something she'd ever imagined would happen to her, but here she was, stepping up to play a part in her pride that she never thought she would. Essentially a Fallohide without the wandering the rogue lands bit, Yepa supposed she would play the role of ambassador now should she and her mate to be return to his pride. Surely they would at some point. The idea of a marriage to form an alliance suggested there would be cubs at some point and Yepa would never deny them knowing their heritage on both sides. Perhaps some of them might even decide to return with Sayrip's family and stay within the Na'vi rather than here in the Suzat. Was that something she could bear, watching her unborn children leave her? Though, she supposed that was what Sayrip's mother was doing.

Poking her head out of the den, she spotted Bilbo as he came along the winding path that moved through the hills and dens, his song soft but heartfelt. She sat down to listen as he approached, not saying a word just yet. She wanted to see what else the little tune held.

Bilbo, unaware of his audience, continued to sing.

"Roads go ever ever on under cloud and under star, yet feet that wandering have gone turn at last to home afar. Eyes that fire and sword have seen and horror in the halls of stone look at last on meadows green and trees and hills they long have known." The last few lines were sung softer, a slightly sad tone taking over the male, his eyes dimming just a bit as memories came back that he tried desperately to keep at bay. Old friends, war, death...the good times barely outweighed the bad, it seemed. But he'd made a promise to his dear, dying friend that he would never forget him, as painful as it was.

Yepa noticed the change in Bilbo's tone as the song came to an end and, ever the one to try to lift the spirits of those around her, shifted from her position to step out of her den.

"Oh, Bilbo, that was such a lovely song," she said softly, trying not to startle the older male. Bilbo, for his part, merely lifted his head to look at Yepa. He gave a little hum as he tried to drag himself out of his own head, not wanting to bring the gentle lioness down with him. He mustered up a quick smile, though it didn't reach his eyes at all.

"Ah, Yepa. Forgive me, I was taking a stroll to see if I could find any of our new friends. Got a bit lost in my own thoughts, it seems."

"Oh, don't worry about me," Yepa responded with a chuckle. "It wasn't bothering me any. You haven't met them yet?" she added, tilting her head with a small smile. "They're quite extraordinary. Very elegant, long and limber." Bilbo glanced around as she described the blue lions, though none were to be found here. Perhaps they were all holed up in another part of the den area.

"Is that so? Certainly a sight to see. Isn't your den closer to the pathway to Southfarthing?" he added, tilting his head. HIs own was that way and he knew his neighbors well. Yepa, for her part, looked a bit sheepish as she nodded.

" was. Arkani asked if I would partake in a marriage between our two prides to solidify our alliance. I agreed, so he had this den cleared out as a gift to me and Sayrip. I'm not sure when we'll move in officially, but I figured I'd come and make sure it was presentable."

Bilbo's eyes widened in surprise but the expression on his face was mostly neutral. She didn't seem upset about this development so he could only hope she was all right with the drastic change in her lifestyle. Surely she would have said no if she hadn't been comfortable with the thought.

"Oh, that's- I mean, congratulations, of course. And many happy years to you and your betrothed. I'm sure you'll get along seem to do so with everyone," he added with a fond smile. Yepa gave a soft laugh at that and nodded. She and Sayrip were essentially still strangers but that would change, she hoped. He seemed nervous, but so was she, so after a few moon cycles she was sure they'd relax around each other and truly begin to understand one another.

"I certainly hope so. It must be so hard to up and leave everything he's known. I only hope I can make him feel at home here." She glanced back into the den - there was still work to be done - and she turned to head back in.

"I think they were mostly up in the dens by Northfarthing," she said helpfully as she glanced over her shoulder. Bilbo gave a grateful smile and a little bob of his head in thanks.

"A very helpful hint, Yepa. Good luck with your cleaning." As the lioness returned to her work, Bilbo headed down the path once more, no longer singing but humming the same tune, a bit happier now having had spoken with Yepa.

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