
NOTICE: The Xig'Dramoth are an unplayable race and is purely an NPC race, solely under the control and supervision of Wolfe Garm, their actions are at his Digression. Any questions regarding this race are to be directed to Wolfe Garm.

+||+---------Race Summary---------+||+
Xig'Dramoth are a vile and evil race whose hellbent on the conquering and total destruction of all races around them. they have no pity for inferior species, and show no mercy towards them in open combat.The Xig'Dramoth are the inhabitants of the Aethrus Realm. They are a demon race who functions around a hive mentality, and a caste system.

to fight the Xig'Dramoth in open combat is like trying to fight a swarm without end. The Xig'dramoth utilize swarm tactics and always coordinate to outnumber any foe they face.

The hierarchy is complex and their language unknown, but one thing is clear they are extremely dangerous as they are capable of adapting to their environments which makes them deadly efficient in their efforts to annihilate everything in their path.


Royal Caste

Matriarch: Highest level Demon whose mind controls all, she is also the largest form among the Royal line of demon forms standing at twelve feet tall. Don't underestimate the capabilities of the matriarch she isn't helpless and is a very lethal foe to face off against, that is provided you live long enough to get past her guardians that are always around her. There can only be one...

Impress: Second in the line of royals, in the event that the Matriarch falls, the Impress will succeed and Mutate into an Matriarch. the Impress stands at nine and a half feet tall. Her capabilities in combat are just as lethal as any other royal bested only by the Matriarch. like most in the line of royals, the Impress has an escort of guardians. There can be only one...

Queen: Third in the line of royals, She is the most common royal you'll see, and stands at seven foot tall. they are always vying to become a Impress when the current one becomes a matriarch, and only the strongest one will achieve impress. Queens are in control of large hives and relay all commands given to her by the Matriarch and Impress.

Baroness: Forth in the line of royals, the Baroness is but the first stage on the track towards Matriarch. Those here have only just begun the transformation process. When the situation calls for it the Baroness is the one who goes when war needs waged. They excel in both magical warfare but also close quarters combat. There is always a Baroness somewhere near the frontline and coordinates with the generals when the Matriarch isn't giving commands, but ultimately the Matriarch has the final say in all matters, and her commands are absolute.

Warrior Caste

Royal Guardian: Guardians, are the elite within the Xig'Dramoth, they are afforded the honor of protecting not only the Hives, but also the Matriarch and all within her line of royals. they are granted greater mutations than those of their brethren, and stand at eight feet tall. They are clad in heavy armor, and granted a sword and a shield.

Generals: (WIP)

Majors: (WIP)

Captains: (WIP)

Lieutenants: (WIP)

Sergeants: (WIP)

Warrior types:

Line Infantry: line infantry are the bulk of the troops deployed on any battlefield, they are swift and lethal with their swords, and their thirst for war is without end. They stand at six feet tall.
Light Infantry: The light infantry are aerial combatants wielding some armor but wielding a pair of swords, they are swift and like their brethren within the line infantry deadly efficient with their weapons. they stand at six feet tall.
Heavy Infantry: The heavy Infantry are clad in heavy armor, and are frontline soldiers. they wield an axe and are absolute fury when they go on the attack. they stand at seven feet tall.
Shock Infantry: The Shock Infantry are the elite on the frontlines, and are clad in heavy armor as well as wielding a Pike. Unique to the Shock Infantry is that they are also adept wielders of magic and are capable of flight. They stand at seven foot tall.
Arbalester: The Arbalester, a Light Infantry wielding a Heavy duty Arbalest crossbow. they are expert marksmen and capable fighters when their foe gets close. A unique feature of their crossbow, is that it is equipped with a blade to which the Arbalester is capable of using it as a sword when the situation calls for it.

Warcaster: Masters of magic and the embodiment of the Matriarchs Wrath upon their enemies, the warcaster causes havoc upon the battlefield with swift casting and devastating spells. they are deadly efficient in close combat as well, and Stand at seven foot tall.
Scion: Scions, masters of the bow and sword, they are also adept battlefield Biomancers capable of repairing damaged bio forms within the Xig'Dramoth's Military. They are given some freedom to operate as they need to within the battlefield and have been known to operate behind enemy lines so as to disrupt the enemies supply chain. Being an expert Biomancer also affords them the capabilities of being able to spawn lesser war beasts to the field in which to aid them in their efforts. They stand at six foot tall and are candidates for becoming a baroness.
Infiltrator: The infiltrator is not only a master spy, but also an assassin, they operate not only behind enemy lines but also within enemy settlements. they are capable of changing their form so that they can look like their prey so that they have an easier time gathering intelligence or when they need to get close to their prey. They stand at six foot tall, though their ability to change form could also have them standing at the height of whatever race they take form of. they are also capable of adapting to foreign languages which in turn makes them capable infiltrators.

War beast types:

Huron: (WIP)
Duros: (WIP)
Escido: (WIP)
Durosa: (WIP)
Fioscova: (WIP)
Tyvor: (WIP)
Hundnir: (WIP)
Torvis: (WIP)
Rodivor: (WIP)
Sevudeir: (WIP)

Bio Organic warmachines:
Strider: The strider the first and only answer to siege warfare. They are a living artillery that walks across the battlefield spewing explosive energy towards their foes. This beast is particularly easy to spot, with it standing nine foot tall.

Worker Caste

Hunter: Hunters, War beasts with one thing in mind, get behind enemy lines and hunt likely candidates that would be perfect as slaves, and are known to work along with infiltrators when they are operating behind enemy lines. The Hunter is a dangerous beast, capable of tearing apart a person that tries to fight back with teeth and claw as well as their tails which have a sharp blade upon it. They are also capable of generating energy in their mouths and firing it off as a energy bolt with a small explosive capability. The hunter is also capable of blending in with the environment around them which allows them to get close to their prey. They aren't completely hidden and if you know what to look for could potentially identify a hunter stalking prey. The hunter stands at eight foot tall.
Gatherer: Gatherers are a swift and agile worker, whose main role is to collect mass for use in the creation of new bio forms. while these timid workers are small, they are capable of defending themselves if running away is not possible, and are equipped with a pair of blades which complement their agile nature. They stand at five foot tall.
Biomancer: (WIP)
Slaves: Slaves are those the Xig'Dramoth didn't immediately kill in their conquest and annihilation of all races they've encountered. the lucky ones (who don't feel lucky) are kept as slave labor and used for mundane tasks. Eventually though they are put to the sword when they cease to be useful.

+||+-----------Race Attributes--------------+||+
- are Matriarchal
- They rely on numbers to overwhelm
- Their Language is Unknown, and can only be understood if the Matriarch allows you to and grants you that knowledge.
- They are pure evil, Hellbent on conquering and the complete and total destruction of every race they come across. Realms will fall under their might.

+||+-----------Racial Weaknesses--------------+||+
Scathariae Blight