Things were....very quiet for Zenobiath. Her Rider was bedbound, likely to deliver any day now, and she? She was mostly left to her own devices. Without a steady lover, the Gold was oft on her own, enjoying the warmth of the morning sun on her dark hide. She'd taken a flight earlier, simply letting herself explore the crags and peaks of High Reaches, with the cooler air beginning to n** at the edges. Soon, it would be cold once again, and Zenobiath was looking forward to it, as she was looking forward to being able to fight once again. Circling above the Weyrbowl, and then moving to settle on a craggy outcropping, she was watching those who had duties today moving around.

It was then that she noticed a familiar hide, that of one of her many beloved children, her dear clutch that she missed more than she had words for. Her mind reached out to lovingly brush Vardoth's. How could she not see her lovely, pale blue son, with his dark spots and whorls? She knew each of her children, every difference ,color, pattern. Beloved Vardoth! Should you not be busy with Yours, would you come attend your mother? I miss you and your siblings so terribly, and it would please me to have your attentions for a moment.
