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Anastasia caught herself as her hooves dragged and caused her to stumble. Shaking herself, she looked up and blinked tired eyes at the starless sky, the moon was much higher than she had anticipated. Cringing at her horrid time management skills she turned her attention to her surroundings, taking in the close-knit trees and various foliage, she was sure she would easily find a safe resting place.

Cautiously she picked her way off of the worn path, ducking under low branches and stepping over smooth rocks that would make her roll her ankle. Grateful for having lived in similar surroundings for so long, giving her the confidence to navigate such an uncertain terrain. The thought brought with it a dull ache in her chest and she snorted softly at herself. She needed to concentrate on where she placed her hooves not think about the past. A distinct rustling interrupted the hum of insects surrounding her and gave her pause, lifting her head too quickly and catching her curls in the snaring branches she had been so deftly avoiding. She closed her eyes and sighed inwardly to herself, frustrated with her predicament. Bowing her head slowly, she attempted to quietly pull her hair from the branches, without drawing attention to herself.