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[Solo] The Sun Trail (Firefly)

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Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:36 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 4:39 pm
It had been many moons since the dark mare had left the glade in which her family made their home. For many years now she had fostered the younger generations here in peace amongst the shelter of the dark forest. It had been many sunrises since she last glypsed into the pond that she was so very fond of.

She had slipped away from her family in the middle of the night after having been awoken by a particular dream that she had had many times in the past few moons. It niggled at her heart. Dug at her belly like a cruel claw. Her hooves made barely a sound as she moved among their sleeping bodies. Careful not to disturb a single leaf or break any twigs that would alert them.

No they could not be allowed to stop her.

And what if they did wake? Who were they to question her or stop her. She had made up her mind long ago.Slipping past her mother she looked fondly at the older mare, her dark red gaze slipping fondly over to her hot tempered younger, Butterfly. A small murmur perked her ears and her head turned gracefully in an arc to land on the dappled body of her daughter Dafina. A warmth lighting her moonlit gaze as she watched her daughter sleep. Surrounded by her own children, grand children and even great grandchildren!

It pained her to leave but in time they would understand. Besides she wouldn’t be gone forever right? After a long pause Firefly finally pulled herself away. Moving silently into the trees. Her heart breaking at the thought of being away from them.

And what of Sibalto?

Her head jerked up at the thought and she stopped once more. It felt as if her heart would break within her chest at the thought of seeing such grief and sadness in her dappled mate’s eyes.

Oh how she loved him. She had loved him from the moment they had first met. Unable to explain it but embracing it fully. There had been no doubt in her mind then that he would be the sire of her foals and the one she would grow old with. Together forever.

But there was no time for longing and memories right now. She had to go. Still staying as silent as a wisp she made her way to the edge of the forest just as the sun was beginning to crest the mountains in the distance.

She hesitated.

What now? Where was she to go from here? Even as the sun began to climb there was cold in the air. Warm times would be coming to a close soon. Leading to bitter cold. Her skin twitched at the thought. As her eyes scanned the far hills she noticed a golden glow racing towards her. Cutting a path through fields. It was if the sun was telling her which direction to go.

”Well stranger things have happened...” In this world now her words could be no farther from the truth. With a single glance back at where she had come from she flicked her long silver and black tail before she set her hooves to the path laid out before her.

The sooner she got this over with the sooner she could return home.  


Super Sex Symbol


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:29 pm
From the forest to the open moor. It was certainly a vast difference once she had left the dense trees. Her heart beat rapidly as her ears twisted back to listen for any sounds of hooves following. But there were none. All she could hear were the sounds of nature as it began to stir all around her. The birds chirping and rabbits leaving their burrows to stretch and nibble the grass.

Firefly didn’t know where or how far she had to go. But when one was given direction like this you expected it to be a bit of a journey.

Soon she was walking next to a river. It’s slow current moving past her lazily. But she knew that just because it looked calm didn’t always mean easy. Rivers were treacherous like that. They reminded her of how some Soquili were. It soon became apparent that she would need to cross. But Firefly wasn’t familiar with this river so she was unsure.

Pacing along the bank she tried to convince herself that it would be ok. That the water moved slow enough and wasn’t too deep. Taking a breath she slowly slipped into the water. It was cold%! Almost unbearably cold but she kept pushing forward as the water grew deeper and deeper. All of a sudden she slipped on a rock and crashed into the water. Flailing her legs as she tried to get a foothold but the current wouldn’t allow it.

‘I’m going to drown!’ She could hear the words of panic race through her head as her head went under water. Water filling her mouth. Her lungs burning for air! She could see the surface but just couldn’t reach it.

Before blacking out she thought she felt the water churning beside her as if powerful legs were kicking along. The feel of teeth in the back of her neck pulling her up and sideways.

Was this what it was like to die? Hallucinations? Dread welled up in her heart of never seeing her beloved children, grandchildren. Never to see the shining silver dappled face of her love.

In her last thoughts Firefly sank into darkness.

The next moment she was gasping for air. Her eyes flying open to bright light stinging them. An unfamiliar voice to which she could not make out the words it was speaking. Was she alive? Dead? Wet and soaking she lay on the bank in a crumpled heap. Her chest heaving.

Darkness took over once again and she lay still in the sunlight.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:28 pm
“Do you think she’s alive?” “We should just leave. We’ve done enough just pulling her out of the river....”

The voices sounded distant and muffled as Firefly began to regain consciousness. The sun warming her drenched pelt as she lay on the river bank. That river was so deep and chilled her to the bone. She should have known better.

Blinking her eyes a few times she noticed the sun high over head. Had she really been passed out for that long. It felt like she had swallowed the whole river.

But she was alive.

She lay there blinking her eyes as she tried to get her wits about her. A face leaned over to look at her, curiosity in its green gaze. Instantly Firefly jerked herself upright, her ears twitching forward in surprise,

“Hi! I’m River Ripple and this is Slate. We pulled you out of the river.” Standing in front of her were two foals. They weren’t super young foals but foals none the less. The colt who called himself river ripple was white and covered in black spots and patches. He looked rather pleased with himself. The other he referred to as Slate was a dark gray fillie with amber colored eyes. She looked rather apprehensive.

“You saved me?” It was all the mare could croak out. Her throat was sore from all the water she had swallowed. It still felt like she had some in her ears.

“Yup! Slate didn’t want t-....”

“River Ripple that’s enough we should go...” The fillies hooves pawed at the ground as if standing still was more than she could take.

River Ripple pranced around her before pressing his body against her’s. Giving her ear a few licks. “Come on now Slate no need to be rude. I doubt she’s a threat to us. Besides if she was we could just jump in the river.” He shot an amused glance over at Firefly.

For a moment the sight of the two foals warmed her heart. As a mother she couldn’t help it. They warmed her pelt and lifted her heart. Coming back to reality, firefly got to her hooves shakily. Still weak from her near drowning. She had been lucky these two had been here to drag her out. “It’s ok. I must be on my way too. Thank you.”

“Where are you going?” The colt asked inquisitively with a tilt of his head and a flick of his tail. Dodging attempts made by Slate to drag him away.

“I don’t know exactly....my ancestors will show me the way. Good bye.” She had to keep going. There was no time to answer curious questions from foals. Daylight was burning by fast and she wanted to make progress on.....wherever she was going.

Her heart prayed that her ancestors would protect her and guide her away from dangers. And rivers.  


Super Sex Symbol


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 6:51 pm
Her pelt began to dry. Warmed by the sun shining brightly overhead. At least now she wasn’t shivering. She never wanted to take another dip in any water anytime soon.

The river was soon left behind her but Firefly had the feeling that she was being watch. Followed. She would stop and turn around every now and again but there was nothing there.

“Curious....” She muttered to herself as her dark red eyes scanned the nearby trees and bushes. Whoever it was was really good at concealing themselves. She really didn’t like this and it put her on edge. A bird fluttered out of a bush with a loud call causing Firedly to nearly jump out of her skin. Once she came to her senses she let out a deep sigh. “Only a bird.” Maybe that was what it was. This was silly she was looking for someone who wasn’t there. No one way spying on her. What cause would they have to do so?

None that she knew of.

With a flick of her tail she continued on. The riverside moor began to slow down and the air thickened with moisture. A rank smell filled Firefly’s nose as she soon found herself at the edge and f a boggy marshland. The trees were short and almost bare. Each step she took brought water bubbling up around her hooves. This unstead ground was going to make travel a bit difficult.

Pacing back and forth she tried to see visually which way would be easiest.and driest. But where she thought solid ground would be truthfully turned out to be their wise. This was going to be slow going.

As she drew farther and farther into the marsh she soon came to a little island where a giant willow tree grew. There was some sparse grass for her to eat here as well. At least she would have some shade. The sun bearing down on her combined with the stifling air sapped all her strength and energy. This little island was just what she needed after such a trying start to her journey.

She grazed until about half of the dry, bitter grass was gone. She couldn’t stomach much more. Longing for the cool, crisp grasses of her grove. The tender young leaves on the young trees and sweet tender fruits. How she ever took these for granted she did not know.

Moving closer to the trunk of the tree she decided that this was as far as she would get this day. The dark mare settled down close to its large gnarly roots. There was no point in wearing herself out the first day. Firefly needed to conserve her strenngth after all. She would need it.Her eyes began to slip closed, the mare’s head bobbing up and down until finally she slipped into a quiet doze. The buzzing of bugs lulling her deeper into sleep.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:10 pm
As the sun began to set a light fog descended upon the marsh. Cooling the air but making it feel even more moist. Water dripped from the willow’s leaves. A soft pat, pat, pat noise as it hit the soft ground around Firefly. Suddenly one fell on her nose and she started awake. It was cold and sudden. Her eyes flew open fear pulsing through her.

She had fallen into the river again!

Her heart raced as she jumped to her hooves spinning in a circle. Eyes blinking wearily in the darkness she had to stop herself from calling out for help but she couldn’t.

Or no....wait...

Perking her ears Firefly listened as her heart pounded in her ears. In the distance she could hear someone calling for help. It was faint but it was there. Taking a guess at the direction of the call she stepped off the island, the swampy marsh slowing her pace as water and mud sucked at her hooves. A few times she thought perhaps she would be stuck but the desperate calls gave her strength.

“Heeeeellllpppp!” The cry was frantic now. Fear and helplessness drenched the word as it was called.

“I’m coming!” She called back. Which way? Again the cry came. “This way....hang on!”;Bursting through a barrier of gorse bushes her eyes widened. “River Ripple!”

The young colt was frantically running along the edge or what looked like a pond of wet sand. At the call of his name he dashed up to Firefly, tears in his green eyes as well as panic. “Please! You must help Slate she’s the only one I have!” He wailed.

Peering around him she saw the dark grey filly half buried in the wet sand. Her breathing was labored as she struggled against being pulled beneath the surface. When she saw Firefly she once again thrashed about but only managed to sink deeper.

“Stop moving you’ll only sink deeper!” Running to the edge of the sand she looked around spotting a long vine wrapped around a tree. Quickly she ran over and ripped it down, gathering it in her teeth she ran back over to River Ripple. “Hold this end.”once the colt took hold she tossed the other end towards Slate.

Please let this reach her!

It landed close but not as far are Firefly would have liked. “Slate grab it!”

The filly was exhausted she could tell. Taking a deep breath she pulled herself up, flailing against the moving sand as she struggled to reach the vine. At the last second she finally grasped it in her teeth before her head sunk beneath the surface.

“Pull!” Grasping the vine in her own teeth Firefly pulled with the help of River Ripple. It was like pulling a sack of rocks. She prayed to her ancestors that they were making progress. As the end of the vine drew nearer Slate’s head resurfaced still clenching the vine in her teeth. Together Firefly and River Ripple were able to pull Slate out of the sand and back on to the bank.

Releasing the vine Slate lay on the ground unmoving. River Ripple ran over to her. “She’s not breathing!” Another wail came from the colt before Slate took a rasping breath. Her small body convulsion as she spit out sand. It flowed from her mouth, ears and nose. Her amber eyes were red from all the sand in them and she rubbed a foreleg against her face to clear them.

“Slate!” The colt cried with joy as her licked her ears and pranced around her, flopping down next to her he pressed his slightly larger body against her’s. “I’m so happy!” He whickered.

Slate coughed roughly, obviously exhausted and not up for River Ripple’s ear licks. But when he flopped next to her she leaned against him. Her gaze turning to Firefly. “You helped me...why?”

Firefly was a little taken aback. Surely the filly should be grateful for being rescued right? “Because if it were one of my filly I would hope someone would be kind enough to save their lives too.”

The filly turned her head away sharply. “No one feels that way for me.” Her disposition becoming cold and hard just like the stone she was named for.

Firefly’s gaze softened.“Surely your moth-“

“Our mothers are dead....” Came River Ripple’s reply. “But if Slate won’t say it I’m thankful you saved her.” He nuzzled Slate.

They are orphans.

The truth hit Firefly like a ton of bricks. These foals had no one to care for them. No one to worry about them if they never came home. She should have figured when she had first met them when there was no adult with them. And she had just left them behind without a second thought. Her heart broke for them. What kind of mother was she if she could not see their plight outside of her own calling?

“It’s too late for foals to be running around this marsh in the dark. Why don’t you two come back to where I am staying at least until dawn when it’s easier to see?” She hoped they would not decline.

The two foals looked at each other warily. Exchanging glances before they climbed to their hooves. Slate’s body trembled as she leaned against River Ripple. “Ok....just till dawn.” The colt finally replied.

Firefly was thankful that they seemed understanding at least. Without another word she turned to head back to the willow tree. Glancing back to make sure the two were still behind her. As they finally reached the tree she sank to the ground with a hefty sigh, the two foals did the same a few feet away. Slate shooting suspicious glances her way but Firefly was too exhausted to care. The chirping of crickets soon lured her into a calm ease as she watched the two with mild curiosity.

Who were they and where did they come from?

River Ripple was already asleep and snoring loudly while Slate continued to glare at her as Firefly began to doze once more.  


Super Sex Symbol


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:32 pm
It felt like dawn had come too soon. Hadn’t she just fallen asleep? Now the sky was turning pink as the sun began to rise over the distant mountains. There was still a ways to go she assumed. Firefly’s body ached and her muscles were stiff from rescuing Slate from the quicksand.

Her head jerked up as she remembered the foals, gaze softening as she spotted their forms laying snuggled together in a tangle of necks and gangly legs. It reminded her a lot of how her own foals used to sleep and she couldn’t help a pang of sadness and regret in her heart.

She missed her family and she had only been gone a few days.

Ears perked as the pair began to stir as the sun began to warm their little bodies. Slate’s head rose as she blinked blearily. Trying to take in where she was. The filly shoved River Ripple off of her and stood up stretching her legs with a slight groan. It wasn’t long before the colt was soon up swaying on his legs still blinking sleep out of his eyes.

“Good you two are finally awake.” Firefly clambered to her hooves. Stretching her muscles until her legs shook. With a flick of her long tail she moved closer to them. “I guess that means I can head on my way and you two can head home.” She moved to the edge of the water where a small land bridge had begun to form. Water seeped up from the peaty earth around her hooves.

Slate and River Ripple exchanged looks before the colt stepped forward. A cautious look on his face. “We....we don’t have a home.”

“We were wondering if we could come with you.” Slate spit out the words so fast Firefly wasn’t sure she heard right. But she could tell that it was difficult for the filly to ask.

“I don’t know exactly where I am headed and it could be quite dangerous....”

“It’s dangerous out here for us anyway.” River Ripple’s looked at her with pleading eyes. “Please take us with you!”

How could she say no? The pair were obviously all alone but how could she put them in possible danger by taking them with her? Firefly weighed the options for a moment. She could at least take them with her until she found someone else’s who might take them in. She couldn’t leave them.

“Ok.” The dark mare finally decided. “But you must stay close and stay alert. I can’t be saving you guys at every turn. This is probably going to be a hard journey but I don’t want you guys to push yourselves.”

River Ripple pranced in a circle, kicking up his back hooves. Slate looked relieved but she was more reserved in her excitement.

“Let’s get a move on then. There isn’t much here that looks tasty to eat so we need to get out of this marsh and find some grass to eat.” At the mention of eating Slate’s stomach rumbled and the filly looked embarrassed. Firefly merely chuckled and smiled softly before turning back to the soggy land bridge. Carefully leading the two foals through the marsh.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:14 pm
Days had passed without incident. But the foals set a horribly slow pace. Which Firefly couldn’t blame them for. They were traveling far and the terrain they had been traveling through was steep and rocky. There were times the foals would slip and send the mare’s heart racing. The cliffs were sheer and she could just imagine their small bodies tumbling down the mountainside only to smash against the ground. Breaking every bone in their little bodies.

It really put her on edge.

They had spent the night in a cave. It looked like someone had lived in it and she was thankful that they hadn’t returned to find three trespassers sleeping in their home. That was just what she needed. To have to fight to protect Slate and River Ripple without falling off a cliff. No thank you. But then that was the responsibility she had taken on by agreeing to allow them to come with her.

Morning had come and gone. The day started off tough as they reached a small passage that took them between two peaks. Firefly noticed that the passage seemed to be frequently used. It was apparent by all the animal tracks as well as hoof prints. An eagle screeched overhead drawing her gaze.

River Ripple had moved into the lead while Firefly walked next to Slate. “Soooo....what happened to your parents?” It was a question that had been burning in her mind for a few days now but she didn’t know when would be the right time to ask.

Slate shrugged, her gaze on River Ripple. “Don’t know.”

River Rippled paced back to them. “I was always alone until ai found Slate. She pulled me out of the river just like we did you.” He puffed his chest out before trotting ahead once more,

Firefly tilted her head. “So no one came looking for either of you?”

The filly nodded.

Her heart broke for the, both. How hard it must have been for them. So young and all alone. The world was a scary place already. But to have no one to look after you or protect you was horrible.

River Ripple’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “You guys come quick!”

Firefly and Slate both rushed ahead to where the colt was standing between two boulders. “It’s amaaaaaaazing!” They had finally finished crossing through the mountains. Out below lay a lush, green valley. The sun shone brightly. Turning the grass along the path down gold. It seemed to lead to a small forest off in the distance. Was that where she was to go?

It had to be.  


Super Sex Symbol

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