By Chance had been away from home for about two weeks now. The first week had been spent traveling to the spot she'd seen in her vision where the pastel dire wolf would be found. She had in fact found him - Shining Opal was his name, how fitting - and he'd agreed to her proposition. They'd spent a few days together, talking about where they were from and making plans on when to meet again and where. This seemed to be a halfway point between their homes but By Chance wasn't sure pups would be able to safely travel this far when they were young. They'd settled on a place closer to the Coven but still a few days journey from it so Shining Opal wouldn't be stuck walking for days on end.

After departing, By Chance felt like she had an extra pep in her step. The chances of bearing Seers or at the very least seer-blooded males was quite high. Higher than having bred with a normal dire. The thought made her lip curl in distaste and she shook her head, ruffling her thick fur along her neck. No, males had a purpose and that purpose was to assist in producing pups. Shining Opal was quite nice, but By Chance much preferred the company of her Seer sisters to that of any male, seer-blood or no. She hoped there would be at least one among those born in a few months time that would be able to join her and be raised as a Seer within the Coven.

By Chance took her time, enjoying the journey home. She hunted small game and rested under the light of the moon, the stillness and silence a welcome break from the pack. While she loved her home it could get a little overwhelming at times, and coming out here to seek suitors had become a favorite pastime of hers. By Chance knew she could never truly be a lone wolf without a place to call home but it was fun to imagine sometimes, wasn't it? The days were growing shorter and although the summer air was still hot and thick, she knew the promise of autumn was just around the corner. Before long there would be snow on the ground and she'd be more thankful for her pack than ever. She couldn't imagine being alone during the winter.

Finally after a few more days of travel, the familiar smells of home began to reach her nose. By Chance gave a howl to alert her pack to her return, fully expecting the scouts to come escort her back home. Her Seer sisters knew why she'd left and hopefully they'd be eager to hear the news. Pups were always something to be excited about but the potential for another Seer would surely make them as excited as she was.

A few answering howls had By Chance trotting a bit faster, eager to see her family and friends. She'd see Shining Opal again and have another adventure out in the woods, but she would be accompanied by a few sets of little paws next time and it probably wouldn't be until frost touched the ground in the late night. Glancing over her shoulder once more, she bid the woods farewell as she returned to the pack's territory, tail wagging and head held high.

WC: 558