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The scent had started faint - but the longer she traveled it seemed the stronger it grew. Soon she was finding evidence of pawprints, two pair by the looks.

Evereve had left the Swiftfell territory almost four nights ago - after speaking to her little brother, she'd done as promised- and gone looking for the mother of the female he was growing closer and closer to.

Eve understood the importance of family - of pack. Safety in numbers, and closeness to the ones you loved. Getting the scent of the female off of her brother had been easy - traveling until she found a scent that was female and similar had been less so. Despite that - Eve was determined, and she was good at finding things that mattered.

Night fell and while her eye sight did not suffer, she was recovering from wounds she'd gotten in a sparring tournament in the territory of a pack she was familiarizing herself with. That being the case - she was still in some pain and had not fully recovered her stamina, which meant she had to stop to rest.

A part of her wondered how far from them she was, and if they knew yet that she was following them.The scents she followed were not very old, and she could tell that there were at least two wolves together, hoping they were who she was looking for and that they would give her the time to explain why.

WC: 240