Since Tierb had come of age, and all had gone relatively back to normal, Isilje had come to peace with the new and different dynamics of her life. She was so in love with both her partners, and coming to find that perhaps her staunch and odd ideas of what love was were terribly outdated. One way or another, she and Brancath were...happy. As happy as Brancath ever got anyways. Her white really needed a girlfriend. Today had been a day she got off, and was hoping to spend with her lovers. She'd made them each presents after the night of Khamaith's flight, a new dress for Alya, and a new pair of bottoms for Rio to match the shirt.

The albino girl had even gone so far as getting together some food in order to make sure that there was a little meal for just the three of them. Sappy, perhaps, but Isilje was so in love with them both, You are a sap...But it is good. Your gentle heart is part of why I love you so. I will call them. Baihath, Tierboskath, There is a surprise for Yours in the Weyr, when you are able.

Isilje would've made them new leathers, but really....cloth was her specialty. Hopefully they'd be here soon...

