It was hard to believe they had their own Weyr now. Hard to believe that she couldn't cradle her Green in her arms, and kiss that wedge head as easily as she'd once been able. However, Brenva would admit that she reveled in the privacy. It was easier to sleep, save a certain Skalmath's penchant for waking her Rider up at early hours to 'go exploring'. This didn't help when Brenva was up later learning more and more about their world...or what would be needed as they got closer to Graduation. Nonetheless, after a long night of studying maps of Pern and the individual holds, halls, and other such things, Brenva would always found herself awake just before dawn with the sound in her ears of a particularly eager dragon.

Today was no different. She went through her morning routine, listening to Skalmath's questions, and answering them through the telepathic link, and when at last it was time for chores? She'd never been more relieved. The Green could watch as Brenva cleaned the stables for the Runners....It would hopefully result in the Green finding company with a dragon, and Brenva with a person. Even if her head was deep in making sure that she was efficient with her chores, "Can't get a wink of sleep with her around..."

Open to any Weyrling!