Pale Raven x Hex

In the morning just before the fog lifted Pale Raven would stand outside of the Life Tree contemplating her day. The forest was quiet, the still air stale and unwelcoming. This morning felt like the weight of the world rested solely upon her shoulders. This morning felt raw.

Despite being the type to never admit she was wrong, the white wolf felt sorrow in her heart, and the first time in a long time she couldn't help but think about him. Pale Moon. Her estranged son.

It was true, she had been unsuccessful in creating a female heir for her Pack. This truth haunted her, despite giving birth to three healthy sons, two of which of had Seer blood. They were healthy so she should have been proud, but deep down she wasn't and the wolf knew everyone was aware of it. Even her own sons. The disappointment was hard to ignore no matter how hard she tried to love them.

Seeker, her youngest son would probably never give her grandchildren. This was a fact she was willing to live with, because she had Pale Moon to rely on. The heir to her Coven. All she needed from him was to settle down with a good seer girl, if he had done this she knew he could have given her proper seer heir. But Pale Moon had other ideas, he had let love get in the way of duty. Instead of marrying his betrothed seer he fell in love with a common wolf of low-class blood. A wolf unworthy of his lineage and title.

Perhaps Raven had overreacted when she found out. Maybe things would have been different had she chosen not to attack this female. The past was in the past now though, and she couldn't rewrite history. Lamenting like this did nothing for her current situation, however, feelings like this were hard to ignore. She wondered what life would be like had he stayed.

Would he have been able to give her what she so desired?

It wasn't often she thought about him, but when she did she found herself beside herself with internal grief. It was a grief she would share with no one, it was a grief she would carry alone. For now though, it was time to greet the day.

"Hex, fetch me my raven." The pale wolf called out as the masked female stepped out from amongst the shadows. Wherever Raven was, Hex was not far behind. She was her loyal Hand, her always watching eyes.

"Of course." the darker female nodded in reply.

"I have things to discuss with at Moongate. Make sure they're Alpha is aware."

"I will, my Raven." the masked wolf bowed her head in respect before glancing back up at her Raven.

"Marvel and I are here for you, please never forget."

"I could never forget." in truth it was very humbling to know she was so well-received amongst her pack, however, this feeling she felt inside about her eldest son haunted her even now. Perhaps someday this wound would heal.

For now though, it was time to head to the Moongate.