User ImageBeing a lone wolf wasn't terribly uncommon. Yes, there were packs you could call home, but some preferred to wander and explore. That wasn't exactly Mercykill's current thought process but she didn't care to make any of the packs she knew about home. Lots of them were wary of Berserkers and the ones that weren't didn't match her ideals. So she kept to herself, only interacting with other wolves when absolutely needed.

Right now, however, it was not needed. Right now Mercykill was stalking her prey, an unsuspecting deer who was grazing at the edge of her herd. She looked pretty young still, a few pale spots on her back that hadn't melted away from her youth, and she'd be more than a day's meal for Mercy. The thought alone made her lick her muzzle as she laid in wait, watching and biding her time for the perfect moment to strike. There were bucks in the herd and while she didn't fear them, she didn't want an untimely injury to set her back. Those horns were nothing to play with.

Bright eyes watched as the doe moved further away from the herd, completely unsuspecting of the watchful Berserker. Mercykill had placed herself downwind of her quarry and made sure to keep it that way, not wanting one little whiff of the air to alert her meal to her presence. Hunting was a game and Mercykill was quite fond of games, especially when she knew she'd win. This game was 'get as close as you can to the deer without letting her know you're there'. And really, the doe was making this easier and easier. She kept following the tall grass closer and closer to the woods at the edge of the field, bringing her within easy striking distance. The bucks weren't concerned with the young female's distance, though they would glance over occasionally. There was no danger here, it seemed.

Finally Mercykill saw her opportunity to attack. She shifted her weight, tensing her muscles in preparation to attack. Just a moment more-

Suddenly, a flurry of birds overhead burst from the trees, squawking and screaming their warning. The doe lifted her head as Mercykill ducked into the foliage again, but it was too late. The warning had been sent out, the bucks were calling for the herd to collapse in on itself, and the doe was gone, bounding away towards protection.

Mercykill snarled softly to herself, her eyes now tracking the birds that had given away her position. They landed in the field among the deer and she knew they must have some sort of symbiotic relationship going on, the birds being watchful eyes for the deer while the deer offered protection and the occasional meal in the form of bugs. Knowing she couldn't attack now, Mercykill rose to her paws and strode out into the clearing. All eyes were on her as she passed by the herd, though she didn't so much as glance at them. She could feel the heavy weight of all those deer and birds staring and she wore it like a mantle, a cloak that she wouldn't shrug off. Next time she'd check for blasted birds, she thought to herself as she slunk back into the trees, off in search of a different meal.

WC: 549