User ImageThings had been rather exciting the past few moons. Hel had become an official monster hunter, she had befriended a raccoon who had told her about her new pack, she had joined said pack, she'd met a fellow monster hunter and sent her off on a new quest...and now she was relaxing a bit. Hel felt like she'd had a rather busy time recently and as exciting as adventures and learning new things was, she was tired. She had her new pack to start to understand and since she didn't quite understand some of their customs she figured she should put some effort into learning their ways a bit better.

The pack was made up of all wolfdogs which was nice. Hel felt dwarfed by the larger full bred wolves that walked the lands so at least here she was among her own kind. She was still smaller than the average hybrid but the difference wasn't so striking. Usually size didn't matter to Hel who felt like she was ten feet tall generally but right now, being as physically exhausted as she was, it was nice not to have to crane her neck to look up all the time at her conversational partners.

Comfortable with her decision to spend some time here within the boundaries of the Fallguard pack, Hel trotted through the dead leaves and twigs on the ground on her way to get some water. Although the Redwoods were a bit spooky and inhospitable in this area she felt comforted by the smells and sounds of others moving in the general area. She wasn't alone here, she didn't need to worry about others that might wish her harm. Of course, Hel generally didn't worry about things like that even if that tiny voice in her head constantly told her to look over her shoulder, to double-check she wasn't leaving a trail, to bare her teeth at a stranger. That voice never had any good advice to give, in her mind, so she rarely paid it any attention. But here and now that voice was quiet, leaving Hel at complete peace as she bent her head to drink from the stream.