For once in his life Eldwinth had found himself wishing for a break to the chaos. They had been travelling along the Western continent with the circus as they always did, enjoying seeing the different sights. Eldwinth enjoyed the freedom of everything as he always had. Azrael had added a new normal to his nighttime routine as he would write, or reply to, letters that he would then send back to Western Weyr with one of his flits.

Four..there were four of the miniature pests now. Even if they helped out with the show Eldwinth had only wanted to put up with one of them and now he had four that decided he was one of the best spots to lay on sunny days.

Even with that annoyance things continued relatively normally, even as Azrael pinned over the blonde dragon rider from western. No their normal had been disturbed when the pair had been caught out in Thread during a supply run. Shock and panic overrode both of their systems and the pair would have been lost if the four pests hadn't appeared. Their appearance had enough of a jolt to knock Azrael out of his sudden shock and the pair found a large enough pool of water that they soon plunged themselves into. Bit's of Eldwinths' wingsails had been damaged and there was Threadscore now upon Azrael's back, his clothing ruined.

It had taken about three days before the group had managed to limp back to their tent at the circus and then there was more recovery time.

Ever since Thread returned the pair had only hidden from it, watching others fight it. Sure Azrael had rudimentary knowledge of what to do and how to fight it but it had never been his true wish. Even know thinking about willing flying into that silver rain caused the man to balk.

Their little misadventure made it so that their return of camping near to Western Weyr was delayed about a month or so. When they did arrive and set up camp, Azrael and Eldwinth traveled to a nearby beach, the same one he had woken up on to find a beautiful woman beside him.

Eldwinth settled upon the sands, stretching his wings out as the four flits found spots upon him, Azrael sitting upon the sand with his violin in hand and playing a melody with his eyes closed. He hoped she would be able to come, but he had written in the note he had sent earlier that he would continue to come to the beach until she had the time, if she wished, to see him.

Sorry for the long write up. Long Overdue indeed.