User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Every sound made her twitch. Her safe haven for the moment was a small enclosure of bramble near an oak tree, though no place was truly safe for her now. Her powers couldn't help her--hadn't help her in so many months now--and her vivid color made her stick out like a sore claw in this Kells-Beyond-the-Veil. They had found her almost effortlessly several times now, forcing Hecate to run further, faster, and longer. And for what? A day's or half day's worth of rest, if that?

Every hour counted regardless. She licked her wounds, finding a new spot where her paw pad had cracked with a wince. This place at least had a river she could partake of before she went moving again. A shift in the trees to her left forced her to reconsider that, and up she went again.

On and on it went, the cycle of hunter and prey. How many were on her heels now, dogging her as religiously as their priests did new converts? Two, three? She knew at least one pathfinder was on the job to be finding her so quickly, and she did everything in her power to muddy her trail: rolling in refuse, tree climbing with splinters under her claws, remaining underwater alone with her racing heartbeat in her ears...Nothing seemed to deter them for long enough. Perhaps they meant to make her despair and give up the chase rather than continue the madness. It was tempting. She doubted they meant to kill her. It was tempting.

Only one thing kept her going: the rumor that the Veil had opened once more. She could only hope she was remembering where she had left it correctly. If not...If her escape had been for naught...

The wind shifted suddenly out of her silent pursuers' favor, and she caught their scents. Jarred from her thoughts, Hecate burst into a running lope, forcing her ragged body forward. This time, however, she saw the shadow of a vulture above, following her like a shadow. Was it carrying a bomb? She knew the Heralds were known to train them in the art. Then that made the bird, one wolf...two wolves...three wolves. Four clansmen in total were on her tail now. They really disliked anyone trying to leave. Worse, they were gaining. She could hear the pounding of paws grow louder by the second.

This is hopeless. Hecate couldn't help but send her spirit spiraling downward as she gulped in air. The Stone Circle, if it was here at all, was beyond her. They'd surely catch her in the forest ringing around it, even if she zigzagged. I was a fool. And she would be lucky if all they did was capture and bring her back.

The wind began to pick up. For a moment. Hecate wished she could fly. That Lissa had given her something other than darkness for a "gift". Instead, it only seemed to let the vulture above hone in on her quicker.

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