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Her trip outside of the pack had been uneventful, which she was sure some would be thankful for (her father). But, Cacophony felt disappointed by the venture outsied of the pack borders. Lately, she had done anything and everything to stay away from home. It wasn't for a lack of love for her pack, but things with her family were... tense. They had been tense ever since her falling out with Reminiscent. No one in their family dared to bring it up, and it made Cacophony sick to reflect upon the words her sister had spoken to her. They were words that had not meant to be said, detailing a vision that should have never been seen. Her sister's abilities were no gift, but a curse, and the worst thing was that it wasn't even Reminiscent who suffered the most from it.

It was Cacophony.

Knowing how her life would end was a burden far too great, knowing that it wasn't old age that would snatch her away in the dead of night set a chill down her spine. None could blame her for being bitter, none could blame her from burying herself in her duties. Anything was better than sticking around the biggest reminder of her fate, Reminiscent.

That didn't mean she didn't love her sister, because she did. She just couldn't stand to be around her and hadn't been able to for a while now.
Cacophony swung by her parents' den, hoping to let them know that she was back in the packlands and then dip out as quickly as possible. Her mother was demanding and her father a layabout, so spending any extra time with them was undesirable when her mood was already sour. Stepping into the den, her ears flicked towards the sound of her mother's voice. She was ranting about something again, and as Cacophony listened more intently she was able to pick out what exactly had happened while she was gone.

She felt sick.

"I'm home, mom, dad," she announced swiftly before turning on her heels and back out of the den. Of course Reminiscent would be so irresponsible to try and save some overgrown rat. It must be easier to focus her attention and energies on saving the life of a nobody than trying to fix her relationship with her sister. It was just how things were now, their relationship so shattered that they could no longer truly face one another. Easier for Cacophony to focus her life outside of the pack and Reminiscent to show affection to a lesser creature.

"Damn it," she muttered underneath her breath. The words earned a curiously arched brow from another pack member, but they were wise enough not to question the irate female. Instead, they left Cacophony alone to stalk back towards her own empty den. There was not much in it worth of value, a desolate space that was easy for Cacophony to sleep, wake up, and then leave again. She much preferred her family's den, but she was too old to return there and too stubborn to admit that she wanted to.

She was drifting apart from them, allowing herself to accept seclusion because it was easier than dealing with Reminiscent. To deal with her sister was to deal with her own death... and she was not ready for that.

(WC: 556)