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Dancer's Guest Room

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Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:19 am
This is the guest room given to Dancer while he's in the Demon Realm. As one of Sebatet's godchildren, he was given the royal treatment. Including the best healers in the realm to fix the damage done to him by the Church's Healers. Of all those rescued that day, he'd been in the worst condition so Lareth's healers had been offered and accepted.

There's a dresser that he doesn't use. Same with the closet. He's mainly been using the bed. The healers had been using the bedside tables. The servants had been feeding him with trays that sat over his lap that they took with them when he was finished eating. No one trusted him with weapons right now.

Every day, his schedule was very predictable. Breakfast, healing, nap, lunch, afternoon break in the garden, nap, healing, nap, dinner, sleep. That was his schedule. And he hated every bit of it.

Unfortunately, with the level of damage he'd taken, the healing hurt as much as the torture had. But he'd gotten very good at simply moving through the motions and dealing with the pain.

The room is decorated in soothing browns and greens, neutral and natural colors and tones to keep him calm and cooperative...  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:43 pm
Red Gypsy

Amir pushed Dancer's wheelchair into the room he'd been given after the maid finally accepted that the two men didn't need any help and left them alone. He looked around with a bored expression. "The room is nice, I suppose," he said, clearly not too impressed by their living arrangements. "Not sure how I feel about the color of the decorations, though. Everything is so calm and dull. It could really use more interesting colors. Maybe some dark blue or gold. But it'll do."

He pushed Dancer over to the bed and easily lifted him out of the wheelchair again, taking great care not to cause him any pain in the process. He helped him settle into the bed and pulled the covers over his legs. His attention was soon captured by the healers entering to prepare for their session with Dancer. He frowned and stepped between the healers and the bed. "I take it that you're the healers that have been attending to him thus far." He waited a moment for them to confirm and then took a step toward them all. "Good. That saves me the trouble of finding you later. Your services are no longer needed. He is now my charge, and it is my duty to care for him. Your healing services were far too painful, so I've taken over his healing, effective immediately. Please make sure to let the necessary authorities know." He waved them off as they protested, looking a bit impatient until they finally got annoyed and stormed out.

He shifted his attention back to Dancer. "Now that that's taken care of, you can feel free to get some sleep. I believe that I'll do the same. I'll need to stay in peak condition to make the healing go more smoothly." As he spoke, he stepped around to the side of the bed and slipped into bed next to Dancer. "The bed is comfortable, at least." He adjusted the blankets so they were covering them both and then gave Dancer a slight smile as he pulled him in a bit closer. "This probably sounds weird, but you'll heal a bit faster with cuddling. Magic is always flowing around my body, so physical contact while we rest will help to make the process go a bit faster and make sure that you won't be feeling any pain when you wake up. Plus, you'll find that I'm warmer than any blanket, so you'll never get cold with me here. And it means that I can keep a closer eye on you."

Dameon Black

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:59 pm
Dameon Black

Dancer was fine with everything so far. He expressed that he didn't care what Amir did to the room because it was a guest room and not his own suite at home. He really didn't care that much.

He did enjoy seeing the healers pushed out, though. Really enjoying seeing them put down for the pain he'd been dealing with. Maybe a little petty, but it still felt a little good. Not one of them had been up to Hal's caliber as a healer and they all knew it. Lareth's former steward was a legend in the demon realm for a number of reasons, his healing ability only one of those reasons.

Then he got a surprise he wasn't so sure he liked. Amir got into the bed...

As the male settled in against Dancer and even settled in to cuddle, Dancer had to speak up, "This would be alot more flattering if you hadn't paid more attention to every single other male in the castle but me. While I'm not interested in another relationship, it's still not very good manners to focus on everyone to the exclusion of the one you're supposed to be focused on. In fact, it's bad manners and certainly makes the people you're with feel like they're lower than dirt. A little more proper focus on your part might put you in a better light with Ra," he advised simply then turned on his side away from the male and let him do as he wished.

Some part of him was still a soul-healer and it wouldn't let him go. He really didn't want to help others right now. Right now, he wanted the same healing he'd given to so many others. He wanted that for himself, for a change. But part of him still had to offer some kind of help to the male even though it left him foundering a bit.

"Just think about it. While I'm asleep, do whatever you want to the room. As long as you don't try to blind me with it, I really don't care that much. My suite at home is sacred territory, though. You can't do anything to that..." he added, making sure that that one boundary was in place before they went much further.

Of course, if Amir looked at his suite at home, he'd find out that Dancer had a much kinkier side than even Amir might be comfortable with...  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:45 pm
Red Gypsy

Amir bit his lip a bit when he heard what Dancer had to say about the way he had paid more attention to every single other male in the castle but him on the way here. He started to feel bad about making Dancer feel the way he was detailing. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way," he said, a bit of guilt clear in his voice. "You're right about all of that. I need to work on my focus quite a bit when it comes to my charges. That's the reason I got put with you in the first place. I see an attractive man, and my brain stops working for a bit. That's why my father demoted from being his warrior."

He sighed when Dancer turned onto his side, facing away from him. "I really am sorry. I'll try to be better from now on. I'll try to be a guide worthy of you." He thought about saying more but wasn't really sure what he could say. Dancer was absolutely right when he said that it was bad manners. It was something that he had been lectured about several times before. Being told that he had bad manners didn't usually bother him, but something about Dancer being the one to say it did. Dancer had made it clear that he didn't really care about much right now. If he had commented on it, Amir had really gotten to a new low point.

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "You are absolutely gorgeous, Dancer. You're the type of man that I would normally be paying attention to instead of everyone else nearby. But I don't feel right ogling you like that while you're in your current state. I probably won't even feel right about it after you've been healed. It's like I can see into you properly instead of just seeing the face most people let others see. And now that I've gotten a glimpse of you and your actual feelings, I can't make myself see you like I see other men." He sighed again. "I inherited a god's sex drive, but not the control. And I haven't had much luck with getting myself under control any of the times I was told I needed to. But I'll try for you. I'll really try. Because you deserve a guide who will give you the attention you need, and I want to be that guide for you. So please bear with me for now. This may be a bit of a learning experience for me."

Dameon Black

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:07 am
Dameon Black

Dancer shook his head slightly and had to give a soft chuckle over the situation he was now in. It was really too funny in a massive sense of irony. He simply couldn't help it, the humor was there even if it was twisted.

"Someone has a sense of irony on a massive scale..." he said to himself then knew that he had to explain. He silently hoped that the male would forgive him for it in the end.

He turned onto his back, silently grateful for the pain relief that allowed the movement to be pain free, and looked up at him with his emerald and blue harlequined eyes with that small smile playing about his lips, "They put a hyaena with a leopard, the irony is actually funny. They also put someone with an uncontrollable sex drive with someone that's got a playroom set up and has no problem with kinky sex that would probably make you blush. They also sent a healer for a healer... Before they took me and did this to me, I was a soul-healer... My father healed the body and I healed the soul..." he explained, unable to keep from giving another soft chuckle over it.

Little did he realize that the hint of a smile actually increased his attractiveness, even with the damage he'd taken. He was still beautiful, but it held a tragic quality to it now. He would eventually heal and return to his former glory.

But it was his soul and spirit that had taken the hardest hit. The loss of his father and mate weighed heaviest on him. As did the realization that only he and Wind had been tortured - the only ones with same-sex preferences. But he hadn't spoken of that yet, only the losses and his wish to join them.

The focus for now, though, was the massive weight of irony that would probably shock Amir. Hyaena and Leopard, both animals were supposed to be natural enemies. The sex drive issue they both had, though it would take time to respark Dancer's drive. And the healer for a healer issue... That last one was truly funny in Dancer's opinion...  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:41 am
Red Gypsy

Amir regarded Dancer curiously when he heard his soft chuckle. He tilted his head a bit as he heard the mention of someone having a massive sense of irony. He finally took a moment to pay attention to Dancer's scent beyond just the injuries and was surprised to find out what Dancer was. How had he not noticed before? It really didn't matter that much to him because it didn't change what he had to do, but it only reminded him of what he was doing wrong. If he hadn't even noticed that Dancer was a leopard shifter, he had a lot of work to do on his focus.

He thought over what else Dancer said and had to chuckle a bit as well. "It almost seems like they put me with you as a joke, doesn't it?" he asked, unable to suppress a grin. "I mean, they put two natural enemies together without letting me know ahead of time. And that comment about kinky sex just makes me want to laugh more. They put someone who keeps getting constantly reprimanded about being a slut with someone that would be the ideal partner under better circumstances. It really does seem like it should be a bad joke."

He stopped talking for a moment as he started to laugh at how they seemed to be both mismatched and perfectly matched at the same time. It seemed like his father had more of a sense of humor than he had thought. He stopped laughing after a moment and looked Dancer over again. "At least we work with two different forms of healing. Placing someone who excels at physical healing with a soul-healer doesn't actually seem like the most ridiculous thing to me. It means that the two of us together could make for a pretty perfect medical team if we felt like it."

He went quiet again for a moment and then shifted to be a bit closer to Dancer again. "It's nice to see you smiling a bit, Dancer. I hope that I can make you smile more in our time together." He understood his task now. He wasn't just here to heal Dancer physically He would have to find some way to heal the damage to Dancer's heart and soul. It wasn't a task that would be simple for him. He had never taken the time to figure out what to do to fix emotional pain. Hell, he had even caused quite a bit of that pain himself. But seeing Dancer in that moment made him want to try. He genuinely wanted to give Dancer everything he would need to want to live again. It would be a difficult task for someone like him, but now he felt that it would be worth every bit of effort it would take to do it.

Dameon Black

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:37 pm
Dameon Black

Dancer's laughter faded but he kept a bemused expression on his face as he listened to the male speak and finally shook his head a little bit, "I can probably help you with the focus thing, Amir..." he offered softly then gave a soft sigh as the rest hit him.

His smile faded as well as he thought about the rest and he had to tell him the rest, "As for anything more... You know how badly they tortured me... How inventive they were... Having a lover again would have to wait until I can be fully healed and even then... Well... Sensation would be a bit of a problem... I'm not sure it would be possible..." he said in a soft whisper, not daring to say it any louder just yet.

The Hunters had been particularly visious with him and Wind, mainly because they preferred male lovers. But with Dancer... He was bisexual, though his preference was for men. So they'd done their best to keep him from doing anything with either... At that point he'd realized that they didn't intend to just take down Sebastet's sanctuary... They'd intended to destroy them all in the most painful ways possible...

He reached a hand up and gently let one finger move over Amir's cheek then let his hand drop to his chest, shaking his head a bit again, "So you'd have to learn patience as well... Something I'm fairly certain that you're not very good at..." he added, knowing that the male would have to get the point...

While he was watching over Dancer, he'd have to be effectively celibate until Dancer was healed enough for anything else...

Yeah... Ra was being both harsh with Amir's newest task... And a bit of a matchmaker...  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:52 pm
Red Gypsy

"I'll need whatever help I can get when it comes to focusing on what's important," Amir admitted, somewhat embarrassed that he would need so much help from the charge he was supposed to be helping. But he could deal with the embarrassment if it meant that he became better. Seeing Dancer and speaking with him had finally made him realize that he had a few serious problems. He couldn't just write them off as personality quirks that weren't hurting anyone like he had before. He was able to see the problems for what they were.

He sighed as he heard Dancer detail the problems with having a lover again. "I can get you back to your former state. It'll take time to heal the damage and make sure that the things like your voice and ability to feel sensation are back to normal, but I can do it. I can even do it without causing you anymore pain. It just means that you'll have to be stuck with me for a while. You won't have a lot of privacy, either. I'll have to be by your side pretty much every second of the day, with only a few exceptions. I'm sure you can figure out what those exceptions are."

He closed his eyes for a moment as Dancer mentioned that he'd have to learn patience. Dancer was absolutely right when he said that he was fairly certain that being patient was something Amir was bad at. That was really a bit of an understatement. Dancer had already seen Amir at his most patient. So he definitely had a lot of work to do. He couldn't remember ever going without sex for as long as he would have to now, but he would just have to figure it out. Even if he didn't end up doing anything with Dancer after he was healed, he couldn't exactly play with any of the men here. He really didn't do quick flings. When he found a partner, he had a tendency to disappear for days at a time. And that was something that he just couldn't do, since it would mean neglecting Dancer and failing him as a guardian.

He shivered a bit as the full implications hit him. "I said that it would be a learning experience. I just didn't know the full extent until now." He gave Dancer a slight smile. "I'll try my hardest to be patient, Dancer. I'll try my hardest not to get distracted by the pretty men around here as well. It'll be really hard for me, but I think that I can do it. I think that it'll be worth the effort to become a better guide and guardian. And I hope that you'll agree with me by the end."

Dameon Black

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:06 pm
Dameon Black

Dancer listened to him then considered something that would make things easier on both of them. He just had to figure out how to word it right. It was a little conflicting for him, but he thought it would be for the best. And it might help Amir understand him better in the end...

"There's a possibility that might make things easier on us both..." he started, then hesitated a bit more, though he wasn't sure why, "We could go back to my own rooms instead of here. It's back at Sebastet's castle, on the island she took over, back in the human realm. The island's secure now. Though the tower I live in is probably the safest place there since Sebastet lives on the top floor and I live on the second floor..." he stopped there, thinking that he might be rambling a bit instead of simply explaining.

In truth, he'd be more comfortable in his own bed. For Amir, most of the servants were female and all of the servants were human. There were others that lived there, other residents that might be tempting for the demigod, but they were resistant in one way or another. Most of them were either taken, claimed, not interested in men, or would drive Amir bonkers in five sentences.

Plus, it would let Amir see how he lived.

It would be a little difficult because he'd lived there with Michael for so long, but he knew he'd have to get over that hurdle sooner or later. Better to rip the bandage off instead of picking at the wound...  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:48 pm
Red Gypsy

Amir listened closely to what Dancer had to say, clearly taking his thoughts on the matter very seriously. He'd figured out that Dancer knew what he was talking about with these sorts of things, so he was paying close attention. He thought about Dancer's suggestion, looking him over carefully as he did so. He could tell that Dancer was a bit hesitant to bring it up and was able to put a few things together. If Dancer's Mate had lived there with him, it would probably hurt to go back there.

"If you want to go back there, then I think that we should go," he said. "I've already made my thoughts on this room clear, and you clearly don't care for it either. You don't seem to care much for anything here, really. I can understand how you would want to go back to your own home instead of staying here. It would probably do you some good to get back to your own bed, too."

He looked him over again as he adjusted his position a bit. "And since you said that it would make it easier for me as well, I'm guessing that there won't be as many pretty men there to distract me. That'll make things so much easier for me. Cutting out the distractions would definitely be for the best. But we do need to sort out a few things. Do you want to go right now or get some rest first? And do we need to tell the people here before we get you back to your room in Sebastet's castle?"

Dameon Black

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:41 pm
Dameon Black

Dancer gave a nod and relaxed back onto the bed, closing his eyes, "I just need to leave a note for Lareth that I'm going home. He'll accept it. At least I'll be where Sebatet can bully me if she needs to," he said then gave a shrug of one shoulder, "That's it. That done and we can go," he added, knowing that Lareth was the only one here he had to deal with.

Gypsy was over at the training fort and would wonder why he waited to talk to her. Ash had gone back to Sebastet's as well, as Lareth's representative. That one would probably be Amir's only temptation, but Ash was so far out of his league that there wouldn't be a problem there.

So that was it. One note and they could leave...  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:43 pm
Red Gypsy

Amir listened to Dancer say that he would just need to leave a note for Lareth and they could go. "Give me a moment to get you paper and a pen, then," he said. He got out of bed and looked around the room for a moment. It didn't take too long for him to find a clipboard that the healers had kept on one of the tables to help keep track of Dancer's progress. He looked over their notes for a moment but didn't really find anything of interest. It didn't look like they had really made much progress with Dancer. He found a blank piece of paper and moved it to the front.

He held the clipboard out to Dancer with a smile. "Here you go. You can write your note on this and then we'll go. Might want to get it written pretty quickly, though. I can use my magic to move us to where we want to go, but I won't be able to do it after sunset. My magic doesn't work super well at night. So we'll be stuck here for the night if we don't get going soon." He tried to make sure that he didn't come across as impatient, because he wasn't actually trying to be in this instance. It was just a simple fact that he wouldn't have enough power to move them back to the castle once the sun went down.

Dameon Black

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:29 am
Dameon Black

Dancer shook his head slightly then took the clipboard and wrote out his note, frowning a bit when his hand shook for the whole thing. Then again, he wasn't entirely up to strength just yet, so it was to be expected.

He passed the board back and watched as Amir set it on the end table. At least Lareth would know what happened to him and wouldn't worry.

Then he let Amir take him home....  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:53 am
Red Gypsy
(Here's Amir's exit post.)

Amir watched Dancer as he took the clipboard and started to write his note, frowning a bit when he saw Dancer's hand shaking. He would have to see about helping with that soon. He took the clipboard back from him when the note was done and sat it on the end table. He sat back down on the edge of the bed and reached out to take Dancer's hand for a moment. "You'll probably feel really warm for a moment," he said. "It shouldn't be unpleasant or anything, but I thought that I should give you a quick warning first." He gave Dancer a moment to ready himself, and then the light in the room began to grow brighter. There was a sudden flash, and the two of them were gone.

Dameon Black

Demon Realm

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