The sun was hot but the breeze was cool as Kawai strolled down the sands, her toes occasionally touched by the water as the waves rolled in. This was her favorite spot in the pride by far - she assumed it was lots of her fellow pride member's favorite place - and, like any good Bahari, she felt a strong connection to the water. Her connection was a bit different from the rest of the pride, though, as she and her siblings had been found floating in the sea before being claimed by Ram and Hima as their children. The sound of the waves was always a comfort to her and now and then she'd paddle out to where she couldn't touch to let the waves rock her as they had when she and her siblings had been found.

A little roar drew her attention to the rocky tide pools down the beach a ways. They were high and dry right now thanks to it being low tide and a little cub was chasing a crab that was scuttling around on the sand. A smile crossed her muzzle as she headed for the black and white female, watch her try to catch her 'prey'.

Malie was very intent on her catch, pouncing after the crab with a focused gaze and a thrashing tail. She was always on the move, rambunctious even for a cub, and was often left playing on her own when her siblings got too tired or fed up to keep going. She could play from dawn til dusk, only stopping when her mother or father came to fetch her.

For now this crab was her friend even if it pinched sometimes. Still, what was a little pinch or scratch between friends? She was careful not to crush it with her paws when she pounced, having done that once already to a different crab and finding out quickly that it couldn't survive.

"Almost gotcha!" she cried, swatting the crab to send it spinning towards the water. As it scuttled off she bounded after it, too intent to notice how close to the water she was starting to get. Thankfully Kawai broke into a trot just in time to cut off the cub, her small head bonking into Kawai's legs.

"Ouch! Oh, sorry," Malie said, glancing up from her spot in the sand. The abrupt change in momentum had sent her tumbling. "I was chasing a crab and didn't see you."

"That's all right," Kawai said, reaching down to nudge the cub's head with her nose to make sure she hadn't been too hurt. "You were getting a little close to the water is all. I didn't want you to get swept up in the waves." Both lions peered towards the water in time to see the crab wooshed away by one of those waves, safe in the sea away from tiny paws.

"Aw...I was playing with that," Malie said with a little huff, looking put-out but understanding that the water was dangerous. She wished she could just run on the sand without having to worry about water. That would be so much more fun! Once she was old enough to go in she'd see if it was worth waiting for, but honestly the sea held little appeal to the black and white cub.

"I'm sorry, dear," Kawai said with a soft chuckle to which Malie wrinkled her nose. Dear? Who even said that?

"What's your name?" she asked, peering up at the larger lioness. Kawai smiled warmly down at her, amused that there were finally lions in the pride that didn't know her on sight. Granted this was just a cub and probably hadn't been out and about yet to know who was related to royalty, nor the story of her and her siblings.

"My name is Kawai. What's yours, oh fierce crab fighter?"

"Malie," the cub said proudly, finally getting to her paws. "I fight other things too. Starfish. Regular fish. My brothers and sisters. Sometimes my mom and dad but they let me win too fast so it's not that fun." The way Malie spoke made Kawai bite her tongue to keep from laughing aloud. She was so serious and proud of her accomplishments! She'd make a great guard one day if the laid back life of the pride didn't get to her first.

"Well, I feel very safe around you then. You seemed to know all about fighting."

"I do," Malie said seriously, her nose in the air with pride. "I do it every day so I can get big and strong like my dad. Then I'll be able to beat anyone that shows up that isn't nice." Kawai thought back to the dark lions who had torn her whole world apart and wondered if more lions like Malie - obviously old enough to hold their own - would have been beneficial. There were strong lions here and talented guards but they were certainly not a pride known for its defensive and battle prowess.

"Well Malie, some day you will be big and strong and I think you'll be a great lioness," Kawai confirmed, reaching out to gently ruffle Malie's lightly curled fur. The cub giggled, breaking character for a moment as she swatted at the large paw above her playfully.

"You wanna fight Kawai?" she asked hopefully, looking up at the blue lioness with wide, honest eyes. How could she say no to that?

"Well, I'm not much of a fighter, but I'll try my best...if you can catch me!" Kawai jumped over Malie much to the little cub's delight and loped off slowly down the beach, making sure to head away from the water. Malie didn't hesitate to race after her, laughing the whole way and announcing she'd catch her and pounce on her and tackle her to the ground. Kawai set their path for the jungle rather than the sands just so they wouldn't end up too close to the water again, calling back to encourage Malie to keep up.

The two lionesses made it to the treeline and disappeared within, the sounds of their laughter and Malie's shrieks of delight as she got closer slowly fading away.

WC: 1032