Stag Jump was a lot of things. He was a Recruiter and Scout to his pack, The Murkwood Court. As such, he was allowed certain freedoms when it came to searching for wolves to bring back to the pack. He'd already found two wolves, a singing bard named Hazel and a wolf that must've been dipped in dye as a pup, given how much green had been painted onto his fur! He was always happy to go out and recruit for his pack, for goodness knew they needed the extra forces. Besides, now that rogues were being allowed into the pack, thanks to the decision of the Elders, that gave him all the more reason to bring the right ones home!

As a Scout, he made a point of being alert whenever he went out, keeping his ears perked and his eyes keen for any sign or mention of the Trolls, that had terrorized his pack. Never again, he vowed. Not if he could help it. He always gave great care to the wolves he brought back to the pack, checking them for the savagery or the tale tell markings that would place them as a Troll. Luckily, he had yet to encounter any such monsters and he hoped that he never would again.

As a Scout, and perhaps as an elf, his ears were especially tuned in for gossip and rumors. Gossip was always plentiful in the Court and he was happy to do his part to circulate it and dig up the facts where he could. More time than not, he was putting new rumors in, from his travels with newcomers and the like. With his ears so great at picking up things and his mind so determined to prevent the Trolls from ever coming near the borders of the Court, Stag Jump lunged at the rumor he picked up from a passing wolf, about the great shadows passing around the Bluestone mountains and about the flame in the sky, accompanied by strange echoing sounds around the peaks of the mountain range. Then, from another stranger, there was the mention of a rare Phoenix. Now, Stag Jump hadn't traveled with some of his pack mates through the Veil, but he did know that magical beasts existed and it sounded like this one was meant to bring good things, to any that could find it.

And so his adventure began. He traveled away from his pack grounds, further than he had before, but stayed in the mountains. He kept his cloak tightly fastened around his shoulders, a helping aide against the chill that grew only heavier as he continued up the peak. He had heard mentions of other wolves going to investigate the rumors, which quickened his pace. In order to make the news, you had to be the first to do something magnificent and Stag Jump was determined to be the first to get there.

He started at the base of the tallest Bluestone mountain and hurried on, relieved that his experience traveling out frequently was keeping his paws steady. That he knew where to go to avoid falling or tripping, that he felt confident as he progressed ever further up the hill. It was when the rain began that he started to feel anxious. With a damp muzzle and blurry vision, he continued his trek forward, thinking about all the glory he would bring back for the Court. Phoenixes were said to be a sign of good fortune and immense power. Goodness knew that the Court needed that power as a good defense against the Trolls and if he could bring it back to them, then he would be seen as a hero!

He was so lost in his thoughts of glory that he almost didn't hear the sounds of a rumbling ahead of him, but it was when he felt the ground under his paws begin to slide that he looked up to see several rocks plummeting towards him, as though they were tossed from the top of the peak. Now, Stag Jump's name was given to him not because of his athletic ability, but his ability to jump to conclusions based on rumors. Luckily for him, that day was one where he was able to jump to safety just as well. Leaping to the side and clamoring over to a cliff and securing himself underneath the ledge. Rocks spilled over the sides of the small shelter and he pressed himself against the mountain's side, thankful for the area he'd found. He watched as the rocks tumbled down the mountain side and only when he waited long moments after things stilled, did he venture out again.

The rain still pelted down on the terrain, but it appeared that the rockslide was over. With a frantic heartbeat, Stag Jump wondered if it would just be worth it to return to the pack and keep his head down for a while, but... no. He had to do this. He had to do it for the good of the Court and the elves that resided within it.

They'll think so highly of me when I bring good fortune and power back to the pack. He thought. Bringing in such an asset as the one I'm about to find... why, they might make me an Elder right on the spot! Not that he'd like to be an Elder, but that was besides the point. Snapdragon will be so impressed, too. And maybe the Terran will look at me with pride in their eyes. He thought, his tail wagging behind them. They won't think of me as the Mushroom Dancer any longer, they'll think of me as Stag Jump, Hero of the Court! He pressed forward, the cold biting into him like the snapping jaws of another wolf. He pressed forward, his paws bleeding from the sharp rocks he tread upon. He pressed forward... and he made it to the top of the peak.

Panting, he came over the top and felt immediately warm. His fur and cloak dried the moment he came into the nest of the large bird. He watched the bird, awestruck and unknowing what was to come next. He couldn't stare at her gaze too long, for it seemed to burn into him and he feared he may go blind. Luckily, his attention was diverted when he saw it shift, saw her shift he realized, once he saw the eggs. He looked up at her when she told him that he might take one as a reward. Even her voice was warm...

Not about to refuse such an offer, he carefully took the egg into his paws. Unclasping his cloak, he let it flutter around him and he wrapped it around the egg, bundling it so that he could carry it back in his mouth, rather than risk rolling it downhill or staying in the nest himself for it to hatch. Waiting a bit longer, to see if the Phoenix had any guidance on the care for his new egg, when he was certain their encounter was over, he picked up his precious bundle and started to make his way downhill.

Won't the Elders and Court be surprised. He thought with a grin on his face, finding the trek down more pleasant as the storm had passed on. May this be the beginning of my good fortune.

WC: 1230