Characters: Yorshka, Aldan, Necro, Lure, Thief

The feeling was surreal as the veil warped around his form. It felt as if there was tugging and pulling on all parts of his body as he felt to the ground with an ‘oof’. His wisp fluttered anxiously, buzzing with a slight hum against his ear. The ethereal came to quickly, eyes snapping open as he lifted himself from his sprawled position on the ground. Yorshka lay next to him, unconscious.

The male’s eyes widened as he was quick to her side. “Yorshka. Yorshka…” He called out, nudging the pale form, attempting to rouse her with no avail. “Come on, get up.” The male looked around. This world was different than theirs. The thorned plants that surrounded the veil were gone, replaced with rocklike formations. The swirl of the veil shimmered, as if tempting any to enter once more. As much as Aldan was ready to race back towards the comfort of home, he couldn’t. They had a mission. They had to see it through.

First things first. Get Yorshka up! But how? He hummed in slight panic. Maybe there was someone around that could help him. But…he couldn’t just leave her by herself here. What if she woke?

But what if she didn’t wake? No. No he would not think like that.

Someone had to be able to help them!

“Stay here,” he instructed to his wisp. “Do not let her out of your site.” With a quick glance to Yorshka, a frown, he was gone. He needed to get help.


Aldan was gone for a long while, leaving the two Wisps to look after his sleeping lover, however, something in the distance caused them to stir, fluttering over to where the pale wolf lay. "Mistress, please, wake up!" her own bonded Wisp begged as the ball of light did it's best to wake her. "Someone is coming."

Thump. Thump. Thump. Then the thumping stopped. Before them stood two large wolves, one panted in red, the other masked by white. They flashed their fangs at the balls of light, smirking darkly between themselves. "What have we here... "the female chuckled as she moved to stand over Yorshka, dragging a claw up her side. "Wake up little flower."

Heavy paws would wake the fallen wolf as her eyes struggled to find focus. “What….” Yorshka spoke she could feel something sharp crawl up her side, something unfamiliar. The Ethereal quickly jerked her head as her eyes darted open. “Get away from me!” as she called out both Wisps found protection beneath her paws, hiding from the two strangers.

"This Little Flower has thorns." the large female joked as she used an elbow to prod at her male counterpart. "What do you think she is? I've not seen a wolf like this before." As the female spoke the male simply stood tall and stoic, glaring down pale wolf beneath them.

"What is your name, girl?" the larger male demanded with a frown.

For a second Yorshka wondered if lying to them about her name would be the best route to take, however it wasn't in her nature to lie... so she found herself giving them her name willingly. Maybe they wanted to help? Maybe judging them solely by their appearance wasn't fair.

"Yorshka..." she mumbled under a soft sigh.

"Yorshka." the female chuckled. "What a peculiar name."

Unaware of how to respond she simply sat still, clasping the two little Wisps between her paws. "My mate left me to find help." She admitted glancing down, was it a good idea to be talking to them like this? Being so open could be seen as a weakness. Still, if Yorshka had any hope of finding her way around this new land she needed to make friends.

I'm sure he'll be back any moment now." She tried to reassure herself at least.

"Oh, I don't think so." the female wolf mused. "With the the opening of that stupid portal the whole damn forest is up in arms, I've no doubt that your dearly beloved will be lost for hours." she paused between words. "That is - if he ever makes it back at all. The Redwoods are vast, and I'm going to assume you're not from around here."


How long had he been gone? Where in the world were the critters of this world? Was life void in this dilapidated forest? Yorshka needed help.

The ethereal searched the mangled woods, gazing here, there and practically everywhere to find the slightest of movement to indicate someone was near.

Nothing. Not a thing.

And to make matters worse, everything looked the same. How was he supposed to get back to Yorshka now? He closed his eyes, feeling the small pulse from the veil, motioning, pulling him. A sigh of relief as he at least could figure that part out. But, what of Yorshka?

“You look lost.” A voice came from the shadows, approaching the strange wolf. He was stockier in size, his bright blue practically glowing against the otherwise dead-like woods. Strange. The beserker though, looking over the creature. Haven’t seen a wolf like this before. The veil was proving to garner some stranger creatures.

“Who are you?” Aldan asked suspiciously, eyes narrowing at the other’s approach.

“Ah, but naught a mere Beserker searching for some hmm what did they call it ‘frilly pink flowers’ here in the Redwoods.

Aldan’s wisp stayed beneath Yorshka’s paws. His wings buzzed quickly, making small vibrations underneath as he pushed to try and get out.


"Why are you saying these things?" she questioned with a deep frown. "He'll be back, he has to come back, he always comes back."

"Who are you trying to kid? It sounds to me like the convincing you're doing this for yourself." The female snickered in delight.

"Silence." The larger creature flexed shoulders back when she stood tall, speaking again, only this time his tone was slightly deeper. "Why are you in need of help? You said he left to get help, what help do you need?" The question was fair, Yorshka had opened the door to it after all.

"We came to the portal and I hit my head." She admitted with a slight nod. "I assume he went to get help for that reason." As the Wisps beneath her paws struggled against her she held them even tighter, wanting no harm to come to them.

"So you are from the other side?" he asked sharply.

"I am." She answered firmly.

"What brings you here?" The male asked, cocking a brow.

"I had visions that brought me to this place."